Friday 12 February 2021

SPCP_E-newsletter -Sunday, February 14, 2021- Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B

PDF version of this parish newsletter available here:   

Surfers Paradise Catholic Parish E-Newsletter

Parish Office: (07) 5572 5433 (9am – 12pm Mon-Fri) | Mass Times: (07) 5595 8466

Email: | Website: 

Emergencies: Priest contactable via office phone (after hours follow menu prompts)

50 Fairway Drive, Clear Island Waters, Queensland, 4226

Masses via pre-bookings here



Sunday, February 14th  2021

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B


Readings for Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B 

FIRST READING: Lev 13:1-2, 44-46

Ps: Ps 32:1-2, 5, 11 "I turn to you, lord, in time of trouble, and you fill me with the joy of salvation"

SECOND READING: 1 Cor 10:31—11:1

Gospel Acclamation: (Luke 7:16) Alleluia, alleluia! A great prophet has appeared among us. God has visited his people. 

GOSPEL: Mark 1:40-45



"A leper came to Jesus … and said to him, "If you choose, you can make me clean." Moved with pity, Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him, and said to him, "I do choose. Be made clean!"" 

(Mark 1:40-41)

Shutterstock Licensed Image -  stock photo ID: ID: 1548804188. Miracles of Jesus Christ icons pictogram. f Jesus Christ curing blind, woman, turning water to wine, exorcism, resurrection, catch fish, walking on water, feeding, and transfiguration. By Leremy


THE PASTOR'S POST: When the Words Won't Come

In preparation for the upcoming parish Mission (March 15-17), I was re-reading one of Fr. Richard Leonard's books titled "Why Bother Praying". For those who attend the Mission you will know that Richard likes to challenge us with titles and content, for example, like his most popular book, has the tantalising title, "Where the Hell Is God?" (I'll let him tell you about it).


We sometimes have the mistaken notion that those who have a strong prayer life never have problems experiencing God's presence in prayer. I'd like to think that I am not alone when I admit that there are many long periods when the focus of my prayer is blurry and the content is dry. My words might fill the empty space, but my head and heart are not really there. I find I just go through the motions in the hope that something will spark up and inspire me with new ideas and clear intentions. Often for me, prayer time can be like a Mahler symphony; great moments and boring half-hours.


However I do take some comfort in knowing that the likes of Saints Therese of Lisieux, John of the Cross, Ignatius of Antioch and other great mystics have spoken of the common experience of dryness in one's spiritual life. One of the most important spiritual writers of our time, Henri Nouwen once said "My prayer time is not a time of deep prayer, not a time in which I experience a deep closeness to God; it is not a period of serious attentiveness to the divine mysteries. I wish it were. On the contrary, it is full of distractions, inner restlessness, sleepiness, confusion and boredom. It seldom, if ever, pleases my senses." While I can honestly say I have had some quite deep experiences of God's presence in my prayer life, I can also recognise some of what Nouwen is referring to. The engine doesn't always start up just because we turn the key.


I have also heard it said that not long before she died, Mother Theresa, now Saint Theresa, was asked, "How does it feel to be so close to God?" She answered, "It's been so long since I've been close to God that I don't remember what it feels like." Those of us who feel spiritually dry can take comfort from such auspicious company. While our faith tells us that God is always present, the experience of the Church tells us that, for whatever reason, God sometimes allows us to go through periods when we do not feel his presence.  I have come to think of those times as opportunities to clarify my hopes and prayerful intentions. It could be that I might need to change the type of prayers that I usually turn to, or be as simple as changing the time or environment in which I pray. Small things that support the adage: if nothing changes then nothing changes. If we find our prayers seem to be always prayers of petition, which is, always asking for some divine intervention, we run the risk of thinking that that is all God is good for or wants to hear. Similarly, if we think that we need to praise God as our only focus or intention, then we will certainly run out of words to express that lofty goal.

While I was very fortunate to have had deeply religious grandparents, it was not impossible for them to 'rip through' five decades of the Rosary in under seven minutes. They made that commitment when they married and they weren't going to miss out no matter how tired or busy they were. I'm certain that even God couldn't understand a word they were saying, although he knew their intentions were honourable. It was probably sufficient that they knew what they were saying or meant to say, but to a young child listening in, they sounded more like incantations than Hail Mary's.

Perhaps all I want to say is that it is an unreal expectation for us to be able to say the right words to match our intentions at all times. That our physical condition and our changing moods do have a strong influence on whether we feel our prayers have hit the spot. Of course, God doesn't need the words so much as we do, nor does God need us to contort our faces and postures so that others observing will know that we are really sincerely praying. It may well be enough for us to simply say, "Here I am God. Let's have a chat."

Fr Peter Dillon PP.



Ash Wednesday will be the 17th February this year. We have scheduled two Masses, both at Sacred Heart Church, Clear Island Waters.  There will be a 9am Mass and a 7pm Mass on the 17th February. It is still vital that people book in advance, as there are still restrictions and distancing requirements.



"Brothers and sisters, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God."

- 1 Corinthians 10:31

Do a quick check of your priorities. Where does God rank in that list? If He's not first, you have some work to do. Putting God first in everything helps us from putting other "gods" (like our pride, ego, money and possessions) before God. Before making a decision, ask yourself,

"Am I doing this for the glory of God or for the glory of me?"

The vision of Stewardship speaks in every aspect of life, inviting everyone to be thankful, generous and accountable for what each has been given.



As of February 1st 2021 the Archdiocesan Development Fund (ADF) have announced to all the Parishes in the Archdiocese that they have upgraded their electronic banking numbers.

As a result all current parish banking details have changed. We must start making these changes immediately as we only have until the end of February to get all those who donate to the parish electronically to make the change. 


If you are making a donation to the parish via Net Banking please use the parish account.

If you are paying via Net Banking for a sacrament (baptism, wedding, sacramental program) please use the parish account.

If you are making an instalment for the Columbarium via Net Banking please use the parish account.

If you are paying an invoice via Net Banking please use the parish account.






If you wish to make a planned giving donation via Net Banking please use Planned Giving Direct Debit account.

Planned Giving Direct Debit




If you use the parish App or have a Direct Debit established as a periodic payment you don't have to do anything as the ADF have made the necessary changes internally and the parish will continue to benefit from your kind generosity. If you would like clarification about your particular situation please call the parish Monday to Friday between 9am and 12noon.



CLOW will be starting on Sunday at the 9am Mass at Sacred Heart Church. We are still looking for more people to assist with the program, so if you are interested please contact the Parish Office on Mon - Fri 9am-12noon.


Project Compassion 

Sunday14th February                                                           

 Please take home a Project Compassion box and/or a set of donation envelopes and support Caritas Australia this Lenten season themed "Be More".

As Saint Oscar Romero said, "Aspire not to have more, but to be more."

Through your generosity and by aspiring to "Be More", you are assisting some of the world's most vulnerable people build better futures for themselves, their families and their communities.

 Thank you for being more!

 You can donate through Parish boxes and envelopes,

or by visiting or phoning 1800 024 413. 



15th- 17th MARCH


Facilitated By Rev Dr Richard Leonard SJ





PLACE:  SACRED HEART CHURCH, 50 Fairway Drive, Clear Island Waters



Morning Sessions  9.30am – 10.45am   (immediately after the daily 9am Mass)

Evening Sessions 7.00pm - 8.15pm         (this is a repeat of the morning session)




Monday 15th March:   "Going out to the world: we need all the help we can get"

One of the richest things Catholics take the world is our tradition. Some people think Catholic Tradition is a static bloc of doctrines that must be imparted to our young. By looking at Mary, the Mother of Jesus we will see how our tradition is rich and responsive to the needs of today.


Tuesday 16th March: "Nine steps to making better choices for my life"

On the strongest elements within the Catholic tradition is the process of discerning the promptings of God in my daily life.  How can we practically apply the best of our Christian spirituality to the choices we make at home, work and the wider community?


Wednesday 17th March: "Where the Hell is God? Holding to Faith through the Tough Times."

Our faith in God is easier when everything is going well. But what about the times in our lives when it is challenged, undermined and threatened by the things that happen to us, or those we love? This critical session will help out words around how we can hold to a God who walks with us in the "valley of tears"? 



Fr Richard will preside and preach at all Masses at Sacred Heart Church on the 13th and 14th of March.



Weekday Sessions, (15-17th March) available now via Parish Bookeo System

 Book here:   


A Time Of Grace - All Welcome 




This week the Parish Sacramental Team met with the parents, and some grandparents, of nearly 80 children who are preparing for Confirmation. These families are working through a program combining prayer, discussion and reflection around the core of our Catholic beliefs; the role and meaning of the sacraments and especially the power and action of the Holy Spirit. 

These parents have accepted the important responsibility of teaching and sharing their faith as they guide the children through the videos and activities we have provided. We ask all parishioners to pray for these young people and their families at this time, that they may sense the care and support of their Catholic family here in Surfers Paradise Parish and, be emboldened by God's Holy Spirit to live and share God's good news with those they meet each day. 

Bishop Ken Howell will confirm the children on the evening of March 12. There will be a second opportunity to celebrate Confirmation in October this year so if your family missed out on this first group, please go to the parish website and complete an online enrolment application to ensure that your child is included in the October group. 


Dates for First Communion 2021, Surfers Paradise Parish:

Parent Meeting -   either April 20 or April 21

Practice Meeting - either May 25 or June 3 

First Communion Celebration - either Sunday, May 30 at 11:00am or Sunday June 6 at 11:00am

All venues: Sacred Heart Church 

Please note that First Communion preparation and celebration is offered to baptised and confirmed children who are in Year 4 or greater.

Children who have enrolled in our Parish Sacramental Program in previous years should not need to re-enrol. You should receive an email invitation in late March. If you are unsure, please email Cathy Anderson



Pope Francis adds memorials of 6 Saints to Roman Calendar,  the universal calendar for church Solemnities, Feasts and memorials.

Not every saint's day is on the universal calendar.  Some saints are more significant to the countries or regions in which they lived or ministered. In that case, the local community or the specific religious order has those feast days and memorials or solemnities in their local calendar only. In those local communities, the feast may be so significant, that in those areas the feast day is upgraded to a compulsory memorial, or even a feast and in some occasions, (such as in Australia - for Saint Mary of the Cross Mackillop) even raised to the status of a Solemnity - where it is treated on the same level as a Sunday.

Other saints have had such a widespread effect on the church that their feast day or memorial is placed on the universal calendar.  This is a balancing act, if ever there was one.


Vatican News Article Announcing Additions: By Devin Watkins

Pope Francis inserts four new liturgical Memorials into the Roman Calendar: Martha, Mary, and Lazarus will be celebrated together, while Gregory of Narek, John of Avila, and Hildegard of Bingen will have their own optional memorials.


The Congregation of Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments released two decrees, approved by Pope Francis, on Tuesday. One inscribed the Memorial of Saints Martha, Mary, and Lazarus into the Roman Calendar on 29 July. This means all liturgical books around the world will be updated with the prayers and texts proper to these three companions of Jesus.





Three-fold witness to Jesus:

The decree says Pope Francis made the decision to add this liturgical memorial based on "the important evangelical witness they offered in welcoming the Lord Jesus into their home, in listening to Him attentively, and in believing that He is the resurrection and the life."

"In the household of Bethany," it reads, "the Lord Jesus experienced the family spirit and friendship of Martha, Mary and Lazarus, and for this reason the Gospel of John states that He loved them. Martha generously offered Him hospitality, Mary listened attentively to His words, and Lazarus promptly emerged from the tomb at the command of the One who humiliated death."


Doctors of Church

In a separate decree, Pope Francis inscribed three Optional Memorials in the Roman Calendar for three Doctors of the Church.

- Saint Gregory of Narek, Abbot and Doctor of the Church, on 27 February;

- Saint John De Avila, Priest and Doctor of the Church, on 10 May;

- Saint Hildegard of Bingen, Virgin and Doctor of the Church, on 17 September.


Holiness and wisdom

The decree says "the combination of holiness with knowledge in the experience of the mystery of Jesus Christ is inextricably linked to the mystery of the Church."

It adds that this link of holiness and wisdom is especially visible in those who have been given the title "Doctor of the Church".

The decree states that these three Saints were added to the Roman Calendar because they each have something unique to offer the Church.

"The wisdom that characterizes these men and women is not solely theirs," it reads, "since by becoming disciples of divine Wisdom they have themselves become teachers of wisdom for the entire ecclesial community."






(Written by Fr Tom Elich). 

Each time we celebrate the Eucharist this year we can remember Saint Joseph.  His name was introduced into the first Eucharistic Prayer at the time of the Second Vatican Council, and then also into the second, third and fourth Eucharistic Prayers in 2013.  When we use other Eucharistic Prayers, we can take this lead and mention St Joseph together with the patron saint of our church.


This year might be an opportunity to learn a hymn which honours St Joseph.  The Catholic Worship Book II has a good hymn to quite a well-known tune which would be worth including in the parish repertoire this year: Lord, Hear the Praises (CWBII 428).


Extracts from the Pope's document, Patris Corde, can be used in homilies during the year or included in the parish newsletter.


If your church has a statue or picture of St Joseph, it would be helpful to give it some prominence this year, to decorate it regularly with flowers, and to prepare some prayer cards to leave near the shrine.  If you worship in a St Joseph church or belong to a St Joseph parish, you might lead the way in your diocese.  A St Joseph school will have special incentive to celebrate and honour their patron saint.

The Solemn Feast – 19 March:

 Saint Joseph figures prominently in the stories of Christmas which we read from the Gospels of Luke and Matthew.  However a feast day of his own was a long time coming.  It appears first in a liturgical calendar of about 800AD against the date 19 March: Joseph, Spouse of Mary.  It progressively becomes more common in calendars over the next 600 years but really only becomes an important feast in the fifteenth century.  In due course, it becomes a fixed date in the general Roman calendar, and then devotion to St Joseph flourishes in the nineteenth century.


The date 19 March is just six days before the feast of the Annunciation of the Lord which, naturally enough, is nine months before Christ is born at Christmas.  No doubt these two solemn feasts, celebrated in white, both occurring towards the end of violet Lent, are meant to be taken together.  St Joseph can only be understood in relation to the Virgin Mary and the mystery of the Incarnation.  


The Collect of the feast expresses this beautifully:

 "Grant, we pray, almighty God,

that by Saint Joseph's intercession

your Church may constantly watch over

the unfolding of the mysteries of human salvation,

whose beginnings you entrusted to his faithful care."


The Lectionary for the feast offers a choice of two gospels: Joseph's acceptance of Mary as his wife (Mt 1) or the finding in the temple (Lk 2).  I prefer the first.  It is true that the finding in the temple shows Mary and Joseph together, worried about their missing son; but the listener might get the impression that Jesus brushes aside his earthly father in favour of being busy with his heavenly 'Father's affairs'.  The first choice speaks to me of Joseph's courage and daring in discerning God's will and doing it.  It notes, first of all, that he is a man of honour and does not want to humiliate the pregnant Mary.  Then, prompted in a dream, he is directed by God to take Mary home as his wife.  And he does! 


This same honesty and humility appears throughout the infancy narratives.  There is a census, and he courageously takes his pregnant wife on a long journey.  When the accommodation in Bethlehem is booked out, he resourcefully finds a place to bed down.  Then, when his wife and child are in danger from Herod, he takes them off to Egypt.  When Herod dies, they return but, because of a persistent danger, Joseph takes his family north to Nazareth.  Young, bold, humbly God-fearing and fiercely protective of his family: this is the Joseph we see in the Gospels.  The preface portrays Joseph in this way as a 'just man' given as 'spouse to the Virgin Mother of God and set as a wise and faithful servant in charge of [the] household'. 


It is only a fourth century story written in Egypt that presents Joseph as an old man who marries the young Virgin Mary.  Unfortunately, it is this image which has been popularised in paintings through the centuries.


The Prayer of the Faithful on this day could well focus on our fathers and families, interceding for peace, harmony and respect; many today are challenged by unemployment, mental health issues, violence and substance abuse. 

St Joseph, the Worker – 1 May.  This commemoration is optional in the liturgical calendar, but should be marked in the Year of St Joseph.  In the Church's teachings on social justice, Joseph the Carpenter has been invoked as the patron of workers and of the labour movement which seeks to assure the dignity of work and a just income for all.  The economic, social and spiritual challenges brought by unemployment would be a key focus of our prayers on this day.  It is also a day to broaden our vision and to recognise in prayer the many places where human beings, even children, are exploited in their labour.


The prayers of the day encourage us to use our labours to build up the reign of God in the world.  Our work is seen as a participation in God's work of creation.  O God, Creator of all things… grant that by the example of St Joseph and under his patronage, we may complete the works you set us to do…


Unusually for an optional memorial, St Joseph the Worker has an assigned proper Gospel.  It is the passage from Mt 13 where Jesus goes to his home town and is called 'the carpenter's son'. 


Solemn feast of Mary MacKillop, Josephite, - 8 August.

This year's celebration of our patronal feast of St Mary MacKillop is another opportunity to recognise the Year of St Joseph.  From her earliest days as a teacher, when she first donned her black dress, she adopted the patronage of St Joseph for herself and her companions.


Mary always stressed the value of St Joseph's hidden humble life and his obedience to God's will: this was precisely the vocation to which the sisters were likewise called.  In 1870, she wrote:  This humility is something wonderfully beautiful in itself.  My sisters, this was a quiet humility… grounded on submission to the adorable will of his God.  It was a humility of heart, not of words… a silent not a noisy humility.


When Mary met opposition in her ministry, she affirmed her trust in St Joseph and the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  Should our poor schools be taken from us, should our Institute even be suppressed, ah no, our calm trust in the Sacred Heart would only grow stronger, for we would know that when the storm had passed away, St Joseph would again assemble his children to work once more… (1870).


Her regular St Joseph's Day messages emphasised kindness and charity, humility and obedience:  We know that St Joseph was humble and hidden.  Does it become a child of his to desire worldly notice?  Does it become her to talk much of herself, or make noise about any little thing God deigns to accept at her hands?  Yet are we always as humble, as retiring, as modest as a child of the lowly St Joseph should be? (1893).


St Mary was conscious of St Joseph's loving care for the child Jesus and sought the same protection for her sisters.  May our beloved patron and father, St Joseph, (she wrote  in 1898), watch over us and obtain for us the spirit he wishes to see in his children.  She often finished her letters with the words: In St Joseph's care, I leave you.


Father's Day - Sunday 5 September 2021

Finally, if the preaching, parish newsletter or Prayers of the Faithful on this day refer to Father's Day, it might be helpful to propose St Joseph as a model.


Rev Dr Tom Elich, Director Liturgy Brisbane

Image:  Photo by Josh Applegate on Unsplash



The Gospel today is a wonderful example of God's great desire to reach out and touch us, to include and heal us.  There is sadly much illness and suffering in the world. We pray that those who are sick, will be healed of their illness and brought out of their suffering. And, in every case may the Lord certainly touch their lives with peace, and strength and assure them that God is with them in this difficult journey. 


Today's Gospel makes it really clear that God loves us completely and desires that we be healed, freed from the burden of suffering and reunited with our community. Jesus is the compassion of God. And Jesus shows us the endless depths of that compassion and love for us. God loves us so much that Jesus reaches out and touches us. 

Because Jesus is God the son, he could simply have waved his hands and said to the leper, 'you are healed,' (without needing to touch him), and the man would truly have been healed.  But the poor man was not only suffering illness. He was also suffering from terrible isolation from his community. He was lonely and rejected. Jesus reaches out and touches him to bring him back into the community, and heal his Spirit too.  


Jesus is not just in the midst of suffering, he is also to be found abiding within the people who suffer, as well as in the people who reach out to help. God, whose essential nature is loving and compassionate and deeply involved in our lives, promises us much more than physical or emotional healing, but most importantly a cherished place in God's family forever. 


Those whom Jesus  cured would eventually get sick again, and would eventually all reach the end of their lives. However, Jesus was offering these people  a reassurance of God's ultimate faithfulness to them. They were being offered true peace, through the assurance of their membership in God's family that will stay with them in this life and the next, no matter what trials and tragedies befall them in this life. 


Jesus also shows us God's attitude towards our suffering. Our lord becomes deeply distressed and filled with compassion and he declares: "of course I want to heal you!"  


God's compassion and love for others is the key to everything Jesus says and does. Our lord  puts people first, and at the same time he puts his Heavenly Father first. There is no conflict here, because love of God and love of neighbour are two sides to the one teaching.  


Saint Paul in the second reading sums up what it's all about in our ministries and service. "Whatever you do at all, do it for the glory of God. ……Try to be helpful to everyone at all times, not anxious for your own advantage but for the advantage of everybody else, so that they may be saved." And that is at the heart of what we do: everything for the honour and glory of God. 


Fr. Paul Kelly. 


To listen to the whole Sunday Mass each week (including homily) from Surfers Paradise Catholic Parish, please visit this link:  Liturgy for you at Home (by SPCP) -


REFERENCES: Fr Paul W. Kelly; Abbot's Homilies - Benedictine Abbey of Christ in the Desert.. (2009) [online] Benedictine Abbey of Christ in the Desert. Available at:

Image Credit: Shutterstock Licensed. ID: 1193925694. Biblical vector illustration series, Jesus heals the man with leprosy. By rudall30.



Browse the shops before and after Mass each weekend or by appointment with the Parish Office morning only. For enquiries, contact Pat 0404 805 819



The suppliers of this excellent resource have sold out, due to unprecedented demand.

However, you can sign up for a daily reflection from Evangelisation Brisbane which is drawn from this same book. 

A series of theological reflections on the gospel of the day, intended to help us consider what our faith is calling us to as we travel through Lent, Eastertide and beyond during this challenging time. A one page written reflection each weekday.

If you wish to receive the weekday reflections by email please subscribe.


Subscribe here to the daily reflections, from Evangelisation Brisbane, that will also be taken from the, (now out-of-print), "Look to Jesus Lenten resource." 



Sacred Heart 

350 max capacity

Saturday Night - 5 pm

  • (Maronite Mass 6:30pm, Saturday Night)

*Note First Saturday of the month morning Mass 9am (Next: 6th March)

Sunday - 9 am & 6 pm

  • (Polish Mass 12:30 pm  Sunday) 

  • (Italian Mass 4pm Sunday)

St Vincent's

180 max capacity

Sunday - 8 am & 10 am

  • (Hispanic Mass – 5.30 pm on 1st and 3rd Sundays)

Extra parking is available only metres from St Vincent's Church, at King's Car Park, entry via Beach Road

Stella Maris 

200 max capacity 

Saturday Night - 5 pm

Sunday - 7 am


Please note: Numbers allowed in each Church are based on social distancing restrictions and the Archbishop has continued to exempt everyone from the obligation to attend Sunday mass during restrictions.



Additional to the above times, we will continue to celebrate weekday Mass at Sacred Heart at 9am. The 9am Saturday Mass will be on the First Saturday of the month (6th March) at Sacred Heart.

Please remember that as per restrictions we are still expected to book and check in for mass, maintain a social-distance of 1.5m, receive Holy Communion in the hand only, refrain from physical contact when offering the Sign of Peace, and to sanitise when entering and exiting the premises. We ask that people consult the parish website www.surfers paradise, to keep up to date with any changes relating to masses. 

Mass Booking:  Thank you for your cooperation at this time.



or if you are unable to book online, please ring the parish office between 9am and 12 noon Mon-Fri. Ph: 5572 5433






Spencer Brocklebank and his two children - Levi and Victoria

James Cannon

Tristan Mann and his three children - Jack, Nathaniel & Sienna

Christina Pera

Vala Ralulu

Carla Ten Cate


Tom Blackhurst

Chenelle Butler, Colin Butler and their two children - Harper and Austin

Damien Ives

Brady McFadden

Leon Mostert

Christine Taylor

Prayers needed for our Catechumens and Candidates journeying to Easter for Baptism, Reception into the Catholic Church, Confirmation and First Holy Communion. As you can see we have a large number of people participating in this journey of faith and they, their sponsors, and support will be enriched by your prayers and most grateful for your participation. Thank you and blessings on your day.





ALL WELCOME - Our next session will be on Tuesday the 16th February  at 6pm in the Parish Hospitality Room

If you would like to participate in this please let us know by ringing 0409 486 326 Robyn.  Bring along pencil and paper if you are someone who likes to take notes!  

This is  a great opportunity for us to reflect, discuss, share and enrich our faith and relationship with Christ.





The monthly formation meetings of the Gold Coast Lay Carmelites & Friends will be held at the Surfers Paradise Morris Prayer Room at 10.30 am on Sundays 14 and 28th February, 2021. Visitors and enquires are most welcome. Please contact Norm Harding 0402 155 576 (


Meets at the Sacred Heart - Parish Hospitality Centre, Fairway Drive, Clear Island Waters.  

Playing Bridge keeps your brain active and increases your social network! So why not give us a try?

Learn to play Bridge at "Our Friendly Club"  - Free Lesson. "Introduction to Bridge"

Easy to learn format, no previous card playing experience necessary. All are welcome. 

For more information and to enrol, Please phone: Cheryl 5538 8821  or Mob 0417 772 701


Project Officer, Children & Families

Applications are open for the above position with Evangelisation Brisbane. The position is a full-time 37.5 hour role from Monday to Friday. For additional information, please visit the Archdiocese of Brisbane website  and to careers.

Position Vacant – Administration Assistant / EA Support

Applications are open for the above full-time 37.5 hour positions. The Archbishop's Office is currently seeking three applicants to fill these positions.

For additional information, please visit the Archdiocese of Brisbane website and to careers.


Be inspired, Be refreshed, Be renewed!

Come on a 40 day journey with me and I know this will be a powerful and prayerful Lenten journey together. Receive a short inspiring video each day during Lent. This program is FREE and you can sign up here: 

Call  1300 734 880 for more info.



Joint Churches Domestic Violence Prevention Project (JCDVPP) are offering three free workshops via Zoom.

Session 1, 25th Feb: What is Domestic and Family Violence? Understanding Perpetrators.

Session 2, 4th March: DFV A Personal Story. Responding to DFV.

Session 3, 11th March: Theology and DFV. Expert Q&A Panel.

Sessions will run from 7pm-8:30pm. Enquires: or phone 07 33696792.

Registration Here



The Catholic Leader is now a monthly paper. The same edition is available in the church for the month until sold out. And: 


Changes at a glance: The Catholic Leader will be printing monthly and due to the associated costs of producing the newspaper, we have increased the cover price to $4.


MARCUS MISSION: Mateship, MENtoring & Resilience Building 

Men's Workshop: THURSDAY 18th Feb at Mermaid Beach Surf Life Savings Club. 

4:30-5:30pm Free BBQ and informal catch up in the park across from the surf club. 

5:30-7:30pm Resilience Building/Skills Development Workshop. 

The program is free and is open to men aged 18+

For bookings click here or for more information contact Glen. 

Email: or phone: 0419 750 607



Join us for a six-week workshop series for married couples wanting a lasting, passionate relationship. This initiative is in partnership with the Catholic Diocese of Rockhampton.


Course Cost: $25

Find Out More:



Come join us for our friendly, COVID-19 safe, class in the comfortable Hospitality Centre at the Sacred Heart Church, available every Tuesday 10:45am. Learn to relax, yet gain greater flexibility, inner strength, body awareness and concentration, all while increasing your breath support and general wellbeing. Ruth is an IYTA accredited instructor with wide experience and runs a caring, carefully monitored one hour session costing $10 (new attendees need to arrive by 10.30am to prepare adequately for class). For more information call Ruth on 0421338110.



School of Music Gold Coast

Receive a Free Introductory 30 Minute Singing Lesson







Please fill out this form if to ensure your contact details are up to date with the Parish: SPP - CENSUS UPDATE

Are you on our mailing list for the weekly e-newsletter, weekly homily/Mass audio blog and occasional breaking news alerts?

If not, please email us at Note: sometimes we have added a person to our email-list but the email is going to their 'spam' or 'junk-mail' folder. It is a good idea to check these folders to see if it is  there. If that is happening to you, you can mark these emails as 'approved' or 'not-spam/junk' to receive the newsletter in your inbox.


Your support is needed to help our Parish to continue valuable pastoral activities and to provide ongoing sustainability. To assist you to support the Parish, you can give via

If you are able to continue to support us, we would be most grateful. For all those who have been making payments via credit card and those who have donated directly into the parish account, we thank you.  The spirit of generosity is alive in our Parish.  If you would like confirmation of your donation or a receipt emailed to you please contact me at or, please ring the parish office between 9am and 12 noon Mon-Fri. Ph: 5572 5433.

These timber stands with payWave machines are a handy new way of donating to the parish.

To payWave, just tap a credit card or bank card on the sensor and it will donate $5 and once it has processed this first tap, (which may take 30 seconds),  you can tap it again, to give another $5, and so on.  A safe and handy way to give money. Please ask for assistance from the priests or Mass coordinators if you experience any difficulties or have questions or concerns. God bless you for your support. Yours faithfully, Sonya Slater, Parish Manager




You can visit the Stay Connected page on our website to find an extensive list of information and resources. 

Liturgy for you at Home (produced by SPP):

Weekly Homily (produced by SPP):

Surfers Paradise Parish Facebook:

Breaking Parish News (SPP Blog):




FOR THOSE WHO ARE SICK: Joan Geard, Sam Maxwell, William Franklin, Gerry Stoffels (Capetown, SA), Maria Mihalic, Margaret Dawes, Bill Gilmore, Annie Scicluna, Anne Logan, Dymphna Hogg, Elaine Cotter, Margaret Thompson, Jabour Haddad, Patricia Moor, Helen Bohringer,  George & Margaret Cook,  Peter O'Brien, Angela Duvnjak, Rachel Raines,  Savannah Ayoub, Gus Reeves, Baby Maeve Lombard, Kathy Kiely, Ron Perry, Rosslyn Wallis, Arthur Haddad, Jean Di Benedetto, Michael Tracey, Joanne Mooney, Joanne Parkes, Michelle MacDonald, John & Molly Robinson, Mary Kerr, Eileen McCarthy.  

And all those suffering from the effects of Covid-19. 


RECENTLY DECEASED: Fr Patrick Dowd, Valma Elaine Brew, Etiene Barbeau SA., Peter Kennedy, Kenneth "Ken" John Maccheroni, Collin Stoffels (Capetown, SA), Berice Flannery, Raymond Cezerẽ (Ray) Hoareau, Doug Reiser, David John Newlands, Ms Lesley Court, Bill Magno, Ignatius Nati, Ron Gigalias, Russell Albury, Agnes Collins, Bill Magno, Peter Briggs, Joe Reilly, Roberta Geraghty, Johnny McGowan (Ireland), Henrica McDonald, Richard Evered, Joseph Ngati Kechl, Paul Connaughton, Joe McKeon.


ANNIVERSARY OF DEATH:  George, Gloria & Ross McLeod,Mark Connell, Norm Mullins, Veronica Bond, Peter Crowe, Angelina Mandarino, Marija Ac, Charles Robinson (Husband Of Connie), James Douglas Hendrie, Myra Edna Moffatt, Patricia Anderson, Sarah Clancy, Lara Michelle Kennedy, Norman James Thomson, Fr Bryan Lee, Len Heffernan, Colman & Mollie O'Byrne, Peg Perkins, Joan Frances Hurley, Bernie Tathem, , Mary Schreiber, Andre Bellony, Allan Thomas Vaughan, Jerzy Wieczorek, Milan Piglich, Thomas James Mich Farrell, Brian Peter Pinard, George Ferguson Shaw.



Next Sunday's Readings

Readings for First Sunday of Lent. Year B 


Ps: Ps 25:4-5, 6-7, 8-9 "Your ways, O Lord, are love and truth to those who keep your covenant."

SECOND READING: 1 Pet 3:18-22

Gospel Acclamation: (Matt 4:4b) Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ, King of endless glory. No one lives on bread alone. But on every word that comes from the mouth of God. 

GOSPEL: Mark 1:12-15 - Temptation


"The Archdiocese of Brisbane holds that children and vulnerable adults are a gift from God with an intrinsic right to dignity of life, respect and security from physical and emotional harm.  They are to be treasured, nurtured and protected from any harm."  As a Parish Community, we pray for a change of heart, that we respond to our grief by reaching out to one another in truth and love.

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