Saturday 3 April 2021

SPCP_E-newsletter - Easter Sunday of the Resurrection. Year B . - Sunday, April 4, 2021

PDF version of this parish newsletter here:

Surfers Paradise Catholic Parish E-Newsletter

Parish Office: (07) 5572 5433 (9am – 12pm Mon-Fri) | Mass Times: (07) 5595 8466

Email: | Website: 

Emergencies: Priest contactable via office phone (after hours follow the menu prompts)

50 Fairway Drive, Clear Island Waters, Queensland, 4226

Masses via pre-bookings here


Sunday, April 4, 2021

Easter Sunday of the Resurrection. Year B.


Readings for Easter Sunday of the Resurrection. Year B 

FIRST READING: Acts 10: 34a, 37-43

Ps: Ps 118: 1-2, 16-17, 22-23 "This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad. "


GOSPEL ACCLAMATION (1 Cor 5: 7b-8a): Alleluia, alleluia! Christ has become our Paschal sacrifice. Let us feast with joy in the Lord.

GOSPEL: Mark 16: 1-7


"He has risen! He is not here." (Mark 16"6)


(Shutterstock licensed vector ID: 1109629649,  Biblical vector illustration series, the resurrection of Jesus or resurrection of Christ,  By rudall30 ).




Or if you are unable to book online, please ring the parish office between 9am and 12 noon Mon-Fri. Ph: 5572 5433



Our Easter timetable is as follows:

EASTER SATURDAY:     (April 3rd 2021) 

                                        5pm Vigil Mass with Baptism of adults, Sacred Heart Church (longer ceremony).

                                        5pm Vigil Mass, Stella Maris Church, 254 Hedges Avenue, Broadbeach.

                                        5pm Vigil Mass, St Vincent's Church, 40 Hamilton Avenue, Surfers Paradise  

EASTER SUNDAY: (April 4th 2021)                 

                                               7am Mass Stella Maris Church

                                               8am and 10am Mass, St Vincent's Church, 40 Hamilton Avenue, Surfers Paradise.

                                               9am and 6pm Mass, Sacred Heart Church.


You must book to attend any of the Services and Masses in our Parish. Please go to our booking site: 


THE PASTOR'S POST: What Gets You Up in the Morning?

Every year since his arrival of the Archdiocese of Brisbane, Archbishop Coleridge requests that all the priests and deacons of the archdiocese attend a "convocation", which, as the name implies, is a calling together of the clergy to look at how we are travelling as an archdiocese, as a parish, and perhaps most comfortingly, as individuals. This gathering takes place over two days in Brisbane, finishing with celebration of the Chrism Mass on Thursday evening at the Cathedral of Stephen, when we are all invited to renew our commitment to our vocation. All the priests are asked to stand before the congregation and are asked "are you resolved to discharge your office conscientiously, to celebrate the mysteries of Christ faithfully and reverently, and to preach the Gospel wisely and fearlessly?


Although I have never really considered not renewing this commitment, I am always moved to really focus on this part of the ceremony, given that so much seems to have changed about my work, my interest, my energies and my vision for where we are heading. The reasons and vision of why I came forward to be ordained in 1979 have certainly changed as has the environment in which I now exercise this ministry. For years I have responded almost automatically with a proud "I Am" to this question, but these days I find myself really confronting the adverbs of 'conscientiously', 'reverently', 'wisely and fearlessly'. How can I be sure these words apply to my ministry and have they lost some of their potency over the many years of saying and doing many of the same things again and again with mixed results?


One of the questions we were asked by a presenter at the convocation was "What gets you out of bed each morning?" Well, after the expected trite responses of "The alarm clock" or "The call of the bathroom", much honest discussion followed. Those of us who have been on the road for years were rather pragmatic about our answers, being careful not to scandalize the younger men with too many candid comments.  The upshot was that the work that used to stimulate and energise us had become rather repetitive and formulaic, so that more effort is now required to ensure that sincerity and conviction is not compromised. It seems to be a case of doing the same thing too often, leading to less effort and concentration on the best outcome. If it worked once why not keep doing it the same way? With fewer priests available for parish appointments and parishes needing to link with those adjacent to them to share out the scarce resources, we reluctantly admitted that we sometimes feel that we are celebrating too many masses, funerals and baptisms without having the time to really appreciate what is taking place and what we believe should be done carefully and effectively, rather than frequently and efficiently.


It's probably a symptom of aging or perhaps the Covid effect, but how do any of us keep the enthusiasm going, how do we reinvigorate ourselves and make the important changes that need to happen, just when we get comfortable and resistant to change? Where do we find time to evaluate your experiences so that you can use them "wisely and fearlessly" for the enrichment of those to whom and with whom we minister? How do we change ministry from being a duty and function to a celebration of the Good News?


There was something strangely consoling to discover that these were not my questions alone, and that it was the more senior priests who provided the support to remind us to make sure that we had enough energy left in the tank for the rest of the journey. "Pace yourself" seemed to be the advice from those men who had given dedicated service for 50 and 60 years. A word from the wise that requires a lot of discipline to follow.

Perhaps the best response to the question came from a very elderly priest who has been pastoring for well over 50 years who said, "What gets me up in the morning is the thought that I can get back to bed later this afternoon". I'm not sure that helped, but it sure gave us something to smile about. 


Fr Peter Dillon PP.


Congratulations to our RCIA members Baptised and Received into the Catholic Church




This excellent world-wide online television network provides excellent Catholic content including live Masses from australia and around the world.  We have local people in our parish who are part of this great global outreach.  Please visit and see the treasury of shows and articles. 



"Think of what is above, not of what is on earth."  - COLOSSIANS 3:2


On this day we thank God for His Son, Jesus, who died, rose and opened the gates of heaven for us.  We celebrate and sing "Alleluia."  Let's try to keep the joy of this Easter season in our hearts throughout the year!  Pray daily and listen for how God is calling each of us to joyfully use our gifts to fulfill His salvation plan.

The vision of Stewardship speaks in every aspect of life, inviting everyone to be thankful, generous and accountable for what each has been given.



Your support is needed to help our Parish to continue valuable pastoral activities and to provide ongoing sustainability. To assist you to support the Parish, you can give via

If you are able to continue to support us, we would be most grateful. For all those who have been making payments via credit card and those who have donated directly into the parish account, we thank you.  The spirit of generosity is alive in our Parish.  If you would like confirmation of your donation or a receipt emailed to you please contact me at

The beautiful new timber stands in the church are "pay-waves."("tap-and-go" machines). A handy new way of donating to the parish - just tap a credit card or bank card on the sensor and it takes $5. And once it has processed this first tap, (which may take 30 seconds), you can tap it again, to give another $5, and so on. A safe and handy way to give money. God bless you for your support. To join planned giving, please contact the Parish Office: (07) 5572 5433 (9am–12pm Mon-Fri)






  Thank you!


Caritas Australia would like to THANK YOU for supporting Project Compassion 2021. If you still have your Project Compassion box or set of envelopes at home, please bring them back next week or visit to make your donation online.

Through your generosity you will be empowering the world's most vulnerable communities to grow stronger and share their strengths with their communities to lift themselves out of poverty.  #projectcompassion 1800 024 413



Subscribe here for the daily reflections, from Evangelisation Brisbane, that will also be taken from "Look to Jesus Lenten resource"

The suppliers of this excellent resource have sold out, due to unprecedented demand.

However, you can sign up for a daily reflection from Evangelisation Brisbane which is drawn from this same book. 

A series of theological reflections on the gospel of the day, intended to help us consider what our faith is calling us to as we travel through Lent, Eastertide and beyond during this challenging time. A one page written reflection each weekday.

If you wish to receive the weekday reflections by email please subscribe to the above link. 




(For children who have already received Confirmation)


Dates for First Communion 2021, Surfers Paradise Parish:

  • Parent Meeting -   either April 20 or April 21

  • Practice Meeting - either May 25 or June 3 

  • First Communion Celebration - either Sunday, May 30 at 11:00am or Sunday June 6 at 11:00am

All venues: Sacred Heart Church 


Please note that First Communion preparation and celebration is offered to baptised and confirmed children who are in Year 4 or greater.


Children who have enrolled in our Parish Sacramental Program in previous years should not need to re-enrol. You should receive an email invitation in late March. If you are unsure, please email Cathy Anderson



There will be a second opportunity to celebrate Confirmation in October this year, please go to the parish website and complete an online enrolment application to ensure that your child is included in the October group. 


Please complete an online Sacramental Enrolment Application by going to  


And then use the drop down menu under Sacraments. 


If you are seeking Baptism for your child, click on the website heading Baptism (under Sacraments), read the explanation of the sacrament and then scroll down to and click on BAPTISM ENROLMENT FORM (in the blue box). Complete the form and click on submit. 


If your child has been baptised and you wish them to continue their journey of initiation by the celebration and receiving of further sacraments, click on Confirmation (under Sacraments), read the explanation of the sacrament and then scroll down to and click on CHILDREN'S SACRAMENTAL PROGRAM APPLICATION FORM (in the blue box). Complete the form and click on submit.


Once you have submitted the form, you should receive an automated response to indicate that your application has been received by the parish team. The timing of a more personalised response to your application will vary depending on the sacrament for which you wish to prepare. 

Baptism requests will be responded to fairly quickly as baptisms occur weekly and bookings are quite heavy and consistent throughout the year - What a blessing!  


The timing of responses to Confirmation, First Communion and Reconciliation requests vary according to the time of year. As the children prepare for these sacraments in groups, our Sacramental Coordinator will use the information provided on the completed online forms to email parents approximately two months prior to the celebration of the sacrament. If you feel that you enrolled some time ago and you have not received sufficient information through our parish or school newsletters, please email Cathy Anderson 


POPE FRANCIS:  Doctor of the Church St. Alphonsus Liguori is 'model of missionary outreach'

Pope Francis on Tuesday highlighted St. Alphonsus Liguori as a model of moral teaching, particularly the formation of well-formed consciences.


The pope issued a letter marking the 150th anniversary of Pope Pius IX's proclamation of Liguori as a Doctor of the Church on March 23, 1871, and reflected on the example that the 18th-century saint provides for evangelization today.


"Following the example of St. Alphonsus Maria Liguori, who revived moral theology, it is desirable and therefore necessary to accompany, shepherd, and support those most deprived of spiritual aid on the path to redemption," Pope Francis wrote on the March 23 anniversary.


"The radicalism of the Gospel should not be set against the weakness of man. It is always necessary to find the way that does not create distance, but brings hearts closer to God, just as Alphonsus did with his spiritual and moral teaching."

St. Alphonsus Liguori is the patron saint of confessors and moralists. He founded the Redemptorist religious order near Naples in 1732.


Born in 1696, he practiced civil law for eight years before becoming priest and went on to write extensively within the field of moral theology, in addition to devotion writings on the Blessed Sacrament and the Virgin Mary.


Among prayers composed by Liguori is an Act of Spiritual Communion, which Pope Francis has recommended people to pray when coronavirus lockdowns prevent them from being able to attend Mass.


In his letter, the pope also quoted Liguori's "Ascetical Works," in which the saint wrote that "the paradise of God ... is the heart of man."


"The formation of consciences for good seems to be an indispensable goal for every Christian. Giving space to consciences -- a place where the voice of God resounds -- so that they can carry out their personal discernment in the concreteness of life is a formative task to which we must remain faithful," the pope said.


Pope Francis described Liguori as a "model of missionary outreach for the entire Church," who shows how to "bring consciences closer to the welcoming face of the Father".



"Like St. Alphonsus, we are called to go out to meet the people as an apostolic community that follows the Redeemer among the abandoned. This reaching out to those without spiritual help helps to overcome individualistic ethics and to promote a moral maturity capable of choosing the true good," he said.


"By forming responsible and merciful consciences we will have a mature Church capable of constructively responding to social frailties, in view of the kingdom of heaven." 


The pope said that Liguori "offered constructive responses to the challenges of the society of his time, through popular evangelization, indicating a style of moral theology capable of holding together the need for the Gospel and human frailties."


"Moral theology must not be afraid to welcome the cry of the least of the earth and to make it its own. The dignity of the frail is a moral duty that cannot be evaded or delegated. It is necessary to witness that law always means solidarity," Pope Francis said.


"I invite you, as St. Alphonsus did, to go out to meet the fragile brothers and sisters of our society. This involves the development of a moral theological reflection and pastoral action, capable of committing oneself to the common good which has its roots in the proclamation of the kerygma, which has a decisive word in defense of life, towards creation and brotherhood."

(source:  By Courtney Mares Vatican City, Mar 23, 2021 / 01:00 pm MT (CNA) -  )

(image:ID: 321973571,  Rome, Italy - August 17, 2015: Detail of exterior the Church of St. Alphonsus Liguori (Italian: Chiesa di Sant'Alfonso di Liguori all'Esquilino),  A, By Aleksandr Stepanov)



A spiritual writer once said, and put it so beautifully for us who have been keeping vigil in meditation and prayer… right up until this wonderful night:


He writes….…   


"One of the powerful things that Easter says to us today, is this: You can put truth in a grave, but it won't stay there. You can nail truth to a cross, or wrap it in winding sheets;  and shut it in a tomb, but it will rise again!"   (Clarence W. Hall).

Tonight we celebrate the fact that Christ has risen! He, who IS the way, the truth and the Life, could not possibly be held in death's grasp. He broke free and he promises us eternal life too.


God has the final say over the tensions and tragedies of life, and it is good news. God says "yes" to the goodness of creation and "Yes" to each one of us. It was right to remain faithful. Our hope in his promises is fulfilled.


EASTER IS ABOUT FAMILY – first and foremost – we are all one family of God…  God loves us and cares about us…  and is faithful to us forever……   and desires with all his heart that we love others with his heart too…Easter is also about our own individual families….. (sharing time for family, or if we are not able to be with them this easter, certainly giving thanks for the gift of them in our lives…)…..and giving thanks to God for the many ways God brings us to the fullness of life…


We give thanks for our FAMILY, our friends….and    for so many graces and blessings we have received in life…  to nurture us and give us strength and joy……


Easter is the perfect time for celebrating Baptisms and welcoming people into our church communion…….    We give thanks for those who will be baptized and received into the church this season. God's gentle grace has led them here… and their decision is a great source of renewal and thanksgiving for the whole community.


Easter is not only about the promise of everlasting life in heaven. There are so many ways in which Jesus' rising from the dead is a sign of God's constant work to "bring us out of the entombment" that we can experience in our lives. This is also about the real promise that "God can and does" want us to be "fully alive," and renewed in spirit and mind, and brought to life again from so many things that can sap the life out of us, weigh us down and imprison us whether it be fear, guilt, pain, illness, doubt, grief, or countless other equally painful struggles.  


Anyone who has ever gone through a "dark night of the soul" in their life, (and that is each of us at one time or another), and has come through the other end and now finds themselves in a renewed place, raised up again,  (never imagining that they would be in this new space) but here they are!! With the help of God's grace, (shown by the helping hands of family, friends, colleagues, and so many other ways). Anyone who has gone through this can testify…   Christ really IS at work bringing us to new life (in so many ways) and (Tonight/today)  we give thanks for this, and pray for those who continue to hope and trust in God's faithfulness. God's love and care for us will never fail. God effects resurrection IN our lives, in ways beyond our expectations, beyond our presumptions or in ways different from the literal limits of our requests. Often, we only recognize a 'resurrection moment in our lives' with a kind of 'dawning realization'  - like Mary Magdalene:  thinking that someone had hidden the body of our Lord, searching and praying that she might find where they had hidden his body, and not at first realizing that her prayers had been answered in this man she initially mistakes for a gardener, (but no, it is the Lord himself). 


I would like to conclude with an ode a short poem written to express the truth of the Lord's Rising in our life journey. Anyone who can sing the words of this ode (or their own unique variation for their own life situation) knows that the resurrection is a reality, here and now, in the lives of each of us:    

"Lord, only you know

the path of fire

we've been through

these past years.

But we made it

a miracle of grace,

Not by our own strength,

But only because I ran to you.


Today we arise,

though we still bear the wounds

Today it begins,

One step after another;

Some days backwards,

Mostly forward.

No longer in darkness

for That's in the past


Today I arise, 

today we begin…..

This "new day" dawns…

Lord, this -- new day dawns…!!"  [1]


May the Lord of the resurrection bless you and renew you with fullness of life – here and now (and forever).


To listen to the whole Sunday Mass each week (including homily) from Surfers Paradise Catholic Parish, please visit this link:  Liturgy for you at Home (by SPCP) -

Fr. Paul Kelly.               {References:Fr Paul Kelly -(words by P.W. Kelly).[1]}.

{Image Credit: Shutterstock stock vector ID: 1462088861. Biblical vector illustration series, Angel appeared at Jesus' tomb.By rudall30 }



Please note that although the Covid situation is slowly improving, there are still restrictions and limitations on Mass and service attendance and the same will apply for Holy week and Easter.  Pre-booking is essential, and we do have limits on numbers who can gather in the church at any one time.  Also, regular reconciliations are still suspended. Eucharist is of course effective in the forgiveness of all venial sin. The actual rule is that all Catholics are ordinarily bound by an obligation faithfully to confess serious sins at least once a year." And also "without being strictly necessary, confession of everyday faults (venial sins) is nevertheless strongly recommended by the Church." But when these instructions are read together and with the current circumstances of covid restrictions, only those who need to confess serious sins are obliged to seek confession. Anyone can arrange a private confession with a priest at times outside the usual mass times. Please avoid the pre-Holy Week rush.  We encourage most people, where possible, to make use, in these unusual times, of personal acts of contrition, participation in Eucharist, and penitential services, for Easter.  




A SPIRITUAL THOUGHT - Meet violence with hope

Violence has made an all-too-comfortable home in our lives. It's in our TV shows and movies, our politics, our streets, and even our own hearts. In a pastoral message on violence in 1994, the U.S. Catholic Bishops wrote, "Hostility, hatred, despair, and indifference are at the heart of a growing culture of violence." How do we meet these experiences with compassion and offer a safe place for peace? "The path to a more peaceful future is found in a rediscovery of personal responsibility, respect for human life and human dignity, and a recommitment to social justice. The best antidote to violence is hope."

(see also: Jeremiah 20:10-13; John 10:31-42). 









St Paul's Missionary Journey through His Letters 

Fortnightly on a Tuesday


ALL WELCOME. Our next session will be on Tuesday 13th April at 6 pm in the Parish Hospitality Room.

If you would like to participate in this please ring  0409 486 326. This is a great opportunity for us to reflect, discuss, share and enrich our faith and relationship with Christ.



Congratulations to our Catechumens and Candidates who are  Initiated/ welcomed into the Catholic Church this Easter


Catechumens: Spencer Brocklebank and his two children - Levi and Victoria

Tristan Mann and his three children - Jack, Nathaniel & Sienna

James Cannon | Christina Pera | Carla Ten Cate


Tom Blackhurst | Damien Ives | Brady McFadden | Leon Mostert | Christine Taylor

Chenelle Butler, Colin Butler and their two children - Harper and Austin


Photos to follow next week!




Sacred Heart 

350 max capacity

Saturday Night - 5 pm

  • (Maronite Mass 6:30 pm, Saturday Night)

*Note First Saturday of the month morning Mass 9 am (Next: 1st May)

Sunday - 9 am & 6 pm

  • (Polish Mass 12:30 pm  Sunday) 

  • (Italian Mass 4 pm Sunday)

St Vincent's

180 max capacity

Sunday - 8 am & 10 am

  • (Hispanic Mass – 5.30 pm on 1st and 3rd Sundays)

Extra parking is available only metres from St Vincent's Church, at King's Car Park, entry via Beach Road

Stella Maris 

200 max capacity 

Saturday Night - 5 pm

Sunday - 7 am

Please note: Numbers allowed in each Church are based on social distancing restrictions and the Archbishop has continued to exempt everyone from the obligation to attend Sunday mass during restrictions.


Additional to the above times, we will continue to celebrate weekday Mass at Sacred Heart at 9 am. The 9 am Saturday Mass will be on the First Saturday of the month (1st May) at Sacred Heart. Please Note:  There will be NO 1st Saturday 9 am Mass this Saturday, the 3rd April, because of Holy Saturday.

Please remember that as per restrictions we are still expected to book and check-in for mass, maintain a social distance of 1.5m, receive Holy Communion in the hand only, refrain from physical contact when offering the Sign of Peace, and to sanitise when entering and exiting the premises. We ask that people consult the parish website www.surfers paradise, to keep up to date with any changes relating to masses. 

Mass Booking:  Thank you for your cooperation at this time.



or if you are unable to book online, please ring the parish office between 9am and 12 noon Mon-Fri. Ph: 5572 5433




Due to the lockdown in the Greater Brisbane area this week the Catholic Leader will not be available until  next weekend 10/11th April

We have some pre-loved religious treasures available for sale at the Sacred Heart Shop.  A donation is all that is required, no reasonable offer will be refused.



There has been a change of plans for 1st Friday adoration which will be held on Friday 9th April at Sacred Heart Church, due to Good Friday falling on the 1st Friday of April.  Time: 7pm to 8.30pm.  All welcome. Enquiries: Helen 0421 935 678. After this, the First Friday adoration will return to the usual date of the first Friday of May. 



Meets at the Sacred Heart - Parish Hospitality Centre, Fairway Drive, Clear Island Waters.  

Playing Bridge keeps your brain active and increases your social network! So why not give us a try?

Learn to play Bridge at "Our Friendly Club"  - Free Lesson. "Introduction to Bridge"

Easy to learn format, no previous card playing experience necessary. All are welcome.

For more information and to enrol, Please phone: Cheryl 5538 8821  or Mob 0417 772 701


MARIAN VALLEY - Please come and join us at the Marian Valley for Divine Mercy Sunday on the 11th April and Fatima Day on Tuesday 13th April.

The bus will be picking up at about 8.15am at the Sacred Heart Church, Clear Island Waters. The cost for the bus is $22 return. You can secure your seat with Paula on 0402 930 918 or 5582 7950 or Madeline on 0405 252 367 or 5529 1573. All are welcome!


The need is acute! PALMS INTERNATIONAL 

Low-income communities are not asking us for money or gifts.  They reject degrading dependence.  They want you to share your skills to help develop self-reliance and sustainable solutions to poverty. The call is to all trades and professions to assist build the ability of their people and the capacity of their organisations.  To properly prepare for a 2022 placement you do need to enquire now.

Join our online InfoZoom on 2 May, visit, or call Palms now on 02 9560 5333



Come join us for our friendly class in the Parish Hospitality Centre next to the Parish Office. Classes run every Tuesday at 10:45 am. Learn to relax, yet gain greater flexibility, inner strength, body awareness and concentration, all while increasing your breath support and general wellbeing. Ruth is an IYTA accredited instructor with wide experience and runs a caring, carefully monitored one-hour session costing $10 (new attendees need to arrive by 10.30 am to prepare adequately for class). For more information call Ruth on 0421338110.




We are excited to reveal that Surfers Paradise Parish has been working to rejuvenate the look of our website. It is now live! You can visit the site at to explore the fresh look.


Check out the video announcement launch here: 


We were reminded at the Mission of the importance of Our Lady and thought it fitting that we let the Parishioners know that the Statue of Our Lady is going around the Parish.  If you would like to take part in the saying of the Rosary with Our Lady's Statue, please contact Maxine Sela on 5539 9539.


The Roster for the next few weeks:

W/c 5/4/2021    Sue & Terry Collins  of Robina

W/c 12/4/2021        Dennis & Aby Mendiola

We  19/4/2021 Eva Mollowski of Palm Beach

W/e 26/4/2021 Eva Mollowski of Palm Beach

W/c 3/5/2021 Helen & Thor Skjaerbaer of Merrimac

W/c 10/5/2021 Helen & Thor Skjaerbaer of Merrimac

God Bless, Maxine & Pat Sela




You can visit the Stay Connected page on our website to find an extensive list of information and resources. 

Liturgy for you at Home (produced by SPP):

Weekly Homily (produced by SPP):

Surfers Paradise Parish Facebook:

Breaking Parish News (SPP Blog):




FOR THOSE WHO ARE SICK: Neil Rogers, Jacqueline Costigan(Bethania), Bill Goodrem, Rodney and Norma McLennan, Lois and Doug Wood, Sam Maxwell, William Franklin, Gerry Stoffels (Capetown, SA), Maria Mihalic, Margaret Dawes, Bill Gilmore, Annie Scicluna, Anne Logan, Dymphna Hogg, Elaine Cotter, Margaret Thompson, Patricia Moor, Helen Bohringer, Margaret Cook, Peter O'Brien, Angela Duvnjak, Rachel Raines, Savannah Ayoub, Gus Reeves, Baby Maeve Lombard, Kathy Kiely, Ron Perry, Rosslyn Wallis, Arthur Haddad, Jean Di Benedetto, Michael Tracey, Joanne Mooney, Joanne Parkes, Michelle MacDonald, John & Molly Robinson, Mary Kerr, Eileen McCarthy. And all those suffering from the effects of Covid-19.


RECENTLY DECEASED: Ben Hamlet, John Donelly Shiels, Josephine Desira, Judy Dempsey (Wagga), Angelita Javillonar, Yvonne Cassidy (sister of Gerard Denaro), Sheila Asher, Maria Gafa, Virgil Klaassen, Maurice James ('Mac') McNamara, Diosdado Sabornido, Yvonne Mitchell, Gerard Payne, Josephine Nosti, Frok Kolaj, John Piper, Wilhelmina Elizabeth Carter.


ANNIVERSARY OF DEATH:  Fr Raymond Wells (Hobart), Dorothy and Raymond Mullen, Bernadette Bartley, Saint John Paul II, Annette Bryant, Beau Abraham Massey, Miriam Zarb, Betty Lorraine Egan, Charles Ovcaric,  Olimpia Percuoco, Justin Paul Fitzgerald, Susan Ruth O'Gorman, Earl Beitey, Tibor Endrody, John Richard Morgan, Brian Raymond Lloyd, Kaye Diane Blake, Jaiden Glen Brooks, John Peter Rennie.



Next Sunday's Readings


Readings for Second Sunday of Easter. Year B. Divine Mercy Sunday

FIRST READING: Acts 4: 32-35

Ps: Ps 118: 2-4, 13-15, 22-24 "Give thanks to the Lord for he is good,his love is everlasting."

SECOND READING: 1 John 5: 1-6

Gospel Acclamation: (John 20: 29) Alleluia, alleluia! You believe in me, Thomas, because you have seen me; happy those who have not seen me, but still believe.

GOSPEL: John 20: 19-31

"The Archdiocese of Brisbane holds that children and vulnerable adults are a gift from God with an intrinsic right to dignity of life, respect and security from physical and emotional harm.  They are to be treasured, nurtured and protected from any harm."  As a Parish Community, we pray for a change of heart, that we respond to our grief by reaching out to one another in truth and love.



Marriage Encounter Weekends - Virtual or live-in,  May 2021

A Marriage Encounter Weekend to enrich and revitalise your Sacrament. It gives you the opportunity to grow in your relationship with your spouse or your community.

Virtual weekend via Zoom, 30th April – 2 May 2021, commencing at 7 pm on Friday – concluding at 4 pm Sunday.  Contact Julie and Zyg Staszyc: 0437 388 513 Email:

Live-in weekend Friday 28 May - Sunday 30 May at Ormiston (on Brisbane's bayside). 

Contact Maria and David Murphy: (07) 3342 1456, 

Information website:



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