Friday 5 March 2021

SPCP_E-newsletter - Third Sunday of Lent. Year B . - Sunday, March 7, 2021

PDF version of this parish newsletter here:

Surfers Paradise Catholic Parish E-Newsletter

Parish Office: (07) 5572 5433 (9am – 12pm Mon-Fri) | Mass Times: (07) 5595 8466

Email: | Website: 

Emergencies: Priest contactable via office phone (after hours follow menu prompts)

50 Fairway Drive, Clear Island Waters, Queensland, 4226

Masses via pre-bookings here



Sunday, March 7, 2021

Third Sunday of Lent. Year B


Readings for Third Sunday of Lent. Year B 

FIRST READING: Exod 20: 1-17|

Ps: Ps 19: 8, 9, 10, 11 "Lord, you have the words of everlasting life."

SECOND READING: 1 Cor 1: 22-25

GOSPEL ACCLAMATION (John 3: 16): Glory and Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ. God loved the world so much, he gave his only Son. That all who believe in him might have eternal life.

GOSPEL: John 2: 13-25



"Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days." (John 2:19))

(Shutterstock licensed vector ID: 1680378802- 

Bible narratives about the Cleansing of the Temple. Jesus expelled the merchants and the money changers from the Temple. Christian bible character. Vector illustration By Inspiring).


THE PASTOR'S POST: What Does God Want to Hear?

A few weeks ago I wrote a post on how it is possible, and frequent, that we can get 'stuck' when we pray. The words and thoughts don't flow as we might wish and, rather than just sit with a vacant stare, we say words, which don't really mean anything to us, and therefore we can presume, they don't mean anything to God. It's not that God doesn't understand our intentions, but we feel we have to keep talking until we get it right.


As I have known for many years, when God sees a space in our lives he fills it, with an event, a task, an article or a person, who just gently steers us back to the right road. Something that, if we don't fight it, can bring clarity and purpose to what has been a desert experience for us. So good, old reliable God did it again by waving the following paragraph in front of me, when my mind was completely somewhere else, looking for something other than what I found.


Why Pray? Let me suggest the first reason: God wants to be in a relationship with you. How can you know this? Because you want to pray. And how do I know that? Because you are reading this.


And so began a most intriguing article by Fr. James Martin SJ, editor of the noted US Catholic magazine, America. I had to read more, if only to find out was it true that those of us who profess a faith, who believe in the existence of a transcendent God, want to pray. He says that deep within us is a natural desire to communicate with God, to share ourselves with God, to have God hear our voice, and to long to have a relationship with God. It seems so simple, so obvious and yet the doing of it, the arriving at the understanding of it, is so complex that it can take us a lifetime just to get close to knowing what it means to be with God in conversation.


Something in us desires to pray. And where does that desire come from? From God. How else would God draw us close other than planting a longing within us? Which means that God also desires that connection, that conversation. But why do we want to talk back in this connection? Why do we want to participate? Where does that desire come from?


Many people feel that there is more to life than what we know. That seems reasonable. This stirs up in us a feeling of incompleteness. We long to feel complete, to be connected. We cannot help but hunger to fill up what is unknown to us. Inside us are nagging feelings of restlessness and incompletion, and for the believer this can feel like a hole in the heart that only God can fill. St. Augustine was very direct when he wrote" You have made us for yourself, O Lord. And our hearts are restless until they rest in you." Just as the scientist seeks to find the reason for why the formula works, we all desire to put an explanation to the mystery. This can require a lifetime of dedication, but it will not rest, as Augustine says.


Fr. Martin suggests that our desire to pray is a sign that God desires us. It's an indication that God is calling us. Which can be a little confronting when we don't really know what we want to say, but as we can discover, words sometimes get in the way of what we want to say, what is really in our hearts. Since we live in a world where we are surrounded by sound, we think that God couldn't possibly understand us if we don't put our intentions into words, and the minute we do we are automatically confining ourselves to what we can express verbally. One of the Carmelite sisters of Ormiston in Brisbane once told me that she can spend hours in conversation with God without saying a word. "I can feel both heard and hearing from God when I don't clutter this time with words", she said.


Prayer reminds us of our need for God, and it reminds us that we are not the centre of the universe. We are not God, but we are privileged to have the companionship of someone who invites us into the intimacy of being with God. To begin prayer it is sufficient to acknowledge that we are not self-sufficient, that I am not the creator of myself. If we can accept this then the next prayer ingredient of humility is not far away. Thomas Merton says that humility and prayer are inseparable and allows us to realise that the very depths of our being and life are meaningful and real, only insofar as they are oriented towards God as their source and their end.


There are as many reasons to pray as there are people, but the common factor in all of these reasons in a response to the invitation from God: "Would you like to spend some time with me?"

 Fr Peter Dillon PP.


We congratulate the Spies, Broome, Harrington and Peers families whose children Nina Josephine, Zahli, Scarlett Lee and Aiden Austin will be baptised in our Parish this weekend. 

Please keep the Baptism families in your prayers as they begin their faith journey.



Our First Saturday of the month Mass will be on again on Saturday the 6th March at 9 am Sacred Heart Church.  Bookings essential. (Due to Holy Week and Easter,  there will not be a First Saturday Mass in April).




Our Easter timetable is as follows:

HOLY THURSDAY:  (April 1st 2021) 7pm Mass at Sacred Heart Church, 50 Fairway Drive, Clear Island Waters


GOOD FRIDAY:      (April 2nd 2021) 10am Stations of the Cross in all three Churches

 3pm Reading of the Passion and Veneration of the Cross, in all three Churches


EASTER SATURDAY:     (April 3rd 2021) 

                                        5pm Vigil Mass with Baptism of adults, Sacred Heart Church (longer ceremony).

                                        5pm Vigil Mass, Stella Maris Church, 254 Hedges Avenue, Broadbeach.

                                        5pm Vigil Mass, St Vincent's Church, 40 Hamilton Avenue, Surfers Paradise  


EASTER SUNDAY: (April 4th 2021)                 

                                               7am Mass Stella Maris Church

                                               8am and 10am Mass, St Vincent's Church, 40 Hamilton Avenue, Surfers Paradise.

                                               9am and 6pm Mass, Sacred Heart Church.


You must book to attend any of the Services and Masses in our Parish. Please go to our booking site: 



The Moogerah Passion Play is produced by the Moogerah Passion Play Association Inc; a non-denominational association established in 1993. The play is presented at the Lake Theatre, beside the waters of Lake Moogerah in Southern Queensland, Australia. The play has a primary aim of telling the story of Jesus. Up to 100 people are involved as cast and crew to bring the story of Jesus Christ to life and around 3000 people attend the performances each year.

Using drama is just one way of telling the story of Jesus. Drama has been used for many centuries and was used in medieval times as a way of telling Bible stories to people who were mostly illiterate. We use drama as it allows an audience to experience a visual re-telling of his story as it takes on flesh before their eyes.

Yet more than that, by using drama, many who come and see the play will understand the central truth of the good news (that's what Gospel means) that Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God who came so all who believe in him can have eternal life.


We call the play a passion play. Traditionally, passion plays deal only with the period from the day Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey to the day of his resurrection. The Moogerah Passion Play, however, deals with events from before and after that period.

We present the play close to Easter as that is when Christians around the world remember the crucifixion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.2021 PERFORMANCE DATES:

  • 27TH MARCH 2021

  • 28TH MARCH 2021



 Ticketed Event click * here* to register


Perhaps think about getting a group together to travel and be part of this excellent event. 

All performances start at 5pm.  Gates open at 4pm.  This is a ticketed event, all must register to attend, tickets available now. Food is available before, during and after the performance.


Entry is FREE!

For more information please visit -



"You shall not carve idols for yourselves in the shape of anything…" - Exodus 20:4

How many "gods" do you put before God?

"Idols" do not always take the shape of physical things, things we can touch and feel.  Those are easy to recognize.  Many times they take the form of things we cannot touch and are much harder to spot like pride, power, ego, time, comfort or health.  Pray for God's help to prune our vices and to grow in virtue.


The vision of Stewardship speaks in every aspect of life, inviting everyone to be thankful, generous and accountable for what each has been given.


Don't miss this opportunity!


15th- 17th MARCH

Facilitated By Rev Dr Richard Leonard SJ





Mon - 15th March "Going out to the world: we need all the help we can get"

Tue - 16th March "Nine steps to making better choices for my life"

Wed - 17th March "Where the Hell is God? Holding to Faith through the Tough Times."



Morning Sessions  9.30am – 10.45am   (immediately after the daily 9am Mass)

Evening Sessions 7.00pm - 8.15pm         (this is a repeat of the morning session)

PLACE SACRED HEART CHURCH, 50 Fairway Drive, Clear Island Waters


WEEKEND MASSES: Fr Richard will preside and preach at all Masses at Sacred Heart Church on the 13th and 14th of March.

BOOKINGS for the Parish mission 

Weekday Sessions, (15-17th March) book now via the Parish Bookeo system

 Book here:   

A Time Of Grace - All Welcome 



                                                  Third Sunday of Lent 2021


Oliva, 22, didn't have the opportunity to go to school, and was embarrassed that she was unable to read, write or count. Her business was losing money because she couldn't add up.

Then Oliva enrolled in Caritas Australia's literacy and numeracy classes. She also set up a home classroom to teach her neighbours for free, because they were too shy to attend larger classes.

Oliva has now graduated, attendance at her classes is growing, her kiosk is thriving and she is helping her children with their homework. She aims to become a pastor and run for  leadership in the next local election - to help her community to 'Be More.'

Please donate to Project Compassion 2021 and support people like Oliva to gain access to education to build a brighter future and live in communities that uphold everyone's dignity.

You can donate through Parish boxes and envelopes, by visiting or phoning 1800 024 413.



Subscribe here for the daily reflections, from Evangelisation Brisbane, that will also be taken from "Look to Jesus Lenten resource"

The suppliers of this excellent resource have sold out, due to unprecedented demand.

However, you can sign up for a daily reflection from Evangelisation Brisbane which is drawn from this same book. 

A series of theological reflections on the gospel of the day, intended to help us consider what our faith is calling us to as we travel through Lent, Eastertide and beyond during this challenging time. A one page written reflection each weekday.

If you wish to receive the weekday reflections by email please subscribe to the above link. 




New Monthly edition out this weekend.

The Catholic Leader is now a monthly paper. The same edition is available in the church for the month until sold out. And: 


Changes at a glance: The Catholic Leader will be printed monthly and due to the associated costs of producing the newspaper,  the cover price has been increased to $4  per copy. 



Please complete an online Sacramental Enrolment Application by going to  


and then use the drop down menu under Sacraments. 


If you are seeking Baptism for your child, click on the website heading Baptism (under Sacraments), read the explanation of the sacrament and then scroll down to and click on BAPTISM ENROLMENT FORM (in the blue box). Complete the form and click on submit. 


If your child has been baptised and you wish them to continue their journey of initiation by the celebration and receiving of further sacraments, click on Confirmation (under Sacraments), read the explanation of the sacrament and then scroll down to and click on CHILDREN'S SACRAMENTAL PROGRAM APPLICATION FORM (in the blue box). Complete the form and click on submit.


Once you have submitted the form, you should receive an automated response to indicate that your application has been received by the parish team. The timing of a more personalised response to your application will vary depending on the sacrament for which you wish to prepare. 

Baptism requests will be responded to fairly quickly as baptisms occur weekly and bookings are quite heavy and consistent throughout the year - What a blessing!  


The timing of responses to Confirmation, First Communion and Reconciliation requests vary according to the time of year. As the children prepare for these sacraments in groups, our Sacramental Coordinator will use the information provided on the completed online forms to email parents approximately two months prior to the celebration of the sacrament. If you feel that you enrolled some time ago and you have not received sufficient information through our parish or school newsletters, please email Cathy Anderson    





Dates for First Communion 2021, Surfers Paradise Parish:

  • Parent Meeting -   either April 20 or April 21

  • Practice Meeting - either May 25 or June 3 

  • First Communion Celebration - either Sunday, May 30 at 11:00am or Sunday June 6 at 11:00am

All venues: Sacred Heart Church 


Please note that First Communion preparation and celebration is offered to baptised and confirmed children who are in Year 4 or greater.


Children who have enrolled in our Parish Sacramental Program in previous years should not need to re-enrol. You should receive an email invitation in late March. If you are unsure, please email Cathy Anderson



Last week the Parish Sacramental Team met with the parents, and some grandparents, of nearly 80 children who are preparing for Confirmation. These families are working through a program combining prayer, discussion and reflection around the core of our Catholic beliefs; the role and meaning of the sacraments and especially the power and action of the Holy Spirit. 


These parents have accepted the important responsibility of teaching and sharing their faith as they guide the children through the videos and activities we have provided. We ask all parishioners to pray for these young people and their families at this time, that they may sense the care and support of their Catholic family here in Surfers Paradise Parish and, be emboldened by God's Holy Spirit to live and share God's good news with those they meet each day. 


Bishop Ken Howell will confirm the children on the evening of Friday, March 12. There will be a second opportunity to celebrate Confirmation in October this year so if your family missed out on this first group, please go to the parish website and complete an online enrolment application to ensure that your child is included in the October group. 


POPE FRANCIS: Pope Francis gives Roman Curia 17th-century text as Lenten reading

(By Courtney Mares - Vatican City, Feb 19, 2021 / 05:00 am MT (CNA)

Pope Francis has given each member of the Roman Curia a book to include in their spiritual reading for their Lenten retreat this year.


The book was written by an unnamed Cistercian monk in the 17th century and is entitled "Abbi a cuore il Signore," which means "Keep the Lord in your heart." It was originally written to aid monks in the Italian monastery of San Bartolo to grow in their spiritual lives.

The first edition of the manuscript was published in Italian in November 2020 by Edizioni San Paolo as a 320-page book. It is not currently available in English.


Jesuit Fr. Daniele Libanori edited the text which contains spiritual meditations, including an exposition on the deadly vices. Libarnori wrote in his introduction that the book can be useful in "overcoming oneself and going more quickly toward God."


In the text, the "Master of San Bartolo" wrote: "The weaker we feel, the more prone we are to hide our frailty. And with habit we end up developing the belief that we are truly as we imagine or as we would like. So if we are weak we try to hide weakness by appearing strong: we are like those animals that, being small, swell their hair to appear larger and more threatening in an attempt, often useless, to intimidate the opponent."


"In many ways: with force, with art and with cunning we strive not to expose our poor humanity to defeat and shame. But if we humbly accept to present ourselves to him in our condition as poor creatures, the Lord will manifest himself to us as a father who does not judge, but helps with his power…"


"God will meet you where your humanity has descended all the steps of weakness and you will have reached the awareness of your limitation. If you yourself do not choose the path of abasement, life will take you where you would not want because, as the Lord teaches, only those who live their weakness with humility will be exalted."


Pope Francis has asked members of the Roman Curia this year to make their own arrangements for a private Lenten retreat, also known as the spiritual exercises, on Feb. 21-26, due to the coronavirus pandemic. All papal events will be canceled for that week.


A letter from Pope Francis addressed to Archbishop Edgar Peña Parra, the Substitute for General Affairs of the Secretariat of State, was included with each book.


"This year we will not have the grace of being able to count on a Preacher of Exercises," the pope wrote.


"I too will join everyone by doing the exercises here. To express this union, I thought of sending this book to each one: 'Have the Lord at heart.' I am sure it will help all of us in the spiritual life. United in prayer for one another, fraternally, Franciscus."


The pope typically spends five days on retreat together with members of the Roman Curia participating in the Lenten spiritual exercises. For the past seven years, the retreat has taken place in a retreat house in the town of Ariccia in the Alban Hills southeast of Rome, although the pope was unable to participate in 2020 due to a cold.


Last year, Pope Francis took part in the Lenten retreat "from home," following along with the spiritual exercises and reflections from his Vatican residence, the Casa Santa Marta.


The practice of the pope going on retreat with the heads of Vatican dicasteries in Lent began around 90 years ago under Pope Pius XI. The spiritual exercises were held in the Vatican, but beginning in Lent 2014, Pope Francis chose to hold the retreat outside of Rome.


In his Ash Wednesday homily this week, Pope Francis said that the 40 days of Lent are an opportunity to turn from the slavery of sin to the freedom found in reconciliation with God.

"Heartfelt conversion, with the deeds and practices that express it, is possible only if it begins with the primacy of God's work. What enables us to return to him is not our own ability or merit, but his offer of grace," he said. 

"The beginning of the return to God is the recognition of our need for him and his mercy, the need for his grace. This is the right path, the path of humility."


Image: The cover of "Abbi a cuore il Signore," by the "Master of San Bartolo." Screenshot.


FAITH AND WORSHIP SPOT - The true purpose of Lent.

The true purpose of Lent is also described as follows: "Our self-denial should give you thanks, humble our sinful pride, contribute to the feeding of the poor, and so help us imitate you in your kindness."  


Lenten prayer and penance are therefore not really about punishing ourselves for our sins, and nor is it a time to "try harder" or exert more human willpower over sin.  Rather, it is a time when we clear the barriers so as to allow God's grace to work deeply within our hearts and minds.  Giving up things helps us focus more on the lasting values of Christ. It also frees up the energy and resources that we can put into helping those in need and focusing on God's priorities. The prayer, penance and acts of charity all open us up more to God's ways and not merely our own ways. 


Here is a handy guide to the pattern of our Lenten observances:  


Days of Penance:

Abstinence for meat, and fasting, are to be observed on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. Fasting is the equivalent of eating only one meal on that day, (although a few smaller meals that add up to the equivalent of one meal is also fine). All who have completed their 18th year and have not yet begun their 60th year are bound to fast. All who have completed their 14th year are bound to abstain. Abstaining can be foregoing anything to clear any barriers to us living and breathing Christ's Gospel. 


 On all other Fridays of the year the law of the common practice of penance is fulfilled by performing any one of the following: 

 (a) prayer – as for example, mass attendance; family prayer; a visit to a church or chapel; reading the Bible; making the stations of the cross; praying the rosary; or in other ways; 

 (b) self-denial – e.g. not eating meat; not eating sweets or dessert; giving up entertainment to spend time with the family; limiting food and drink so as to give to the poor of one's own country and elsewhere; or in other ways; 

 (c) helping others – e.g. special attention to someone who is poor, sick, elderly, lonely or overburdened, or in other ways.

Fr Paul



"Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days." (John 2:19).

The lines of the First reading today set the scene for everything that follows. That first sentence is the key to the understanding of the ten commandments that follow. 


God gives the Law to Moses saying, "I am the Lord your God who brought you out of slavery in Egypt." The "Words" from God that follow, which we know as the commandments are given to God's people in order to free them, to protect them and keep them in a good relationship with the Lord. (God is declaring to us that he is the God of liberation, . God gives us this law to make us free).


God's law is not an onerous duty or a burden. it frees us to be everything we are created to be. 


The Psalm sums it up so well: God's law is perfect. It is a real JOY. it gives wisdom. We are created not to be slaves, wearily doing the Lord's will as if it is a dreadful imposition and a burden. God's law is life and light. 

From the outset, God names two things that imprison and enslave us; 

- Putting other earthly things before God. and

- Creating false idols, (making passing "things" into our 'god'), 

These things lead to disaster. Our Lord wants to free us from this. Our Lord sets us on the path of God's ways being first and respecting and showing reverence to ourselves, our communities and our neighbours.


To truly understand the real meaning and purpose of the law, it can be very helpful to understand the lawmaker. and then one sees what the purpose of the law is. God is love, God has unfathomable depths. Of compassion. God is just, true and loving. To keep God's law is a delight; because it is created by our loving and compassionate God.


And Our Lord, Jesus, who embodied and perfected the law, shows us God's loving, compassionate heart. 


This is why Jesus knew the purpose and meaning of the law and how to apply it in Spirit and Truth. And, it is why he occasionally seemed to bend the letter of the law, in order to keep the Spirit and meaning of the Law. Only Christ (who is the Law and the compassion of God), could understand the meaning of the Law so well as to complete it.

A good symbol of this issue in a modern example would be on our roads, As you drive along the highway. how many people do you see who look like or act like the road laws are a delight; a pure joy to keep. How many do you see driving around filled with delight and peace as they observe faithfully the laws of the road. 


As they cut in or tailgate or sail past others doing four times the signed limit. 


Like many laws, rules or regulations: - we know that the laws of the land, are for the purpose of protecting safety, regulating competing rights and ensuring the protection of life, liberty and property. but, in this one example I am mentioning, many seem to go through life flouting laws and treating them as a bore and a burden; a silly restriction on their "freedom," as they drive at excessive speeds, cut people off, turn and brake dangerously, tailgate, abuse, and so on. Too many people seem to have taken this view on the road rules and so many other aspects of life as well.


"This law is silly and it limits me. It doesn't apply to me. I am above all that; so I ignore it." But if everyone flouted laws when they felt it was unimportant who would obey any? And what would become of it? 


Too many find out by accident that they were not such a master of the situation that they believed. 


Actually, as I am sure most would agree; following the road rules can actually be a joy and a delight, because it frees us to be thoughtful and respectful to others and peaceful as we drive. Gone is the desperate effort to speed, rush, tailgate and to rage over people who happen to be "in the way". The person who impatiently tailgates one car, finally gets past them only to be pathetically stuck behind the next car. and all the while they never noticed that these cars aren't driving too slow; but rather, THEY keep getting stuck because they are going too fast!!!! Some people are slow learners. Especially when they get to their destination (not having saved any time), and with a speeding camera fine coming in the mail. All riled up; and of course, it is always someone else's fault.


As necessary as human laws can be; God's law is so much better than this. It is true that, the more we understand the reason for a law and the purpose of a rule, the more likely we will be to follow it. Of course, as the second reading reminds us if God's ways are not like human ways, we have to obey God's wisdom even if we find it unusual. We can be more and more open to God's ways. and get deeper inside the heart of the one who makes the laws not to hold us back but for life, and life to the full.


The key to the gospel today is the first sentence too!!

- "Just before the Jewish Passover." -


There is nothing wrong with people coming into the temple and offering up goats or pigeons or spotless lambs in atonement for sins, and for offering up one's prayer and dedication to God. In fact, it was the law of the time to do this. The temple was the house of God's presence amongst his people. 

The money changers would have claimed that they were there to simply assist with the people's religious duties. There are major problems here, though. At one time, "living animals" were not permitted to be brought into the temple grounds for sale. But that had changed. 


The area of the temple that was supposed to be reserved for Gentiles to worship God was now a marketplace where no one could possibly hope to pray or worship amidst all the noise, and the rabble of haggling. Our Lord saw that the Gentiles were being treated with contempt, as well as everything else wrong with this scene. 


The fees charged for the temple services had also gotten out of hand, costing poor visitors three or more days wages to be able to perform their religious duty there The attitude with which the money changers were robotically, mechanically and business-like performing these operations was making a mockery of the sacredness of the action. This was a place of mystery and awe and not a place to turn into a circus with markets and cold-businesslike precision. It is also never meant to be a case of "put in a penny and out comes the blessing". So, Our Lord was restoring the proper awe and reverence to God. 


And, since it was indeed "just before the Passover, we cannot help but notice that Jesus is the TRUE Passover lamb. He is doing away with the need for lambs, goats and pigeons. He will be the one offering once and for all the perfect sacrifice which will now be the means of forgiveness and grace and redemption. He is restoring in himself right worship and effective sacrifice in which businesslike marketplaces will not be needed.


Also, Jesus will BE THE NEW TEMPLE. Our Lord will be for us always, the presence of God and the abiding promise of God's presence amongst us always.


In and through Christ, church and the Eucharist. 


Jesus, (who not only knows the lawmaker but is actually ONE WITH him), restores, completes and renews the ancient sacrifices and makes them effective by his own life, his teaching, his death and resurrection. And he warns us, just as he did the moneychangers, never take this for granted. Do not go through rituals with the mechanical presumption of a slot machine. Always, let us do this in awe and reverence for the saving law and sacrifice found in the temple that is the body of Christ.


Fr. Paul Kelly. 


To listen to the whole Sunday Mass each week (including homily) from Surfers Paradise Catholic Parish, please visit this link:  Liturgy for you at Home (by SPCP) -





Sacred Heart 

350 max capacity

Saturday Night - 5 pm

  • (Maronite Mass 6:30pm, Saturday Night)

*Note First Saturday of the month morning Mass 9am (Next: 6th March)

Sunday - 9 am & 6 pm

  • (Polish Mass 12:30 pm  Sunday) 

  • (Italian Mass 4pm Sunday)

St Vincent's

180 max capacity

Sunday - 8 am & 10 am

  • (Hispanic Mass – 5.30 pm on 1st and 3rd Sundays)

Extra parking is available only metres from St Vincent's Church, at King's Car Park, entry via Beach Road

Stella Maris 

200 max capacity 

Saturday Night - 5 pm

Sunday - 7 am


Please note: Numbers allowed in each Church are based on social distancing restrictions and the Archbishop has continued to exempt everyone from the obligation to attend Sunday mass during restrictions.



Additional to the above times, we will continue to celebrate weekday Mass at Sacred Heart at 9am. The 9am Saturday Mass will be on the First Saturday of the month (6th March) at Sacred Heart.

Please remember that as per restrictions we are still expected to book and check in for mass, maintain a social-distance of 1.5m, receive Holy Communion in the hand only, refrain from physical contact when offering the Sign of Peace, and to sanitise when entering and exiting the premises. We ask that people consult the parish website www.surfers paradise, to keep up to date with any changes relating to masses. 

Mass Booking:  Thank you for your cooperation at this time.



or if you are unable to book online, please ring the parish office between 9am and 12 noon Mon-Fri. Ph: 5572 5433



St Paul Fortnightly on a Tuesday

ALL WELCOME. Our next session will be on Tuesday the 16th March  at 6pm in the Parish Hospitality Room.

If you would like to participate in this please let Robyn know on 0409 486 326. This is a great opportunity for us to reflect, discuss, share and enrich our faith and relationship with Christ.





Spencer Brocklebank and his two children - Levi and Victoria

Tristan Mann and his three children - Jack, Nathaniel & Sienna

James Cannon | Christina Pera | Vala Ralulu | Carla Ten Cate


Tom Blackhurst | Damien Ives | Brady McFadden | Leon Mostert | Christine Taylor

Chenelle Butler, Colin Butler and their two children - Harper and Austin



On the 21st of February, the First Sunday of Lent, we all travelled to St Stephen's Cathedral, in Brisbane to participate with a large number of parishes throughout the Archdiocese, to celebrate the Rite of Election.    There will be 117 people from across the Archdiocese who are becoming Catholic at Easter. This is the final phase of the catechumens and candidates preparation to receive the sacraments of initiation at the Easter Vigil.  Following the Rite of Election, our Catechumens are called 'The Elect' since they have been elected by the Church (in the person of Archbishop Mark Coleridge) to become members.  We now move into the stage of purification and enlightenment to deepen our preparation and our relationship with Jesus.


We will be celebrating our Rites of Healing and Strengthening at both St Vincent's and Stella Maris, to introduce our Elect and Candidates to parishioners who attend these churches.  So look out for us and make everyone welcome, introduce yourselves, as we are looking forward to being there with you.


St Vincent's Church Sunday  8am 7th March. Stella Maris Church Saturday 5pm 20th March.




Prayers needed for our Catechumens and Candidates journeying to Easter for Baptism, Reception into the Catholic Church, Confirmation and First Holy Communion. 

Blessings on your day and pray for us during these important steps of the journey.



Your support is needed to help our Parish to continue valuable pastoral activities and to provide ongoing sustainability. To assist you to support the Parish, you can give via

If you are able to continue to support us, we would be most grateful. For all those who have been making payments via credit card and those who have donated directly into the parish account, we thank you.  The spirit of generosity is alive in our Parish.  If you would like confirmation of your donation or a receipt emailed to you please contact me at or, please ring the parish office between 9am and 12 noon Mon-Fri. Ph: 5572 5433.



As of February 1st 2021 the Archdiocesan Development Fund (ADF) have announced to all the Parishes in the Archdiocese that they have upgraded their electronic banking numbers.


If you are making a donation to the parish via Net Banking, paying for a sacrament (baptism, wedding, sacramental program), making an instalment for the Columbarium, or paying an invoice via Net Banking please use the parish account.

Parish       BSB: 064-786           Account number: 100000421


If you wish to make a planned giving donation via Net Banking please use Planned Giving Direct Debit account.

Planned Giving Direct Debit    BSB: 064-786       Account number:  100013666


If you use the parish App or have a Direct Debit established as a periodic payment you don't have to do anything as the ADF have made the necessary changes internally and the parish will continue to benefit from your kind generosity. If you would like clarification about your particular situation please call the parish Monday to Friday between 9am and 12noon.




We are excited to reveal that Surfers Paradise Parish has been working to rejuvenate the look of our website. It is now live! You can visit the site at to explore the fresh look.



Meets at the Sacred Heart - Parish Hospitality Centre, Fairway Drive, Clear Island Waters.  

Playing Bridge keeps your brain active and increases your social network! So why not give us a try?

Learn to play Bridge at "Our Friendly Club"  - Free Lesson. "Introduction to Bridge"

Easy to learn format, no previous card playing experience necessary. All are welcome.

For more information and to enrol, Please phone: Cheryl 5538 8821  or Mob 0417 772 701


The need is acute! PALMS INTERNATIONAL 

Low-income communities are not asking us for money or gifts.  They reject degrading dependence.  They want you to share your skills to help develop self-reliance and sustainable solutions to poverty. The call is to all trades and professions to assist build the ability of their people and the capacity of their organisations.  To properly prepare for a 2022 placement you do need to enquire now.

Join our online InfoZoom on 2 May, visit, or call Palms now on 02 9560 5333



Be inspired, Be refreshed, Be renewed!

Come on a 40 day journey with me and I know this will be a powerful and prayerful Lenten journey together. Receive a short inspiring video each day during Lent. This program is FREE and you can sign up here:      Call  1300 734 880 for more info.



New stock has arrived in both shops this week - rosary beads, crucifixes, prayer books and much more.

Reasonably priced Easter cards also available now at $1 each.



Come join us for our friendly class in the Parish Hospitality Centre next to the Parish Office. Classes run every Tuesday at 10:45am. Learn to relax, yet gain greater flexibility, inner strength, body awareness and concentration, all while increasing your breath support and general wellbeing. Ruth is an IYTA accredited instructor with wide experience and runs a caring, carefully monitored one hour session costing $10 (new attendees need to arrive by 10.30am to prepare adequately for class). For more information call Ruth on 0421338110.






You can visit the Stay Connected page on our website to find an extensive list of information and resources. 

Liturgy for you at Home (produced by SPP):

Weekly Homily (produced by SPP):

Surfers Paradise Parish Facebook:

Breaking Parish News (SPP Blog):




FOR THOSE WHO ARE SICK: Rodney and Norma McLennan, Lois and Doug Wood, Judy Dempsey (Wagga), Sam Maxwell, William Franklin, Gerry Stoffels (Capetown, SA), Maria Mihalic, Margaret Dawes, Bill Gilmore, Annie Scicluna, Anne Logan, Dymphna Hogg, Elaine Cotter, Margaret Thompson, Patricia Moor, Helen Bohringer,  George & Margaret Cook,  Peter O'Brien, Angela Duvnjak, Rachel Raines,  Savannah Ayoub, Gus Reeves, Baby Maeve Lombard, Kathy Kiely, Ron Perry, Rosslyn Wallis, Arthur Haddad, Jean Di Benedetto, Michael Tracey, Joanne Mooney, Joanne Parkes, Michelle MacDonald, John & Molly Robinson, Mary Kerr, Eileen McCarthy.   And all those suffering from the effects of Covid-19. 


RECENTLY DECEASED: Fr Peter Gillam (Retired Priest of Redcliffe), Peggy Doreen Norris, Frok Kolaj, John Woodraff, Edward Sneddon, Michael Robertson, Hans Wagner, Jabour Haddad, Antonija Saceric, Fr Patrick Dowd, Peter Baker, Joan Geard, Julieann Miller, Valma Elaine Brew,  Etiene Barbeau SA., Peter Kennedy, Kenneth "Ken" John Maccheroni.


ANNIVERSARY OF DEATH:  Gloria Hart, Irene Amelia Gale, Monique Mary Felsman, Malcolm Leslie (Mal) Flannery, Francis Vernon Maunder, June Hilda Curtis, Gerald Francis (Gerry) O'Reilly, Ronald Patrick (Ron) Chapman, Norma Quinlan, Giorgia Vinall, Norma Claire Quinlan, Giorgia Teresa Micallef-Vinall, Jeannette Giblin, Thomas Lelo, Peter Butler, Kath Browning, Arkley Debnam, Pam Braithwaite, Mario Di Martino, Mary Madonna Hodge, Giovanni Scalcione, Racquel Leisa Carruthers. 



Next Sunday's Readings

Readings for Fourth Sunday of Lent. Year B 

FIRST READING: 2 Chr 36: 14-16, 19-23 (diff)|

Ps: Ps 137: 1-2, 3, 4-5, 6 "Let my tongue be silenced, if I ever forget you! "


Gospel Acclamation: (John 3: 16) Glory and Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ. God loved the world so much, he gave his only Son. That all who believe in him might have eternal life.

GOSPEL: John 3: 14-21


"The Archdiocese of Brisbane holds that children and vulnerable adults are a gift from God with an intrinsic right to dignity of life, respect and security from physical and emotional harm.  They are to be treasured, nurtured and protected from any harm."  As a Parish Community, we pray for a change of heart, that we respond to our grief by reaching out to one another in truth and love.

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