Tuesday 31 October 2023

The Solemnity of All Saints - (Special) 2023

  The Solemnity of All Saints - (Special) 2023

Readings for

First Reading: Revelation 7:2-4. 9-14
Psalm: Ps 23:1-6 "Lord, this is the people that longs to see your face."
Second Reading: 1 John 3:1-3
Gospel Acclamation: Matthew 11:28 
Come to me all you that labour and are burdened, and I will give you rest, says the Lord.
Gospel: Matthew 5:1-

Image Credit: Shutterstock Photo ID: 2347316281 Candle lights on graves and tombstones at a cemetery in Poland during All Saints Day, Zaduszki day, and Day of the Dead. Lit candles illuminate the graves at a Christian cemetery at night.Photo Contributor: Mazur Travel

Please listen to the audio-recordings of the Mass – (Readings, prayers and homily), for All Saints - First November, 2023 by clicking this link here https://soundcloud.com/user-633212303/faith-hope-and-love-the-solemnity-of-all-saints-special-2023


Prologue: This feast began in the East to commemorate all martyrs and was progressively adopted in the West. Celebrated on this day in the eighth century and soon widely observed. Honoured today are all holy men and women in glory with Christ: known or unknown, mighty, or lowly, all whose lives were modelled on the Beatitudes and on the great commandment of love.


The feast of "All Saints" is the feast of all Christians. In fact, being a disciple of Jesus implies striving to be holy as our heavenly Father is holy (Mt 5:48). We are all called to holiness…  and we are all called to be saints…  In fact, in the early years of the church, the Saints was a title used to describe members of the Christian Church living and dead…  since eternal life with Christ begins with baptism….  It has already begun but is not fully revealed…. 

Matthew's Gospel tells us that those who are sensitive to the needs of the poor will enter the kingdom.

The eight beatitudes speak to us of the fundamental attitudes of Jesus' disciples and of all Christians. Disciples must totally trust God (poor in spirit); they must share the suffering of others (those who weep). Just as the Lord is, (Mt 11:30), so too must we be kind to others (the meek). They must fervently want justice to reign in this world (those who hunger and thirst for righteousness). Moreover, disciples must bear in their hearts the poor (the needy) - they must be ready to soften their hearts to those who are trying to turn back ..(the merciful). They must be consistent and upright in their lives (the pure in heart). They must do their best to establish peace as the outcome of justice (the peacemakers). All of this means that they will be opposed by those who refuse to recognize the rights of others (the persecuted for righteousness' sake).  Matthews Gospel goes on to put this in practical terms….. disciples are those who feed the hungry, give a drink to the thirsty, etc., in other words, those who are committed to the needy. The poor in spirit translate their love of God and of others by being in solidarity with the real poor in a material sense. In their actions for the poor, the marginalized, and the oppressed, they will encounter Jesus himself: "you did it to me." And encountering the Lord is a grace.

As Pope Saint John Paul II wrote, "It is impossible to embrace the cause of the poor, and in doing so, verify our fidelity to Christ (see John Paul II, On Human Work, no. 8), without causing resistance and hostility, without going through "the great ordeal" (Rv 7:14). Receiving the grace of being children of God (1 Jn 3:1) involves creating practical and authentic friendship and justice in our society."

Having said all this, we have known many people like this…   we know them now…  in our families, in our friends, colleagues, members of our communities…   People who have modelled in their lives, their attitudes and decisions have lived the Beatitudes…  so they saw God as he really is… and continue to see him in Heaven. 

This feast is especially for all the unnamed saints,… officially proclaimed saints have their own special feasts and memorials.. (though of course they are included today), but this is especially the feast day of the saints not listed on earthly books, but listed in God's book of life…  and we have known them.. we have lived with them.. we have been inspired by them…  we hope to join them in heaven…  

Sometimes the practicality of the Beatitudes is illustrated best by contrast…  those who are puffed up and proud, and self-focused…  those without empathy for others…  those who refuse to be kind…. Those who make excuses for injustices when they could do something to help… those who are violent and ruthless to those who cry out to mercy -even those whose predicament is sometimes of their own making…./   These people are not the ones who will inherit the Kingdom.  The Kingdom is NOT inherited by those who crush others under their feet on their way to their goals…  they are not those who abuse and use others for their own selfish ends… nor are they ones who have no concern for the plight of the poor, the outcast, the sinner, the needy….  The ones who see no fraternity in people of other places, cultures or situations, when these people are truly our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Rather, It is those who stand up for and with those who call for justice and peace who stand before God's presence.  

We thank and praise God for inspiring us by the close example of these wonderful 'lights of Christ in our lives'…  may we continue to live these virtues in our own lives…   The saints pray for us, before the very face of God. We are in wonderful company.
Fr Paul W. Kelly


Prologue by Fr Paul Kelly,  (Ref. Liturgy Brisbane)

GutiƩrrez, G. and Dees, C. (1997). Sharing the Word through the liturgical year. 1st ed. Maryknoll: Orbis Books. Pp. 278-9

Image Credit: ShutterStock Photo ID: 2347316281 Candle lights on graves and tombstones at a cemetery in Poland during All Saints Day, Zaduszki day, and Day of the Dead. Lit candles illuminate the graves at a Christian cemetery at night. Photo Contributor: Mazur Travel


All Saints 

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
Brothers and sisters, let us acknowledge our sins,
and so prepare ourselves to celebrate the sacred mysteries.

I confess to almighty God and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have greatly sinned, in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and in what I have failed to do, through my fault, through my fault,* through my most grievous fault; therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the Angels and Saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God.

May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life. Amen.
Lord have Mercy
Christ Have Mercy
Lord Have Mercy
Memorial Acclamation

We proclaim your Death, O Lord, and profess your Resurrection until you come again.

all saints PREFACE

Euch prayer two 

Communion side. pwk: 
Go in peace.(glorifying the Lord by your life)

Archive of homilies and reflections: http://homilycatholic.blogspot.com.au
To contact Fr. Paul, please email: paulwkelly68@gmail.com

Further information relating to the audio productions linked to this Blog:
"Faith, Hope and Love - Christian worship and reflection" - Led by Rev Paul Kelly

Prayers and chants — Roman Missal, 3rd edition, © 2010, The International Commission on English in the liturgy. (ICEL)

Scriptures - New Revised Standard Version: © 1989, and 2009 by the NCC-USA. (National Council of Churches of Christ - USA)

"The Psalms" ©1963, 2009, The Grail - Collins publishers.

Prayers of the Faithful - " Together we pray" by Robert Borg'. E.J. Dwyer, Publishers, (1993) . (Sydney Australia).

Sung "Mass In Honour of St. Ralph Sherwin" - By Jeffrey M. Ostrowski. The Gloria, Copyright © 2011 ccwatershed.org.

- "Faith, Hope and Love" theme hymn - in memory of William John Kelly - Inspired by 1 Corinthians 13:1-13. Music by Paul W. Kelly. Arranged and sung, with additional lyrics by Stefan Kelk. 2019.

"Quiet Time." Instrumental Reflection music. Written by Paul W Kelly. 1988, 2007. & This arrangement: Stefan Kelk, 2020.

- "Today I Arise" - For Trisha J Kelly. Original words and music by Paul W. Kelly. Inspired by St Patrick's Prayer. Arranged and sung, with additional lyrics by Stefan Kelk. 2019.

[ Production - KER - 2023]

May God bless and keep you.



Friday 27 October 2023

SPCP newsletter: Sunday, October 29, 2023 - Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Year A

  PDF version of this parish newsletter *PDF here*

You can also access an online -web- copy of the newsletter *Webcopy here*

Surfers Paradise Catholic Parish E-Newsletter

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility -  https://brisbanecatholic.org.au/safeguarding

This is Kombumerri Country - The Traditional Custodians of this region. (see here)

Parish Office (new): (07) 5671 7388 (9 am – 12 pm Mon-Fri) 

Email: surfers@bne.catholic.net.au | Website: www.surfersparadiseparish.com.au 

Emergencies: Priest contactable via office phone (after hours follow the menu prompts)

50 Fairway Drive, Clear Island Waters, Queensland, 4226


Sunday, October 29, 2023 

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 

Year A

Readings for Sunday, October 29, 2023 - Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Year A. 

FIRST READING- Exodus 22:20-26

Ps 17:2-4. 47. 51. R. v.2I love you, Lord, my strength..”

SECOND READING- 1 Thessalonians 1:5-10

GOSPEL ACCLAMATION (John 14:23). Alleluia, alleluia! All who love me will keep my words, and my Father will love them and we will come to them.

GOSPEL- Matthew 22:34-40

“Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”  (Matthew 22:37-40)

Image Credit- Shutterstock Licensed.Stock Photo ID: 1914067168 - The Lord seeks a heart filled to overflowing with love for God and our neighbour - religious text. burning candle, cross, rosary beads, bible book on table close up. faith in God, Church. Photo Contributor: ju_see

We congratulate the Cassimatis, Petch and Littlejohn families whose children Kelani Rose, Clare Dana and Rocco George will be baptised in our Parish this week.  Please keep the Baptism families in your prayers as they begin their faith journey​. 

Many thanks to our Mission Ambassadors Maree-Elizabeth Lewis and Mark Beiers, who spoke at our World Mission Sunday appeal last week at the parish. 

Pastor’s Post: Who needs the manual when you understand the heart of the engine?

I found this reflection recently, and it has a beautiful relevance to the scriptures this weekend.  ‘

“A major hotel chain was doing extensive testing of its customers' satisfaction with the hotel. Repeatedly, one particular hotel in the chain scored highest. Upon further investigation they discovered that the employees who dealt with the customers rarely consulted the extensive manual on customer service procedures. As one happy employee put it, "Our boss just told us to listen to the customers and treat them like we would want to be treated." Instruction Manuals have their place and can come in handy. But the most important consideration, whether in customer service or living out our faith, is a question of the heart. If our hearts are in the right place--loving God and loving our neighbours--we'll know just what to do. The Bible, particularly the Gospels, ensures that we keep on track and on the right road.


“We should strive to keep our hearts open to the sufferings and wretchedness of other people and pray continually that God may grant us that spirit of compassion which is truly the spirit of God.”     --Vincent de Paul (1581-1660)

Fr Paul 

I will surely hear their cry. The reading from Exodus describes how God wants the helpless to be treated and why. How? The Israelites were not to take advantage of an alien because they had once been oppressed foreigners in Egypt; to do otherwise would be to throw God's liberation of them back in God's face as people unattached to an adult man, the widow and the orphan were particularly vulnerable. To return a cloak taken as collateral is a matter of life and death when that garment doubles as a blanket. Why act this way? Not only because it is just but also because God demands--and will enforce--this behaviour. The Lord hears the cry of the poor. In respecting the vulnerable, we do God's will.  

( ­--Joel Schorn). 

THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTRIBUTION TO THE CATHOLIC MISSION APPEAL. Please support this worthy cause of Catholic Missionary work by donating at:   https://www.catholicmission.org.au/see-our-work-in-action/timor.  



(Plus vigil Masses the night before)

Mass in this parish will be offered for this Solemnity and Commemoration at Sacred Heart Church, Clear Island Waters, For ALL SAINTS DAY and ALL SOULS DAY.   

  • TUESDAY NIGHT, 31st of October, there will be an ALL-SAINTS DAY VIGIL MASS AT 6 PM.  







Last Friday evening, Surfers Paradise Parish celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation. Vicar for Administration, our Fr Peter Dillon, was the principal celebrant on this excellent night. The children have been talking, learning and praying at home, guided by their parents and sponsors. They have completed various activities as part of an At Home Preparation for Confirmation program. We particularly thank the children, their families and guests for their respect and reverence shown during this sacred celebration. We ask the members of our Parish Family to continue to remember the children and their families in prayer. 

To begin or to continue the journey of faith with your child, please use the information provided in the table below.

Sacrament Name                  (& important Sacrament Dates for 2023)


How to enrol, or check a child’s enrolment, or request information for Sacramental Preparation Groups in Surfers Paradise Parish, 2023

Sacrament of Baptism

Celebrations of the Sacrament of Baptism occur most Sundays of the Year at 10:30 am in Sacred Heart Church.                                                                              Bookings are linked to the online enrolment form (see info on the far right). **Baptism spaces are booked out a couple of months in advance. 

Children are eligible from birth.


(The cost for the Sacrament of Baptism is $130)

To submit a Baptism enrolment for a child aged from birth to 7 years old: Go to the parish website www.surfersparadiseparish.com.au. Use the top menu bar and hover over Sacraments. Click on Baptism. Please read the baptism information and then scroll down to the blue-filled box with the link to the enrolment form you need. Click on the link in the box, complete the form and then click Submit. You should receive an automated response that the form has been received.  

To request information for Baptisms for children from birth to 7 years, Email the Parish Secretary at surfers@bne.catholic.net.au  

Baptisms for Children 7 years to 16 years: Email your interest to our Children’s Sacramental Coordinator, Cathy Anderson, at andersoncm@bne.catholic.net.au

Sacrament of Confirmation

Enrolment for Preparation for Confirmation 2023 is closed.

Dates for 2024 published by the end of December 2023.

For Baptised Children in Year 3 or greater.

To enrol:
Go to the parish website (see address above). Use the top menu bar and hover over Sacraments. Click on Confirmation. Please read the information about Confirmation and then scroll down to the blue-filled box with the link to the form that you need. Click on the link in the box; complete the enrolment application form, and click on Submit.  You should receive an automated response that the form has been received. During Term 2, Cathy Anderson will email the families of all enrolled children.
To request information:  Email our Children’s Sacramental Coordinator, Cathy Anderson andersoncm@bne.catholic.net.au                                                             

Sacrament of Eucharist                             (First Holy Communion)

Enrolments for Preparation for First Holy Communion 2024 are open.

Dates for 2024 will be published by the end of December 2023.

For children in Year 4 or greater who have been Baptised and Confirmed.

A. If your child received the sacrament of Confirmation in Surfers Paradise Parish in 2023, they will be automatically included in the group to be contacted for Preparation for First Communion. Contact will be made via email, by the Children’s Sacramental Coordinator, Cathy Anderson. The email will be sent in Term 1, 2024.
B. If your child was confirmed in Surfers Paradise Parish prior to 2023, please express your interest in joining the 2024 First Communion Group by emailing Cathy Anderson andersoncm@bne.catholic.net.au 
C. If your child was confirmed in another parish, please follow the information in the cell above, in order to complete an online enrolment application to include your child in the 2024 First Communion Group.

Sacrament of Penance (Reconciliation or Confession)

Enrolments for Preparation for first Reconciliation 2023 are closed.

Dates for 2024 will be published by the end of December 2023.

For children who have been fully initiated into the Catholic Faith. That is, they have already received the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist.

A. If your child makes their First Holy Communion in Surfers Paradise Parish in 2024, they will automatically be included in the group to be contacted for Preparation for the Sacrament of Penance (Reconciliation) later in 2024. Contact is made via email by the Children’s Sacramental Coordinator, usually during Term 3.                                         

B. If your child made their First Communion in Surfers Paradise earlier than 2023 and you wish your child to be included in the group for 2024, please email our Children’s Sacramental Coordinator, Cathy Anderson, andersoncm@bne.catholic.net.au                                          
C.  If your child made their Confirmation and First Communion in a parish other than Surfers Paradise and you wish your child to be included in the group for 2024, please email our Children’s Sacramental Coordinator, Cathy Anderson, andersoncm@bne.catholic.net.au

Parish Volunteers are still invited to walk the journey with our Catechumens and Candidates. Catechists - Sponsors - Support 

Ring the Parish Office on 07 5671 7388 between 9 am - 12 pm Monday to Friday to volunteer - thank you!                                                                                                                                                                                                    


Sacred Heart 

50 Fairway Drive

Clear Island Waters, 4226

Saturday Night - 5 pm  (Note: Reconciliations from 4-4.30 pm at Sacred Heart)

  • (Maronite Mass, 6:30 pm, Saturday Night). 

*Note: First Saturday of the month, morning Mass, Adoration and Benediction:  

9 am (Next: 4th of November, 2023)

Sunday - 9 am and 6 pm 

  • (Polish Mass 12:30 pm Sunday)

  • (Italian Mass 4 pm Sunday at Sacred Heart Church)

Weekday Masses - Monday - Friday weekday Mass - 9 a.m. 

Except - First Tuesday morning - Anointing Mass - 7th November 2023. 10 a.m. Anointing Mass. {No 9 am that day} (Last healing mass for the Year

{First Friday Night of the Month -  Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at Sacred Heart Church - First Fridays of the Month, from 7 pm to 8.30 pm.  All welcome. Enquiries: Helen 0421935678. "Could you not watch with Me for one hour?" Mt 26:40}.

St Vincent’s

40 Hamilton Avenue.

Surfers Paradise


Sunday - 8 am & 10 am 

  • (Hispanic Mass – 5.30 pm every Sunday) 

Extra parking is available only metres from St Vincent’s Church, King’s Car Park, and entry via Beach Road. Also, in Remembrance Drive opposite the church, next to the new Essence Building.

Stella Maris 

254 Hedges Avenue, Broadbeach, 4218

Saturday - 5 pm

Sunday  -   7 am 

Hispanic (Latino American) Mass: Fr. Syrilus Madin. 5:30 pm Mass - Every Sunday -  St Vincent’s Catholic Church, Surfers Paradise. Gold Coast Contact: Juan Arrieta 0406 705 349

Polish Mass: Fr Grzegorz Gaweł SChr (Bowen Hills 3252 2200). 12.30 pm Mass Sunday Sacred Heart Church, Clear Island Waters. Gold Coast Contact: George Syrek 0411 302 802


Italian Mass:  Sunday - Sacred Heart Church at 4 p.m. Please contact Fr Luis Antonio Diaz Lamus (Scalabrinian Missionary) - Email: ladl71@hotmail.com or Giovanna at 07 55395528 or email gianna52@hotmail.com for further information about the Italian Mass on the Gold Coast.

Maronite Mass: Fr Fadi Salame 0421 790 996. 6.30 pm Saturday Vigil, Sacred Heart Church, Clear Island Waters.


(Please contact us so we can keep these names up-to-date, and let us know when to remove the name from the list).

FOR THOSE WHO ARE SICK: (Alphabetical) 

Leo Aguggia, Jack Barretto, Nellie Bellinger, Helen Bohringer, Julie & Paul Bowden, Coralie Brennan, Kevin Brennan, Tim Brown, Margaret Buckingham, Josip Burda, Michelle Burda, Elizabeth Capoluco, Diana Castro, Felipe S Cataquiz (Senior), Cecily Cellinan, Doug Chester, Jo Clark, Leslie Clarke,  Tina Conidi, Margaret & George Cook, Alfonso Covino, Margaret Cusack, Geraldine Daniels, John Fisher, Rosie May Fisher, Sally Gage, Lorraine Gallagher, Laurel Goddard, Fred Grioli, Jacob Haddad, Jenny Haines, Peter Harford, Dion Herft, Lena Hiscock, Paul Hodges, Louise Holmes, Kim Ingram, Anna Janiek, Pat Jones, Leona Kelly, Marianne Kennedy, Kath Kiely, Betu Kim, Jan Kristenson, Bob Lahey, Diane & Steve Land, Sue Langham, Patrick Joven de Leon, Nathan Lepp, Joseph Ah Lo, Sarina Losurdo, John Nathaniel Maher, Maria Manuela, Andrew McPherson, Phil McWilliam, Annie Mealing, Fabiola Menzs,  Joanne Mooney, Maryann Moore, Hugh Morand, Amy Elizabeth Morgan, Michael & Lesley Murtagh, Joanna Muthu, Lynn Nunan, Stephen O’Brien, Peter O’Brien, Natalie O’Reilly, Letty O’Sullivan, Joanne Parkes, Kay Pitman, Rachel Raines, Gus Reeves, Patricia Roberts, Rogelio Rodriguez, Bob Rogers, Thor Skjaerbaek, Kathy Stevens, Brenda Stewart, Jim Stewart, Betty Taylor, Liza Teo, John Thomas, Baby Samuel Timothy, Leonardo Torcaso, Denise Tracey, Anne Van Deurse, Karen Vestergard, Lois Wood.

RECENTLY DECEASED:  (Chronological - Most recent first):

Peter Lawrence Britten, Miriam Jessy Fleming, Marie Antoinette Orlando, Carmel Wilkinson, David Cannon, Jean Di Benedetto, Cynthia Alice Rufus, Violet Capra, Margaret Miller, Maria Mihalic, John O’Brien, Dorothy Penney, Len Murphy, Janis Delgado, Dennis Rowan, John Hanly,  Dr Frank Miau.


Myrene Rose Bartlett, Mavis Beryl Boland, Fr Alan Brown, June Butler, Lawrence Francis Byrne, Fr Patrick Clifford, Beryl Margaret Davidson, Shirley Marie Day, Shane Desira, Fr Martin Doyle, Fr David Edwards, Elisa Guzzo, Kevin James Hilliard, Mary Margaret Holden, Fr Raymond Kearney, Marianne Lila Kyle-Little, Dean Parker Leigh-Smith, Mons James Lynch, Joannes Maas, Dr Raymond Arthur Miles, Margaret Murphy, Judith Ann Oakes, Archbishop Patrick O'Donnell, Varkey Padayallil, Margaret Acushla Patton, Augustus Reeves, Patrick Roche, Mello Scharenguivel, Eamonn Damien Sherrard, Fr Anthony Treacy, Helen Wood.  

And Also: (Alphabetical):

Fr Thomas Armstrong, Florence Auburn Blacker, Fr Martin Brady, Jerry Calleja, Gaetana Cutayar, Robert James Duncan, Anna Elliot, Andrew French, Dorothea Hay, Kurt Hillesheim, Ryan Hogan, John Kelly, Fr Brian Kelly, Glennis Ann Lamb, Shirley McEvoy, Fr Patrick McGinley, Fr Michael McKeaten, Mary Frances (Billie) Mullahy, Jesuraya Nadar, Betty Neilsen, Vincent Netting, Fr James O'Connor, Fr Tomas Mescall osa, Alicja Paciej, Claude Rene, Julie Ritchie, Sgt. Len Siffleet, William Taylor, Urbana Villagomez, Wilhelmina Antoinette Vos, Vivian Williams, Mary Wylie.



To efficiently and speedily deal with the pastoral needs around the Catholic Parishes of the Gold Coast, the parishes within this Deanery have the practice of having the first call for emergencies going to the priests of the parish where the hospital is located.  Here is a helpful guide to the hospitals and their attendant priests. A nursing home call also follows this procedure, where the first priest to call is a priest from the parish within which the Nursing Home is located.  Please help us service the region effectively and help prevent delays in response by calling the nearest parish. 

  • Robina Hospital - Burleigh Heads Parish. 5576 6466

  • Pindara Hospital - Surfers Paradise Parish. 56717388

  • John Flynn Hospital - Coolangatta-Tugun Parish. 5598 2165

  • University & Gold Coast Pvt Hosp.- Southport Parish. 5510 2222



To celebrate ‘Life Remembrance Month’ during November, the Book of Remembrance will be placed and remain on a small table in the sanctuary, in front of the podium.

You are invited to enter the names of your deceased loved ones and friends who have gone before us. The book will be available at the back of the Church on the weekend, 28/29 October, and then placed on the small table at the Sanctuary from 1st November, where names may be added throughout the month. The book will remain in that position until Advent.

NOTICES AND MESSAGES  (Our new parish number is 5671 7388)


The Catholic Leader, Columban Calendars, God’s Word 2024, even Christmas cards are available at the shops.



Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament this First Friday 3rd of November at Sacred Heart Church from 7 pm to 8.30 pm. All welcome. Enquiries: Helen 0421935678. "Could you not watch one hour with Me?" - Mt 26:40


First Saturday Mass at Sacred Heart Church, Clear Island Waters.  9 am Fourth of November.  

Followed by adoration and Benediction.  {This is a votive Mass for the Blessed Virgin Mary}. 


There will be no 9 AM mass on this day.  Please join the Parish Hospitality Centre for light refreshments after the anointing mass.

OUR LADY’S STATUE - Tenth Anniversary! 

Praying the Rosary - Our Lady’s Statue in the Parish -

Details of the Statue of Our Lady are going around the Parish.  

If you want her in your home and say the Rosary,

Please contact Maxine or Pat on 0412 519 404.

Our Lady’s Statue details for the next four weeks are

30/10/23    Nadine & Ayline -   Merrimac

Please phone Maxine Sela on 0421 051 193 if you want the Statue.


The Bible Study Prayer Group will resume Thursday, 2nd November, 5-6 pm at St Vincent’s Church, 40 Hamilton Ave Surfers Paradise. We will be reading/studying Break Open the Word once a week on Thursday evenings from 5 pm to 6 pm (commencing Thursday, 2nd November) 

Please place this important day, date and time in your diary. 

Studying “Break Open the Word” helps you to remember the readings for the upcoming Sunday service and enjoy fellowship with other Catholics / Christians. The New Revised Standard Version is proclaimed in our Parish at the weekend Masses. We will have questions about what we will be reading. 

In the end, prayerfully together, we will all leave the study session being like-minded, knowledgeable, and enthusiastic about learning and understanding scripture-based faith, based around our Lord Jesus Christ and the love He intended for His church and each one of us. All interested persons are encouraged to attend.  Enquires to Ashley 040984069.  


Please come and join us at the Marian Valley for the feast of Our Lady of Fatima on the 13.11.2023. The bus will be picking up at 8.15 am at the Sacred Heart Church Clear Island Waters. The Cost for the bus fare $25.00 return. You can secure your seat with contact name and contact phone number with Xavier Solomon 0404 843 260, Madeleine on 0405 252 367 or 5529 1573, All are welcome.


In the Morris prayer room, Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. The Meditation Group would very much like to welcome new members. Please phone Pam Egtberts at 0428090703.


The Group meets in the Parish Hospitality Centre on Wednesdays from 9 to 12. Activities include

  • art (watercolour, oils, acrylics, pen and ink drawing, etc.)

  • various kinds of Craftwork (Knitting, Embroidery, Crocheting, Card making, Sewing, etc.)

  • making Rosary Beads (later sent to the missions)

  • and any other activities that individuals may have an interest in or you can bring in your own ideas

A very relaxing and social environment - meet new friends! You are most welcome to join.

For further information, phone John 0412 759 205 or the Parish Office.



Meets at the Sacred Heart - Parish Hospitality Centre, Fairway Drive, Clear Island Waters. 

Playing Bridge keeps your brain active and increases your social network! So why not give us a try?

Learn to play Bridge at “Our Friendly Club” - Free Lesson. “Introduction to Bridge” - It is Easy to learn the format. No previous card-playing experience is necessary. All are welcome. For more information and to enrol, please phone Cheryl at 5538 8821 or Mob at 0417 772 701.


Jesus de la Misericordia. Invites you to participate every 2nd Saturday of the month from 11 am to 2 pm.   Place: Hospitality Room.  Sacred Heart Church.  “We praise, We praise, We grow spiritually from the Word of the Lord.” For more information, please ring Grace: 0410 006 484.


The Bold and the Beautiful Friendship Group

The Friendship Group is meeting for lunch at noon on Thursday, the 26th of October. Coffee at RQ Tavern on

Markeri Street. All are welcome. If you need more information, please contact Amanda Rowe at 0421 487



Join Rochelle for a fun, functional exercise class at Casey Hall. Low-impact cardiovascular exercises for heart health, improve strength and balance- an all-around fitness class for over 65’s. Stretch and strengthen the whole body, make new friends and feel great.  Tuesday mornings @9.30 Beginners welcome. Contact Rochelle for further information on 0438 333 308.


Join us for our social class in the Parish Hospitality Centre next to the Parish Office. Classes run every Tuesday at 10:45 a.m. Learn to relax yet gain greater flexibility, inner strength, body awareness and concentration while increasing your breath support and general well-being. Ruth is an IYTA-accredited instructor with wide experience and runs a caring, carefully monitored one-hour session costing $10 (new attendees, please arrive by 10:30 a.m. to prepare adequately for class). For more information, call Ruth on 0421338110. 


AVAILABLE AT THE ENTRANCES OF THREE CHURCHES - tap once to donate $10, tap again when it has reset for another $10, and so on. 



The Archdiocese of Brisbane has standards of conduct for workers to maintain a safe and healthy environment for children.  Our commitment to these standards requires conducting working with children checks and background referencing for all persons who will engage in direct and regular involvement with children and young people (0 - 18 years) or vulnerable adults. The organisation is fully committed to child safety and has zero tolerance for abusing children or vulnerable adults.

A VOCATION VIEW: (World Mission Day)

We must stop just putting band-aids on the wounds of society. We must tell the world that we are God's people. God loves us, and we were created to serve God and others in God.

To talk to someone about your vocation,  contact  Vocation Brisbane:  1300 133 544.  vocation@bne.catholic.net.au  and www.vocationbrisbane.com     


“You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.”   – Matthew 22:37

Do you put other “gods” before God?  Is your love of money, power, status, comfort or some personal possession greater than your love for God?  Do you recognise that everything you have and that everything you are is a gift from God?  Putting God first in everything helps keep us from becoming a slave to our possessions and pride. The vision of Stewardship speaks in every aspect of life, inviting everyone to be thankful, generous, and accountable for what each has been given.

TAKE FIVE FOR FAITH - Look beyond our differences

Healing serious division is challenging. The deeper the breach, the tougher the reconciliation. Since 1567, mainline Protestant denominations have celebrated Reformation Day on this Sunday. Yet in 2016, Pope Francis also acknowledged this observance, reaching out to the head of the Lutheran Church to state: "With gratitude, we acknowledge that the Reformation helped give a greater centrality to sacred Scripture in the Church's life." The Catholic-Lutheran dialogue continues to express the gifts of the Reformation and to seek forgiveness for the division perpetuated by Christians from both traditions. Our witness is stronger together. Collaborate across the aisle.

“For from you the word of the Lord has sounded forth.... in every place your faith in God has gone forth.” (1 Thessalonians 1:8)

{In this verse, Paul writes further about the example set by the Thessalonian Christians. They had become missionaries by sharing the good news they had received with others. Likely, they shared the good news with sailors at the seaport and travellers on the major land route that passed alongside their city. As they travelled throughout Macedonia, Achaia, and beyond, they spread the gospel so effectively that their reputation as effective believers was known widely, so much so that Paul did not have to inform anyone about what had transpired at Thessalonica.

As shown in prior verses, this refers to a pattern to which Christ calls us. His final instructions before ascending into heaven were to make disciples worldwide (Matthew 28:18–20). Even on a personal level, believers are expected to live in such a way that others see the influence of God in us (Matthew 5:16). The Thessalonian Christians were taking these ideas seriously, and their efforts were being rewarded with great success.}  https://www.bibleref.com/1-Thessalonians/1/1-Thessalonians-1-8.html ww.takefiveforfaith.com/subscribe


Your support is needed to help our Parish continue valuable pastoral activities and to provide ongoing sustainability. To assist you in supporting the Parish, you can give here.     

If you can continue to support us, we would be most grateful. For all those who have been making payments via credit card and those who have donated directly into the parish account, we thank you. The pay-wave or tap-and-go machines on the timber stands in our Churches are also a safe and handy way to donate to the Parish. God bless you for your support. If you want confirmation of your donation or a receipt emailed, please contact me at man.surfers@bne.catholic.net.au.  

To join planned giving, please contact the Parish Office: (07) 56717388 (9 am–12 pm Mon-Fri).




Image Credit- Shutterstock Licensed. Stock Photo ID: 469506470 - Matthew 22:39 Key Bible Verses on the background of the cross on a hill, Matthew in Chapter 22, verse 39. Holy Bible. Photo Contributor: “Take Photo”

[Gospel values included in the readings: Love God, Love Neighbour as self. Justice, especially to the stranger and outcast]

“There are many examples of how, even after the busiest days, Jesus would go up into the hills to a lonely place and spend the night praying to His heavenly Father.  So, it is fair to say Jesus’ whole life was to worship and praise the Father. 

There are also many examples of how Jesus spent himself in service to others.

His whole life was an act of service and love to his neighbour… all in need around him…..  

These two complete realities must be two sides of the same coin…. And are not in any way in contradiction.

The great saint John Chrysostom once said:  “I cannot believe in the salvation of those people who do not work for the salvation of their neighbours.” 

Another great monk was once heard to say to his brothers (when they focused too much on rules and not the heart of the gospel message….) -“My friends, you have torn the gospel of Christ in two….//.

There are two great commandments: -  show your Love for God by how you love your neighbour (just as you would love and care for yourself).  (or perhaps it is more accurate to say there really is only one commandment to love.. which has two facets to it….)

In any case……Splitting up these two commands seriously distorts the gospel……  

Some would emphasise the worship of God to the point where doing anything practical for those in practical need seems to become an optional extra……. this is not the gospel of Jesus Christ……/// 

The other extreme is not right either…. some people are so caught up in social justice and practical action that they lose sight of the fact that Christian justice (Christian charity) always flows out of our relationship with God and that we are all God’s children… and that it is not only our human actions… but God’s will that is important….  so if someone emphasises social response and neglects prayer, worship and a sense of faith in God who is the author and Sustainer of us all……..   as essential as practical care for those in need is, it would lose its focus if we were ever to disconnect it to worship and prayer….. (it would become something merely humanistic….  And it could reflect a faulty sense that humans are their own saviours and can do all things themselves without reference to God…..)

Jesus shows us that both prayer and action are possible and necessary…..   Again…I must say,  I always feel that the Catholic groups of lay people such as St Vincent de Paul Society, The Surfers Catholic Ladies Group,  and Rosies (to name but a few but not exclude the countless other groups that do great work)…  are beautiful examples and expressions of both important aspects: Prayer and Action.

They certainly focus on practical action: - helping those in need, those who are hungry, seeking shelter, needing clothing, and also they visit people….  also, integral to this, they meet regularly to pray and reflect on Christ’s gospel…  This is vital – Connection to the person of Christ makes sense of and empowers their care for their neighbour…. 

Many other groups and individuals model this,..// and we give thanks for them all.  

In Jesus’ great commandment – which is truly a “masterpiece of summing up thousands of biblical rules and regulations and observances into a few amazing words………to enshrine the very heart of its meaning: “Love God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength… and love your neighbour as yourself……..” It becomes clear that every other person is truly our neighbour, especially when the person is in need.  We must be loving neighbours to all people who come into our lives.  No one can be excluded from being our neighbour.

Love of neighbour is at the heart of serving God /and being faithful to what God is asking of us.//  Love of neighbour is not simply an optional part of our Christianity.

Saint Paul, in the second reading, says it very well…..   We must take Christ as our model……… We must imitate Christ.  In that imitation of Christ, we can find a whole way of living:  gentleness yet strength in our dealings with others, understanding and accepting others with a clear vision of what is right and wrong.

Jesus did not just accept everything as good or anything goes.  He pointed out what was not good. However, Jesus managed to do this whilst consistently keeping his eyes on the primary value of the gospel...   love...  received and given. That is a difficult model to imitate.  Our Lord did not focus on righteousness for its own sake...   his emphasis was on love and compassion and the good of all....  anything he did it was primarily motivated by the love that flowed out of him as God the Son.  This is another example of the cross of Jesus. This suffering comes from living in the right relationship with the Father and one another whilst always keeping the point of this way of living front and centre....love, reverence and compassion. Because in the end, it's all about LOVE -  of God, shown in how we love our neighbour. 

References:  Fr Paul W. Kelly;  Abbot's Homily, The Monastery of Christ in the Desert Homily for October 22 2008; Flor McCarthy. Sundays and Holy Day Liturgies. Year A;  Gutierrez, Sharing the Word through the Liturgical Year.  

Image Credit- Shutterstock Licensed. Stock Photo ID: 469506470 - Matthew 22:39 Key Bible Verses on the background of the cross on a hill, Matthew in Chapter 22, verse 39. Holy Bible. Photo Contributor: “TakePhoto”

To listen to the Sunday Mass each week (including homily) from Surfers Paradise Catholic Parish, please visit this link: Liturgy for you at Home (by SPCP) -  https://soundcloud.com/user-633212303/tracks    

 Also found at -   https://tinyurl.com/FHLpwk  


  • All Saints

    • This feast began in the East to commemorate all martyrs and was progressively adopted in the West. It was celebrated on this day in the eighth century and soon widely observed. Honoured today are all holy men and women in glory with Christ: known or unknown, mighty or lowly, all whose lives were modelled on the Beatitudes and on the great commandment of love.

  • All Souls

    • This day of commemoration began early in the Middle Ages with annual prayers for the dead in monastic communities. Fixed on this day, it spread more widely after the tenth century and now ranks with the principal feast days in the liturgical calendar. Commonly known as All Souls, it expresses Christian faith in the communion of saints and our need to pray for one another in the Church, especially those souls in purgatory "who have been buried in their human imperfection".

  • St Martin de Porres (1579-1639):

    • “One day an aged beggar, covered with ulcers and almost naked, stretched out his hand, and Saint Martin, seeing the Divine Mendicant in him, took him to his own bed, paying no heed to the fact that he was not perfectly neat and clean. One of his brethren, considering he had gone too far in his charity, reproved him. Saint Martin replied: ‘Compassion, my dear Brother, is preferable to cleanliness. Reflect that with a little soap I can easily clean my bed covers, but even with a torrent of tears I would never wash from my soul the stain that my harshness toward the unfortunate would create.’ ” (Saint Martin de Porres, Religious; from Vie du Bienheureux Martin de PorrĆØs, by Fr. Arthur M. Granger, O.P. , Dominican Press: St. Hyacinthe, 1941).

    • “Everything, even sweeping, scraping vegetables, weeding a garden and waiting on the sick could be a prayer if it were offered to God.” St Martin de Porres, from Mary Fabyan Windeatt, “St. Martin De Porres: The Story of the Little Doctor of Lima, Peru”. 

  • St Charles Borromeo (1538 – 1584):- 

    • "Be sure that you first preach by the way you live."   

    • If we wish to make any progress in the service of God we must begin every day of our life with new eagerness. We must keep ourselves in the presence of God as much as possible and have no other view or end in all our actions but divine honour. We must meditate before, during and after everything we do. The prophet says: “I will pray, and then I will understand.” This is the way we can easily overcome the countless difficulties we have to face day after day, which, after all, are part of our work. In meditation, we find the strength to bring Christ to birth in ourselves and in others. If a tiny spark of God’s love already burns within you, do not expose it to the wind, for it may get blown out. Keep the stove tightly shut so that it will not lose its heat and grow cold. In other words, avoid distractions as well as you can. Be sure that you first preach by the way you live. If you do not, people will notice that you say one thing but live otherwise, and your words will bring only cynical laughter and a derisive shake of the head. Stay quiet with God. Do not spend your time in useless chatter. 



THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTRIBUTION TO THE CATHOLIC MISSION APPEAL. Please support this worthy cause of Catholic Missionary work by donating at:   https://www.catholicmission.org.au/see-our-work-in-action/timor.  



Pope praises the “silent work” of the Little Sisters of Jesus. (By Lisa Zengarini- Vatican News) 

In his address to the Little Sisters of Jesus, Pope Francis encourages them to continue their “silent work” in a world polluted by appearances and indifference, following St. Charles de Foucauld, the “Universal Brother".

Pope Francis welcomed the Little Sisters of Jesus in the Vatican on Monday as the Congregation, whose vocation is to live a contemplative religious life in small communities sharing the Good News with all those who surround them, meets for its 12th General Chapter.

The congregation was founded in 1939 by French-born Madeleine Hutin, inspired by the life and writings of St. Charles de Foucauld, a French military officer and explorer who experienced a religious conversion in 1886 while serving in Morocco,

Introducing his address, Pope Francis acknowledged the newly elected Superior General, Sister Eugeniya-Kubwimana of Jesus. He warmly thanked the outgoing Sister Dolors Francesca of Jesus and Assistants for the work carried out during their mandate.  

In the footsteps of St. Charles de Foucauld

Referring to the crucial decisions discussed in the Chapter to address the new challenges of the congregation today, including lack of vocations, the closure of some houses, and the growing average age of religious women, the Pope encouraged the Sisters to continue their “silent work” in our world, walking on the footsteps of St. Charles de Foucauld.

He pointed to three guidelines drawn from the French Saint’s writings, also in light of the theme chosen based on the Gospel story on the meeting of Jesus with the Samaritan woman (Jn 4:29).

The search for God

He said the first guideline, the “most important one, is the search for God.”

As with the Samaritan woman, he said, “Jesus offers you His love, and it is up to you to accept the challenge by putting aside the cumbersome amphorae of self-referentiality and habit, of obvious solutions and also of a certain pessimism that the enemy of God and man always tries to insinuate, especially in those who have made their life a gift.”

In the light of His Word, you will be able to discern the desires of Jesus and then set off again towards the villages and cities to which you will be sent, freer and lighter, empty of yourselves and full of Him

The humble testimony of the Gospel to those in need

Pope Francis went on to reflect on the second guideline: the testimony of the Gospel, the gift of it to others with words, with works of charity and with the fraternal, prayerful and adoring presence which is at the heart of their charism since their foundation.  

Again, Pope Francis recalled St. Charles de Foucauld's words urging Christians to shout with all their being "the Gospel from the rooftops", to let Jesus transpire from their whole person and to dedicate themselves to others with "prayer, goodness, and example." However, as the “Universal brother” said, “It is not enough to give to those who ask: we must give to those in need."

“Giving to those in need without waiting for them to ask, Pope Francis noted,  is “a characteristic trait of your caring closeness to the least, in whom He is present”, which is all the more precious  “ in a society like ours where, despite the abundance of means, instead of multiplying good works, hearts seem to harden and close.”

May your delicate proximity be a mild challenge to indifference, a testimony of brotherhood, a sweet cry that reminds the world, as the "Universal Brother" wrote, that ‘everyone... the poorest, the most repugnant, a newborn, a decrepit old man, the least intelligent human being, the most abject, an idiot, a madman, a sinner, the greatest sinner... he is a child of God, a child of the Most High’.

Love for the hidden life in a society polluted by appearances.

Finally, Pope Francis recalled the “love for the hidden life”, making oneself small to “share the life of the little ones”,  another feature of the charism of the Sisters of Jesus inspired by St. Charles de Foucauld.  The Pope encouraged the Sisters to continue to cultivate it, as a “powerful prophecy for our time, polluted by appearances”, and a culture of "make-up", remarking  that hiding is the true “way of God.”

It seems that due to this concern for appearances and appearances, we live in a culture of "make-up": everyone wears make-up, it is normal for women to do so, but everyone, everyone wears make-up to appear better than we are, and this does not it is of the Lord.

Remain simple and generous, in love with Christ and the poor.

As the congregation faces difficult moments and serious problems, Pope Francis encouraged the Sisters of Jesus to remain “simple and generous, in love with Christ and the poor”, following the footsteps of St. Charles.

Concluding, Pope Francis also thanked them for the “silent work” in the diocese of Rome, for the most marginalised.

 Reference and image: https://www.vaticannews.va/en/pope/news/2023-10/pope-praises-silent-work-of-the-little-sisters-of-jesus.html 


Image Credit- Shutterstock Licensed. Stock vector ID: 2285846983 - Pope Francis for the Catholic Church. Vector Formats. Vector Contributor: doom.ko

EXPLORING OUR FAITH - The Sacrament of the Eucharist

The Eucharist is “the source and summit of the Christian life.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1324)

There are a plentitude of titles for this sacrament each with its own emphasis upon this great and foundational sacrament which can be explored more here.

Completing Christian initiation, the Eucharist is how Baptized and Confirmed Christians participate in the Lord’s own sacrifice.  There are two chief headings in which we understand the Eucharist: Memorial of Christ’s passion and intimately connected to Christ’s sacrifice which is perpetuated in the Eucharist.

Memorial – “If from the beginning Christians have celebrated the Eucharist and in a form whose substance has not changed despite the great diversity of times and liturgies, it is because we know ourselves to be bound by the command the Lord gave on the eve of his Passion: ‘Do this in remembrance of me.’ We carry out this command of the Lord by celebrating the memorial of his sacrifice. In so doing, we offer to the Father what he has himself given us: the gifts of his creation, bread and wine which, by the power of the Holy Spirit and by the words of Christ, have become the body and blood of Christ. Christ is thus really and mysteriously made present. We must therefore consider the Eucharist as:

- Thanksgiving and praise to the Father;

- The sacrificial memorial of Christ and his Body;

- The presence of Christ by the power of his word and of his Spirit.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1356-1358)

Sacrifice – The Mass is at the same time, and inseparably, the sacrificial memorial in which the sacrifice of the cross is perpetuated and the sacred banquet of communion with the Lord’s body and blood. But the celebration of the Eucharistic sacrifice is wholly directed toward the intimate union of the faithful with Christ through communion. To receive communion is to receive Christ himself who has offered himself for us. The Lord addresses an invitation to us, urging us to receive him in the sacrament of the Eucharist: “Truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.” To respond to this invitation we must prepare ourselves for so great and so holy a moment. Anyone conscious of a grave sin must receive the sacrament of Reconciliation before coming to communion. (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1382; 1384-1385) 

Who can receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist

Effects of the Sacrament of the Eucharist:

- Augments our union with Christ

- Separates us from sin even preserves us from future mortal sins

- In the unity of the Mystical Body: the Eucharist makes the Church

- Commits us to the poor

- Pledge of the Glory to come 


Source: https://www.cathedralstm.org/about-our-catholic-faith/exploring-catholic-faith/sacramental-life


Liturgy for you at Home (produced by SPP): https:- soundcloud.com/user-633212303/tracks

Weekly Homily (produced by SPP): https:- homilycatholic.blogspot.com

Surfers Paradise Parish Facebook: https:- www.facebook.com/surferscatholic/

Breaking Parish News (SPP Blog):  https:- news-parish.blogspot.com/

EthicsFinder is a free, global, digital resource; of immense value to interested parishioners. Try ACU’s free digital tool, www.ethicsfinder.com


Readings for next weekend- Sunday, November 5, 2023 (Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time. Year A)

FIRST READING- Mal 1:14b—2:2b, 8-10

Ps 131:1, 2, 3   - “In you, Lord, I have found my peace.

SECOND READING- 1 Thess 2:7b-9, 13

GOSPEL ACCLAMATION (Matt 23:9b+10b) “Alleluia, alleluia! You have one Father, your Father in Heaven. You have one teacher; the Lord Jesus Christ.”

GOSPEL- Matt 23:1-12

Commitment To Child Safety and Vulnerable-Adult Safety 

……………..See overleaf …..

“The Church loves all her children like a loving mother but cares for all and protects those who are smallest and defenceless with special affection. This is the duty that Christ himself entrusted to the entire Christian community.” 

(Apostolic Letter issued ‘motu proprio’ by the Supreme Pontiff Francis, 4 June 2016) 



To promote a culture of safeguarding within the Archdiocese and reduce the risks of abuse and harm. 


This policy applies to all parishes, ministries, and agencies under the jurisdiction of the Archbishop of Brisbane and to Associations of Christ’s Faithful or Public Juridic Persons that freely opt into its application and which enter into an agreement with the Archdiocese accordingly. The policy applies to all Archdiocesan workers (clergy, religious workers, employees and volunteers). 



National Catholic Safeguarding Standards 

The Archdiocese adopts and adheres to the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards. The Standards apply to all parishes, ministries, and agencies under the jurisdiction of the Archbishop. 


Safeguarding Commitment 

The Archdiocese has zero tolerance for all forms of abuse and is committed to safeguarding everyone involved in its activities, ministries, and services. The safety and well-being of children and adults at risk are paramount. 

Safeguarding Principles 

  • Safeguarding is a shared responsibility. 

  • Treat everyone with dignity and respect. 

  • Prioritise the protection and best interests of children and adults at risk. 

  • Provide safe physical and online environments. 

  • Actively identify and manage safeguarding and abuse risks. 

  • Monitor compliance with safeguarding standards, policies, and procedures. 

  • Respond promptly and effectively to abuse concerns, suspicions, disclosures, complaints, reports, and incidents. 

  • Comply with all legal obligations to report suspected abuse and harm.  


Non-compliance with this policy which seriously jeopardises the safety and well-being of others, may be grounds for disciplinary action up to dismissal or termination of employment and reporting to authorities. 


Document No.: AD16 ST01       Document Owner: Office for Safeguarding Services            Version: November 2020              Review Date: November 2023


https://brisbanecatholic.org.au/safeguarding/  - Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility -    

See also this video on safeguarding -   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgkAZFkJkJg 

Acknowledgement of Country - This is Kombumerri Country - The Traditional Custodians of this region.

We respectfully acknowledge the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as the First People of this country. We pay our respects to the Kombumerri people, the traditional custodians of the land, waterways and seas upon which we live, work and socialise throughout this Catholic Parish of Surfers Paradise. We acknowledge Elders, past and present and emerging, as they hold our Indigenous people's memories, traditions, culture and hopes. We pay tribute to those who have contributed to the community's life in many ways. We affirm our commitment to justice, healing, and reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples. (See further: The Kombumerri People and https://kombumerritogetherproject.com/digital-resources/yugambeh-language/

St Kevin’s Catholic School, Community business directory: https://www.sk.qld.edu.au/Pages/Rainbow-Connection.aspx 

Friends of the Suffering Souls (FoSS) is a Catholic Association that facilitates Masses for the Holy Souls in Purgatory. “FoSS” began in Australia in the early 1980s and has spread around the world, currently having 11,000 members who Collectively arrange more than 45,000 masses each year for the Holy Souls and is now administered to the Church in need.  FoSS welcomes new enrolments to this vital apostolate.  To learn more and to enrol yourself and/or your loved ones, visit www.fossnovena.org