Tuesday 16 June 2020

A Message about Surfers Paradise Catholic Parish in the midst of ongoing easing of restrictions.

We ask that people consult this page and the parish website https://www.surfersparadiseparish.com.au

to keep up to date with any changes relating to masses. This week and next week a limited run of pre-booked masses is being trialled to sort our logistics and compliance. These limited masses have been filled. After this, we are planning to implement larger numbers (but still with limits) from 1st July, but at set times and in a set church. The usual Sunday obligations are still suspended for the present and the usual mass schedule is not operating.

Please keep in mind that there are still various restrictions, and legal requirements imposed upon the different churches. This includes a limit on the number of people who can fit into different church spaces, allowing for the social distancing requirements as well as other factors. Even when the numerical limit is completely lifted, the requirement for keeping people at four-square metres apart will continue to have practical effects upon the numbers able to attend.

The numbers allowable are different from church to church, and parish to parish; based on these varying factors. This also includes following through and submitting and applying the extensive compliance policies that are required.

We also decide what steps to take next based on various pre-planned maintenance projects that were arranged prior to Covid-19 and which are now occurring since the lockdown has eased. This factor also restricts our options in the short-term. these projects were planned prior to the often sudden changes and amendments (some at extremely short notice) by health and government policymakers. When various easing of restrictions started to occur, they were mostly described in terms of "for those groups that are able to or for whom this easing is practicable in their circumstances" - so again it is not helpful to compare different groups or even different parish or church communities and draw conclusions from that.

Naturally, we are only responsible for the three churches we look after, and so we cannot comment on how other parishes are dealing with these matters. We deal with the churches here in our care and decide what is best for this parish in light of all relevant circumstances. Thanks again for your support and patience. We are continuing to count on and rely upon the ongoing goodwill and graciousness of everyone in these trying times.


Fr Paul

The best places to stay in contact with the Parish are through this website, our Facebook page, and Fr Paul Kelly’s blog.

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