Friday 24 May 2024

SPCP Newsletter: Sunday, 26 May 2024 - The Most Holy Trinity. Year B

 PDF version of this parish newsletter *PDF here*: 

You can also access an online -web- copy of the newsletter *Webcopy here*


Surfers Paradise Catholic Parish E-Newsletter

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility -

This is Kombumerri Country - The Traditional Custodians of this region. (see here)

Parish Office (new): (07) 5671 7388 (9 am – 2 pm Mon-Fri) 

Email: | Website: 

Emergencies: Priest contactable via office phone (after hours, follow the menu prompts)

50 Fairway Drive, Clear Island Waters, Queensland, 4226 

2024: The Year of Prayer

Sunday, 26 May 2024 

The Most Holy Trinity. Year B  

Readings for Sunday, 26 May 2024 - The Most Holy Trinity.

FIRST READING- Deut 4:32-34, 39-40

Ps 33:4-5, 6+9, 18-19, 20+22. “Happy the people the Lord has chosen to be his own.”


GOSPEL ACCLAMATION (cf. Rev 1:8). Alleluia, alleluia! Glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. To God who is, who was, and who is to come.

GOSPEL- Matt 28:16-20

“And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:20)

Image Credit- Shutterstock Licensed. Stock Photo ID: 2225120537. ZURICH, SWITZERLAND - JULY 1, 2022: The fresco of Holy Trinity among the saints in the main apse of church St. Anton by Fritz Kunz (1921). Important information. Editorial Use Only. Photo Contributor: Renata Sedmakova.

We congratulate the O’Donnell, Bovalino-Rajah, Westbrook and Laur families whose children, MACI RAE & BOWIE JOHN, BELLA IVY, KODA TYLER and LUCIEN, will be baptised in our Parish this week.  Please keep the Baptism families in your prayers as they begin their faith journey.


On this Feast of the Holy Trinity, we recall that Jesus has allowed us to share in his life. Sharing through him is his relationship and life within the nature of the Blessed Trinity of God, who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Grace is the relationship we share with God and our life in Christ. It is a gift of unimaginable depth and beauty. Let us cherish this and ponder its profound mystery. Let us never take it for granted.

The mystery of the Most Holy Trinity is the central mystery of Christian faith and life. It is the mystery of God in himself. Therefore, it is the source of all the other mysteries of faith, the light that enlightens them. To delve into this a bit more, we could...

1) Examine some of the church's prayers, including the Eucharistic prayers and prefaces, to identify the Trinitarian formulations they contain. Notice the images conveyed and the kind of prayer addressed to each person in the Trinity.  

2) Explore the notion that our God is relational. Humans, created in God's image, are relational beings, too. We can only be genuinely all we are created to be in a relationship with God and others.

The symbolic gesture of the Sign of the Cross gathers our whole being into the mystery of the Trinity—our God, who is three in one. Using three fingers of the right hand, we trace the cross by touching our forehead, heart, and shoulders. This encompasses our intellectual, emotional, and working lives and gathers all aspects of ourselves together in the name of God and the cross that freed us.

* St Patrick reportedly used the shamrock to describe the three persons in one God to the pagans of Ireland.   

* St Augustine described the Trinity as the lover, the beloved and the love between.

 (with thanks to the discontinued Carmelprint resource “PeopleSpeak”)

Fr Paul


Fr John Maher and Fr Dan Ryan are celebrating their 50th Anniversary of Priesthood this year.  To give thanks for the blessings God has given us through their ministries you are invited to join us for a Golden Jubilee Mass for Fr Dan and Fr John at Sacred Heart church,  50 Fairway Drive. Clear Island Waters . Queensland 4226, on  Sunday the 7th of July. At 9 am. Followed by refreshments. All welcome.  God bless.


“Walking a Sacred Path: Walking the Labyrinth as a Spiritual Path” Join us as we explore the labyrinth, its history through the ages, and how it can be used as a spiritual tool for reflection, contemplation and discernment. This event is open to all, and is being hosted by the Australian Network for Spiritual Direction, facilitated by Sue Thomas. Saturday 8th June 9am for 9.30am – 2.30pm. Mary Mother of Mercy Church, Burleigh Waters. Cost $40 for donation to Parish, morning tea, and for supplied resources. BYO lunch. Register with Denise or Sue Thomas

To tune in to The Weekend Mass (the sound podcast), please regularly visit the link below to listen to the Mass (including the sermon) from Surfers Paradise Catholic Parish. Please see this link: Liturgy for you at Home (by SPCP) -  (It is updated at intervals just before the following Sunday or Feastday -    

Also found at -  


Scammers are up to their usual tricks again.  People have reported receiving text messages or emails purporting to be from me, Fr. Paul, - but in the past, it has been other familiar priests or parish names. The scammer says it is from, eg. Fr Pau,l and then says, "I am going into a meeting, so I cannot speak personally to you, but I need you to contact me back”  in order to get the intended victim to send money or gift cards, etc, to help someone in need. Or they try this trick after the person replies to their first mysterious message.   This is not from me, and it's 100% a scam. We do not solicit money or its equivalent value by any of these means. Please don't reply to them, and certainly do not give any financial details or send any money, gift cards, etc.  Our official parish appeals are conducted through the parish and via official collections at mass, not private messaging. We never would ask for such things or use other anonymous forms of backroom money transfer. Please inform other parishioners of these scams if they do not receive this message.   

This type of scam, or something very similar comes up on a regular basis.  

SVDP Winter Appeal 2024

The St Vincent de Paul Society Surfers Paradise conference continues to pursue good works to support locals in need.  On the weekend of 8 and 9 June 2024, Vincentians will be conducting an annual winter appeal to help support those locals in need of extra help.  The generosity of the parish does not go unnoticed in our local community.  In the last 12 months, local Vincentians have made 484 visits and assisted 973 people directly and indirectly.  We have provided financial assistance of $50,741 and in-kind assistance (furniture, Christmas hampers, food and Vinnie's gift cards for clothing etc) of $13,848.  We are seeing an increase in those facing homelessness due to the high cost of living and the housing crisis.   With your ongoing support, we can continue to provide comfort and tangible assistance to help people get back on their feet.  Local Vincentians offer help in many forms, including food, clothing, blankets and furniture.  Your generous donation will help us continue these good works.  A donation of as little as $10 can make a difference to the good works of the Surfers Paradise conference.

For more details on the conference's activities, please contact Conference President Wendy Webb at  or 0412 237 832 on mobile.


First Saturday Mass at Sacred Heart Church, Clear Island Waters.  9 am (tomorrow) Saturday - 1st June 2024.   Followed by adoration and Benediction.  {This is a votive Mass for the Blessed Virgin Mary}.


Anointing Mass – Mass of Healing FIRST TUESDAY OF THE MONTH (February-November Inclusive)

4th June 2024. 10 am Sacred Heart Catholic Church.   Followed by morning tea. Please let others know who would love to come along.


Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament the First Friday, 7th June 2024, at Sacred Heart Church from 7 pm to 8.30 pm.  All welcome. Enquiries: Helen 0421935678.  "Could you not watch one hour with Me" Mt 26:4

Calling For New Surfers Paradise Parish Altar Servers 

We are hoping to add to our numbers of children who would like to become an altar server. If you are interested and you have received the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and First Holy Communion, then please make contact via the parish office -



Brisbane Archdiocese is just over three months out from 


  • SYNOD24 will be held on two days in September and two days in October, where approximately 150 people representing the diversity of the Archdiocese will discuss, debate and vote on the proposed practical and measurable action plans. Synod Members must attend all four days. More information on SYNOD24 can be found here:



  • SYNOD24 honours the significant level of broad consultation, listening and discerning that has taken place over the course of the Plenary Council journey (since 2018) and is the next step of this process. Consultations over March, April and May have focused on voices that had not been heard previously: those on the margins, experts and experienced practitioners. This is to ensure the action plans are practical and measurable, reflect the needs of our Archdiocese, and truly reflect the responses submitted throughout the Plenary Council process. To remind yourself of the Plenary Council journey since 2018, head here:


For SYNOD24: I Am Making All Things New,.

Let us pray that the Holy Spirit's creativity will lead us to renewed participation in the life and ministry of the Church; and that the Holy Spirit will fill the hearts of all the faithful, inspiring us to walk together in the hope, joy, and the mission of the Risen Christ. Lord, hear us. 

                 CHILDREN’S SACRAMENTAL PROGRAM  2024                                                                                                                                                                 

Cathy Anderson

To begin or continue the faith journey with your child, please use the information in the table below.

Sacrament Name                         & Sacrament Dates for 2024


And Cost

How to enrol, or check a child’s enrolment, or request information for Sacramental Preparation Groups in Surfers Paradise Parish, 2024

Sacrament of Baptism

Celebrations of the Sacrament of Baptism occur most Sundays of the Year at 10:30 am in Sacred Heart Church.                                                                              Bookings are linked to the online enrolment form (see info on the far right). **Baptism spaces are booked out a couple of months in advance. 

Children are eligible from birth.


(Administration cost for the preparation program -the Sacrament of Baptism is $130)

To submit a baptism enrollment application for a child from birth to 7 years old, go to the parish website Use the top menu bar and hover over Sacraments. Click on Baptism. Please read the baptism information and then scroll down to the blue-filled box with the link to the enrolment form you need. Click on the link in the box, complete the form and then click Submit. You should receive an automated response that the form has been received.  

To request information for Baptisms for children from birth to 8 years, Email the Parish Secretary, Merla Nario, at                                                         For Children 8 years and older: Email your interest in having your child prepare to receive Baptism to our Children’s Sacramental Coordinator, Cathy Anderson. 

Sacrament of Confirmation


Parent Meeting 5:30 pm, in Sacred Heart Church,                    Either 10.06.24 Or 11.06.24.

Final Meeting & Practice 5:30 pm, in Sacred Heart Church,                            Either 19.08.24  Or 20.08.24 

Celebration of Confirmation:                                 Evening of Thursday, August 29. (Friday, August 30, is the Gold Coast Show Holiday.)

For Baptised Children in Year 3 or greater.

Administration cost for the preparation program -(other than Baptism is $150)

To enrol,
Go to the parish website (see address above). Use the top menu bar and hover over Sacraments. Click on Confirmation. Please read the information about Confirmation and then scroll down to the blue-filled box with the link to the form that you need. Click on the link in the box, complete the enrollment application form, and click Submit.  You should receive an automated response that the form has been received. During Term 2, 2024, Cathy Anderson will email the families of all enrolled children.
For information, Email our Children’s Sacramental Coordinator, Cathy Anderson, at                                                         

Sacrament of Eucharist Dates                            (First Holy Communion)

Parent Meeting  5:30 pm, in Sacred Heart Church,                                      Either 20.03.24   Or 21.03.24

Final Meeting & Practice 5:30 pm, in Sacred Heart Church,                            Either 13.05.24  Or 14.05.24 

Celebration of First Holy Communion:                      Either Sunday 26.05.24 (11 am) Or Sunday 02.06.24 (11 am)

For children in Year 4 or greater who have been Baptised and Confirmed.

(Administration cost for the preparation program -other than Baptism, is $150)

A. If your child received the sacrament of Confirmation in Surfers Paradise Parish in 2023, they will be automatically included in the group to be contacted for Preparation for First Communion. Contact will be made via email by the Children’s Sacramental Coordinator, Cathy Anderson. The email will be sent in Term 1, 2024.
B. If your child was confirmed in Surfers Paradise Parish before 2023, please express your interest in joining the 2024 First Communion Group by emailing Cathy Anderson at 
C. If your child was confirmed in another parish, please follow the information in the cell above to complete an online enrolment application and include your child in the 2024 First Communion Group.


Sacred Heart 

50 Fairway Drive

Clear Island Waters, 4226

Saturday Night - 5 pm  (Note: Reconciliations from 4-4.30 pm at Sacred Heart)

  • (Maronite Mass, 6:30 pm, Saturday Night). 

*Note: First Saturday of the month, morning Mass, Adoration and Benediction:  

9 am (Next: 1st June 2024)

Sunday - 9 am and 6 pm 

  • (Polish Mass 12:30 pm Sunday)

  • (Italian Mass 4 pm Sunday at Sacred Heart Church)

Weekday Masses - Monday - Friday weekday Mass - 9 a.m. 

The Healing Mass will return on the first Tuesday of 7th of May 2024 at  10 am (4/6/2024) - At 10 am on the First Tuesday of the month.

{First Friday Night of the Month -  Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at Sacred Heart Church - First Fridays of the Month, from 7 pm to 8.30 pm.  All welcome. Enquiries: Helen 0421935678. "Could you not watch with Me for one hour?" Mt 26:40}.

St Vincent’s

40 Hamilton Avenue.

Surfers Paradise


Sunday - 8 am & 10 am 

(Hispanic Mass – 5.30 pm every Sunday) 

Extra parking is available only metres from St Vincent’s Church, King’s Car Park, and entry via Beach Road. It is also available on Remembrance Drive opposite the church, next to the new Essence Building.

Stella Maris 

254 Hedges Avenue, Broadbeach, 4218

Saturday - 5 pm

Sunday  -   7 am 

Hispanic (Latino American) Mass: Fr. Syrilus Madin. 5:30 pm Mass - Every Sunday -  St Vincent’s Catholic Church, Surfers Paradise. Gold Coast Contact: Juan Arrieta 0406 705 349

Polish Mass: Fr Jerzy Prucnal (Bowen Hills 3252 2200). 1.30pm Mass ONLY for SUNDAYS 26 May and 2 June - Sacred Heart Church, Clear Island Waters. Gold Coast Contact: George Syrek 0411 302 802 -


Italian Mass: Sunday, Sacred Heart Church at 4 p.m. Please contact Fr Luis Antonio Diaz Lamus (Scalabrinian Missionary) at  or Giovanna at 07 55395528 or  for further information about the Italian Mass on the Gold Coast.

Maronite Mass: Fr Fadi Salame 0421 790 996. The 6.30 pm Maronite Saturday Vigil is at Sacred Heart Church, Clear Island Waters.



AVAILABLE AT THE ENTRANCES OF THREE CHURCHES - tap once to donate $10, tap again (when it has reset) for another $10, and so on. 



(Please contact us so we can keep these names up-to-date, and let us know when to remove the name from the list).

Please also pray for the following who are ill. (Alphabetical) 

Nadia Che, Ellanie Conzalez, Tina Conidi, Alfonso Covino, Shirley Croft, Lorraine Gallagher, Barbara Gilbert, Maurice Goss, Kath Kiely, Jan Kristenson, Joanne Mooney, Maryann Moore, Denis Mullins, Letty O’Sullivan, Brenda Stewart, Betty Taylor, Denise Tracey, Des Walsh, Billy Webb, Lois Wood. 

RECENTLY DECEASED:  (Chronological - Most recent first):

Marina Innocenti, Adoracion Santos Lapitan, Joseph Torbey, Jacqueline Rillo, Helena Nycz, Frank Cassidy, John William Worner (WA), Val Adami.


Mary Beatrix (“May) Ashton, Isabelle Rose Brock, Kevin Cassels, Concetta Maria Cran, Mary Therese Dean, Jacques Philoppe Desbleds, Edvardas Eidejus, Roberta Maria Fantuz, Patricia Dorothy Helen Geor, Lorraine Ellen Geraghty, Dorothy Gravener, Josip Grzic, Maurice John Hayes, Beryl Hodge, Fr Maxwell Irvine, Dr. Elaine Lillian Kluver, June Therese Lewis, Margaret Mary Lyon, Matthew Maric, Fr John Francis McCarthy, Adam Alfred McGuffie, Fr Basil Meaney, Ivy Mulcahy, Constantin Fracisc Onea, Fr Patrick O'Rourke, Fr Philip Kehoe osa, Fr Rod Cameron osa, Fr Joseph O'Shaughnessy, Shirley Ellen Pettiona, Fr Victor Roberts, Mary Ward, Catherine Anne Watson.

And Also: (Alphabetical):

Norma Jean Ancrum, Fay Ardron, Donald Hope Atkinson, Douglas Pierce Bates, Margaret Bell Boyle, Fr Michael Carew, Daniel Clancy, Leonor Corazon, Keith Cumner, June Valeen Deane, Helen Dunn, David John Falvey, Sr Ursula Gabbett, Irmgard (Joan) Graz, Jack Arthur Hurley, Vittorio Lanci, Patricia Margaret Mary Levick, Clarita Lopez, Distony Lunandi, Andreas Gandjar Lunandi, Basilo Micale, Mellie Modral, Kevin Martin Murphy, Brian Nolan, Judith Anne O'Connor, Gerald Thomas O'Halloran, Ronald Stanley Perry, Geoffrey John Rapp, Mansour Soueidan, Maria Lucia Zervos, John Zervos.



To efficiently and speedily deal with the pastoral needs around the Catholic parishes of the Gold Coast, the parishes within this Deanery have the practice of having the first call for emergencies go to the priests of the parish where the hospital is located.  Here is a helpful guide to the hospitals and their attendant priests. A nursing home call also follows this procedure, where the first priest to call is a priest from the parish within which the Nursing Home is located.  Please help us service the region effectively and help prevent delays in response by calling the nearest parish. 

  • Robina Hospital - Burleigh Heads Parish. 5576 6466

  • Pindara Hospital - Surfers Paradise Parish. 56717388

  • John Flynn Hospital - Coolangatta-Tugun Parish. 5598 2165

  • University & Gold Coast Private Hosp.- Southport Parish. 5510 2222


From Grace R. 

NOTICES AND MESSAGES  - Our new parish number is 5671 7388 


Available for sale are an assortment of holy picture key rings - Divine Mercy, Holy Family, Sacred Heart of Jesus, Our Lady of Medjugorje and Anthony.

These are a deleted line from our suppliers and are available at only $2.00 each, until sold out, no further stocks will be available. Normal retail price would be in excess of $7.00

We still have a small  selection of gifts to celebrate First Holy Communion, this weekend and next weekend.



Please join us to pray the Divine Mercy and Rosary each day at 8:15 a.m. at the Sacred Heart Church before 9 a.m. Mass, Monday through Friday, including First Saturdays. 


First Saturday Mass at Sacred Heart Church, Clear Island Waters.  9 am (tomorrow) Saturday - 1/6/24.   Followed by adoration and Benediction.  {This is a votive Mass for the Blessed Virgin Mary}.


Anointing Mass – Mass of Healing FIRST TUESDAY OF THE MONTH (February-November Inclusive)

4/6/24 at 10 am Sacred Heart Catholic Church.   Followed by morning tea. Please let others know who would love to come along.


Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament this First Friday, 7/6/24, at Sacred Heart Church from 7 pm to 8.30 pm.  All welcome. Enquiries: Helen 0421935678.  "Could you not watch one hour with Me" Mt 26:4



The Group meets in the Parish Hospitality Centre on Wednesdays from 9 am to 12 noon. Activities include

  • Art (watercolour, oils, acrylics, pen and ink drawing, etc.)

  • Various kinds of Craftwork (Knitting, Embroidery, Crocheting, Card making, Sewing, etc.)

  • Making Rosary Beads (later sent to the missions)

  • And any other activities that individuals may have an interest in or you can bring in your ideas

A very relaxing and social environment - meet new friends! You are most welcome to join.

For further information, phone John 0412 759 205 or the Parish Office.


Meets at the Sacred Heart - Parish Hospitality Centre, Fairway Drive, Clear Island Waters. 

Playing Bridge keeps your brain active and increases your social network! So why not give us a try? Learn to play Bridge at “Our Friendly Club” - Free Lesson. “Introduction to Bridge” - It is Easy to learn the format. No previous card-playing experience is necessary. All are welcome. For more information and to enrol, please phone Cheryl at 5538 8821 or Mob at 0417 772 701.


Join us for our social class in the Parish Hospitality Centre next to the Parish Office. Classes run every Tuesday at 10:45 a.m. Learn to relax yet gain greater flexibility, inner strength, body awareness and concentration while increasing your breath support and general well-being. Ruth is an IYTA-accredited instructor with wide experience and runs a caring, carefully monitored one-hour session costing $10 (new attendees, please arrive by 10:30 a.m. to prepare adequately for class). For more information, call Ruth on 0421338110. 


Praying the Rosary - Our Lady’s Statue in the Parish -

Details of the Statue of Our Lady are going around the Parish.  

If you want her in your home and say the Rosary,

Please contact Maxine or Pat on 0412 519 404.

Our Lady’s Statue details for the next several weeks are

27/05/2024     Lilly Leongue & Family  Varsity Lakes

03/06/2024     Lilly Leongue & Family  Varsity Lakes

10/06/2024     Michelle Burda - Merrimac

17/06/2024     Michelle Burda - Merrimac

26/06/2024     Suzanne Joseph & Family -  Robina        

01/07/2024     Suzanne Joseph & Family  - Robina


Join Rochelle for a fun, functional exercise class at Casey Hall. Low-impact cardiovascular exercises for heart health, improve strength and balance- an all-around fitness class for over 65’s. Stretch and strengthen the whole body, make new friends and feel great.  Tuesday mornings @9.30 Beginners welcome. Contact Rochelle for further information on 0438 333 308.


Found in the church a few weeks ago, ladies reading glasses and prayer book. Can be collected from the Vestry.


The Bible Study Prayer Group meets every Thursday 5-6 pm at St Vincent’s Church, 

40 Hamilton Ave, Surfers Paradise. Come along and read/study Break Open the Word 

weekly 5 pm to 6 pm. For further enquiries, contact Ashley at 0409840693.  


The meditation group meets in the Morris prayer room on Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. It would very much like to welcome new members. Please phone Pam Egtberts at 0493742670.


Please come and join us at the Marian Valley Church for the Lady of Fatima Feast and St Anthony of Padua Feast on the 13.06.2024. The bus will be picking up Sharp at 8.15 am at the Sacred Heart Church Clear Island Waters. The Cost for the bus fare $25.00 return. You can secure your seat with contact name and contact phone number with Xavier Solomon 0404 843 260, Madeleine on 0405 252 367 or 5529 1573, All are welcome.


Jesus de la Misericordia. Invites you to participate every 2nd Saturday of the month from 11 am to 2 pm.   Place: Hospitality Room.  Sacred Heart Church.  “We praise, We praise, We grow spiritually from the Word of the Lord.”  For more information, please ring Grace: 0410 006 484.


Cathedral Parish Executive Officer

Full Job Description

The Cathedral of St Stephen is the mother parish of the Archdiocese of Brisbane. It is also the parish of the Archbishop of Brisbane, Most Rev Mark Coleridge who has delegated administration of the Cathedral to the Dean of the Cathedral (Very Rev Anthony Mellor). The

Cathedral is located within the Central Deanery of the Archdiocese of Brisbane and is situated in the heart of Brisbane’s CBD. As the central metropolitan church of the Archdiocese, the Cathedral provides the highest standard of liturgical celebrations with daily weekday masses, six-weekend masses, and celebrations of numerous special events. The Cathedral parish also incorporates the communities of St. Patrick’s, Fortitude Valley and Villa Maria, Spring Hill.

The role of the Cathedral Parish Executive Officer is to be responsible for the administrative and organisational aspects of the parish, including the parish office and employment. This role must work cooperatively and collaboratively as part of the parish team with priests, staff and parishioners to ensure the smooth, effective and professional operation of all parish functions.

This role will be responsible for:

• Facilitating the efficient and productive administration of the office and managing

support to the Dean, assistant priests and pastoral staff.

• Ensuring reliable access to a diverse range of records.

• Enabling effective pastoral planning and communication through an up-to-date parish


• Maintaining the Cathedral, Chapel and St Patrick’s calendar for bookings for the

Cathedral parish activities and bookings related to outside entities.

• Assisting in the preparation of Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals in the Parish including liaising with families/couples, creation of booklets and completion of paperwork as required.

• Liaising with Archdiocesan Agencies, colleges and schools, government agencies, parishioners and others regarding the use of the Cathedral, Chapel and St Patricks, Fortitude Valley.

• Ordering of Parish supplies including stationery, liturgical supplies and pastoral resources.

• Maintain the parish website up to date with newsletters, photos, and calendar events.

• Maintaining and managing both the Cathedral diary and the Dean’s diary.

• Supervising parish secretarial staff / volunteers.

• Facilitate intra/inter parish communications.

To be successful in performing the above, we think you’d come with:

• Attention to detail with high level computer skills and ability to manage personal and

corporate diaries and calendars.

• Assertion of a respectable self-appearance, coupled with polite and courteous


• The ability to maintain confidential information.

• Knowledge of, and the ability to use marketing and publishing platforms such as

Canva, Adobe Suite, Facebook, Instagram etc.

• Creation, and dissemination of suitable marketing assets that suitably adhere to Cathedral standards.

• Drivers Licence.

• Ability to simultaneously manage multiple projects independently.

• Demonstrated experience in event coordination, management, upkeep, and publicity.

• Experience across all aspects of office administration, office assistance, and office coordination.

• Understanding of The Catholic Church, its structure, operating systems, and subsequent protocols.

• Empathy with people’s concerns.

• Blue Card or willing to obtain.

• Criminal Police Check or willing to obtain.


To apply for this role please submit your cover letter and resume via the Apply For This Job button.

Please note that due to the high level of expected interest in the role we will only be

contacting those who progress to the interview round and we will be interviewing before the

closing date.

This is a permanent full-time position of 37.5 hours and remuneration will reflect the

experience of the successful candidate.

For further information please contact the Cathedral Parish team via 

Please note the successful candidate will also need to obtain / maintain a Working with

Children Blue Card and undergo a national criminal history/police check.

The Archdiocese of Brisbane has standards of conduct for workers to maintain a safe and

healthy environment for children. Our commitment to these standards requires that we

conduct working with children checks and background referencing for all persons who will

engage in direct and regular involvement with children and young people (0 - 18 years)

and/or vulnerable adults. The organisation is fully committed to child safety and has a 0

tolerance to abuse of children or vulnerable adults.

The Archdiocese of Brisbane has standards of conduct for workers to maintain a safe and healthy environment for children.  Our commitment to these standards requires conducting working with children checks and background referencing for all persons who will engage in direct and regular involvement with children and young people (0 - 18 years) or vulnerable adults. The organisation is fully committed to child safety and has zero tolerance for abusing children or vulnerable adults.


The Litany of the Most Holy Trinity 

V. Blessed be the holy Trinity and undivided Unity;

R. We will give glory to Him because He hath shown His mercy to us.


V. O Lord our Lord, how wonderful is Thy Name in all the earth!

R. O the depth of the riches of the wisdom and of the knowledge of God!


Lord, have mercy.

Christ, have mercy.

Lord, have mercy.


Blessed Trinity, hear us.

Adorable Unity, graciously hear us.

God the Father of Heaven, Have mercy on us.

God the Son, Redeemer of the world, Have mercy on us.

God the Holy Ghost, Have mercy on us.

Holy Trinity, One God, Have mercy on us.

Father, from Whom are all things, Have mercy on us.

Son, through Whom are all things, Have mercy on us.

Holy Ghost in Whom are all things, Have mercy on us.

Holy and undivided Trinity,

Have mercy on us.


Father everlasting, Have mercy on us.

Only-begotten Son of the Father, Have mercy on us.

Spirit Who preceedeth from the Father and the Son, Have mercy on us.

Co-eternal Majesty of Three Divine Persons, Have mercy on us.

Father, the Creator, Have mercy on us.

Son, the Redeemer, Have mercy on us.

Holy Ghost, the Comforter, Have mercy on us.

Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts, Have mercy on us.

Who art, Who was, and Who art to come, Have mercy on us.

God Most High, Who inhabits eternity, Have mercy on us.

To Whom alone are due all honour and glory, Have mercy on us.

Who alone doest great wonders? Have mercy on us.

Power infinite, Have mercy on us.

Wisdom, incomprehensible, Have mercy on us.

Love unspeakable. Have mercy on us.


Be merciful, Spare us, O Holy Trinity.

Be merciful, Graciously hear us, O Holy Trinity.

From all evil, Deliver us, O Holy Trinity.

From all sin, Deliver us, O Holy Trinity.

From all pride, Deliver us, O Holy Trinity.

From all love of riches, Deliver us, O Holy Trinity.

From all uncleanness, Deliver us, O Holy Trinity.

From all sloth, Deliver us, O Holy Trinity.

From all inordinate affection, Deliver us, O Holy Trinity.

From all envy and malice, Deliver us, O Holy Trinity.

From all anger and impatience, Deliver us, O Holy Trinity.

From every thought, word, and deed contrary to Thy holy law, 

Deliver us, O Holy Trinity.

From Thine everlasting malediction, Deliver us, O Holy Trinity.

Through Thy plenteous loving kindness, Deliver us, O Holy Trinity.

Through the exceeding treasure of Thy goodness and love, 

Deliver us, O Holy Trinity.

Through the depths of Thy wisdom and knowledge, Deliver us, O Holy Trinity.

Through all Thy unspeakable perfections, Deliver us, O Holy Trinity.

We sinners, Beseech Thee, hear us. That we may ever serve Thee alone,

We beseech Thee, hear us. That we may worship Thee in spirit and in truth.


We beseech Thee, hear us.

That we may love Thee with all our heart, with all our soul, and with all our strength, We beseech Thee, hear us. That, for Thy sake, we may love our neighbour as ourselves,

We beseech Thee, hear us. That we may faithfully keep Thy holy commandments, We beseech Thee hear us.

That we may never defile our bodies and souls with sin, We beseech Thee, hear us.

That we may go from grace to grace and from virtue to virtue,

We beseech Thee, hear us.

That we may finally enjoy the sight of Thee in glory, We beseech Thee, hear us.

That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to hear us, We beseech Thee, hear us.


O Blessed Trinity, We beseech Thee, deliver us.

O Blessed Trinity, We beseech Thee, save us.

O Blessed Trinity, Have mercy on us.


Lord, have mercy,

Christ, have mercy,

Lord, have mercy. 

Let Us Pray

Grant, O

merciful Father, that Thy Divine Spirit may enlighten, inflame and purify us, that He may penetrate us with His heavenly dew and make us fruitful in good works, through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who with Thee, in the unity of the same Spirit, liveth and reigneth, one God, forever and ever.


Our Father


Hail Mary



V. Blessed art Thou, O Lord, in the firmament of Heaven,

R. And worthy to be praised, and glorious, and highly exalted forever.


Let Us Pray:

Almighty and everlasting God, Who hast granted Thy servants in the confession of the True Faith, to acknowledge the glory of an Eternal Trinity, and in the power of Thy

majesty to adore a Unity: we beseech Thee that by the strength of this faith we may be defended from all adversity. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen. 


We are sent to proclaim the Gospel to the very ends of the Earth to draw others into union with the Triune God. Be courageous in showing your faith that others may know the reason for your joy. 

God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. We have much to tell when we go out to make disciples of all nations.  God is Lord in heaven above and on earth below.  Having received the Spirit that makes you God’s children, you are called to proclaim, “Glory to the Father, to the   Son and the Holy Spirit: to God who is, who was and who is to come”. Alleluia!

To talk to someone about your vocation,  contact  Vocation Brisbane:  1300 133 544.  and     


“The Spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ…” - Romans 8:16-17

If we are heirs to the kingdom of God, shouldn’t we work to build up His kingdom? Shouldn’t we be good stewards of our inheritance, using our time in prayer, our talent in charitable works and our treasure to care for the Church that God has left to us? Our Church is a treasured heirloom from God. Do we treat it that way?

The vision of Stewardship applies to every aspect of life, inviting everyone to be thankful, generous, and accountable for what they have been given.


Ecumenical Council \‘e-kyÉ™-‘me-ni-kÉ™l  ‘kaun(t)-sÉ™l\

From the Greek for the “inhabited earth”; gatherings of Roman Catholic bishops and other church leaders from around the world, called at the pope's discretion to determine doctrine, address problems, and make pastoral recommendations for the whole church.


The Nicene Creed was formulated at the first Ecumenical Council of the Catholic Church, which was held in Nicea in 325. —Catholic Identity, Brisbane Catholic Education

The church itself can be called in a profound theological sense the "ecumenical council formed in response to the divine convoking."  —Hans Küng



The church's unity is one of its four essential elements or marks ("one, holy, catholic, and apostolic"). Holding a worldwide institution together on the same page across millennia involves collegiality on the part of its leadership. Ecumenical Councils play a vital role in making that unity real.

From Pope John XXIII’s opening speech to the Second Vatican Council: “Ecumenical Councils, whenever they are assembled, are a solemn celebration of the union of Christ and His Church, and hence lead to the universal radiation of truth, to the proper guidance of individuals in domestic and social life, to the strengthening of spiritual energies for a perennial uplift toward real and everlasting goodness."



Marks of the church | Synod | Vatican II | Trent



How many councils have there been?

Twenty-one ecumenical councils are recognized by the church. Only two are called Vatican councils since the rest were held elsewhere. Five gathered in the Lateran Basilica in Rome. Four convened in Constantinople. Two took place in Nicaea, and two in Lyons. The longest council was held in Trent. Other locations include Ephesus, Chalcedon, Vienne, and Constance. The curious Council of Basel-Ferrara-Florence-Rome migrated through all four cities.

What did all these councils decide? The first seven (from 325 to 787) condemned divergent theologies about Jesus and iconoclasm, a movement that destroyed icons used in veneration. The eighth council divided the church into East (Constantinople) and West (Rome).

Later councils attempted to restore unity to the Eastern and Western churches—without success. The Council of Trent (1545-63, with several interruptions) confronted the Protestant Reformation. Vatican I (1869-70) declared papal infallibility. The most recent Vatican Council II (1962-65) promoted engagement with the broader world.

—Alice Camille, from Questions Catholics Ask:  



A Pentecostal pope

The ecumenical movement received a much-needed boost during Saint Pope Paul VI's (1963-78) papacy. After the Second Vatican Council, Pope Paul went out of his way to promote ecumenical dialogue and partnership. He formally approved a joint Catholic-Protestant translation of the Bible on Sunday Pentecost, when the church commemorates the Holy Spirit’s gift of understanding to all peoples.

Readings: 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23; Matthew 16:13-19 -\“Upon this rock, I will build my Church.”



Continue Pius’ work in forging better communication among all God’s people.



Your support is needed to help our Parish continue valuable pastoral activities and to provide ongoing sustainability. To assist you in supporting the Parish, you can give here.     

If you can continue to support us, we would be most grateful. We thank all those who have been making payments via credit card and those who have donated directly to the parish account. The pay-wave or tap-and-go machines on the timber stands in our Churches are also a safe and handy way to donate to the Parish. God bless you for your support. If you want confirmation of your donation or a receipt emailed, please contact me at  

To join planned giving, please contact the Parish Office: (07) 56717388 (9 am–2 pm Mon-Fri).



Image Credit- Shutterstock Licensed. Stock Photo ID: 2209632267 - The Holy Trinity. Andrey Rublev. 1420s. Russian Icon. Photo Formats - Photo Contributor: alexeyart1

Homily: The Most Holy Trinity.Year B - Sunday, 26 May 2024

I think this quote from the great English writer C.S. Lewis says so much about the Trinity:"Three persons, one God of love -People seem not to notice that the words 'God is love' have no real meaning unless God contains at least two persons. Love is something that one person has for another person. If God was a single person, then before the world was made, He was not love…Christians believe that the living, dynamic activity of love has been going on in God forever and has created everything else… in Christianity, God is not a static thing – but  (rather a personal) dynamic, pulsating activity, a life, almost a kind of drama… Almost, a kind of dance." [C.S. Lewis (1898-1963)]

I love the Trinity. It is an indispensable part of the Christian faith. 

It is certainly not (as some people are occasionally heard to say) merely an academic construct. The Holy Trinity is an absolute necessity to get a small grasp and glimpse into the breadth, depth, and diversity of God's inner nature, which is implicitly community and innately relational and loving. My favourite image of the Trinity is Andre Rublev's famous icon from the 15th Century. 

It is a picture of three Angelic figures sitting at a table sharing a meal under the Oak of Mamre. 

It depicts the visit of the three angelic persons representing God, who visited Abraham and stayed to share a meal provided by Abraham and Sarah's reverent hospitality.

Firstly, all persons of the Trinity in this picture are portrayed as humans, not just two people and a dove. Although the dove is an ancient symbol of the Holy Spirit and is quite fitting, it does not capture the fact that we believe in three persons equal in sharing one divine nature.

I also love this icon of the Trinity because it captures the perfect interrelation within God who is three persons. It is as if each is deferring to the other and giving the other precedence and respect; in return, they give it right back. 

It is perfect harmony, perfect giving and perfect receiving, as if one is pointing to the food at the table and saying to the other, please, be my guest, you first, and the other is saying, thank you, I appreciate it, now, please take some yourself, thank you, you are kind.... and on it goes..... 

The community and nature of God are perfect hospitality, the perfect relationship and absolute respect and reverence. It is this wonderful life that Jesus invites us into……..  We are invited to share in this perfect harmony of the Trinity, and if we accept it…. it will transform us and the world around us. We are invited into the very inner life of God. 

As the first reading tells us, we are moved by the Spirit we have been given, to be sons and daughters of God and heirs of God…   but as a way of keeping us humble..  we are heirs to Christ's sufferings, - for God suffers in this self-sacrificing, and generous love.. that gives without counting the cost.  

And in the gospel, one of my all-time favourite Gospel passages ever…   Jesus promises that he will always be with us, even till the end of time…..    But again, we are reminded that becoming God's people, by becoming sons and daughters of God, and heirs to the Kingdom… comes with this task..   to live with an outreaching love towards others and to the world, as God, the Trinity lives…   we are told we must go out …  out into all the world….  The price of admission into this eternal relationship with God is always to remain outward looking, turned out towards others..  willing to suffer for participating in the outreaching, generous and unselfish love of God…..   

At the table of the Holy Trinity, there is no room for self-interest, stinginess, or inward-looking mentalities. God is always on the lookout for more people to be part of the family…  always reaching out, open and generous….. The more we, as individuals and as Christian communities, reflect the inner life of the Trinity, the more we participate in that Trinitarian life. 

It is no wonder that Our Lord, Jesus, is made present to us in the Eucharist, encountered in the form of a sacred meal. It is very poignant that Jesus was put to death because of, among other reasons, the people he ate with. God is love, and God is relational. It is great to share a meal and encounter a glimpse of what God (a Trinity of Persons) shares all the time.



Homily –  Fr Paul W. Kelly 

Fr Paul.  

To listen to the Sunday Mass each week (including homily) from Surfers Paradise Catholic Parish, please visit this link: Liturgy for you at Home (by SPCP) -     

Also found at -   


  • St Augustine of Canterbury, Bishop. 27 May. Optional Memorial

    • Born in Italy in the sixth century. Died at Canterbury (England) around 605. A prior of a Roman monastery was sent by Saint Gregory the Great (3 September) to preach the gospel to the English. Arrived in England the following year after being ordained a bishop while in Gaul. He evangelised the kingdom of Kent. Venerated by Catholics and Anglicans alike as the founder of the metropolitan see of Canterbury.

    • The powerful Ethelbert was at that time king of Kent…the king came into the island, and sitting in the open air, ordered Augustine and his companions to come and hold a conference with him…When they had sat down, in obedience to the king’s commands, and preached to him and his attendants there present the Word of life, the king answered thus: “Your words and promises are fair, but because they are new to us, and of uncertain import, I cannot consent to them so far as to forsake that which I have so long observed with the whole English nation. But because you are come from far as strangers into my kingdom, and, as I conceive, are desirous to impart to us those things which you believe to be true, and most beneficial, we desire not to harm you, but will give you favorable entertainment, and take care to supply you with all things necessary to your sustenance; nor do we forbid you to preach and gain as many as you can to your religion.” Accordingly he gave them an abode in the city of Canterbury… ~Ecclesiastical History of England, by Saint Bede

  • St Paul VI, pope. 29 May. Optional Memorial

    • Born in 1897 in Lombardy, Italy. Died in 1978, Castel Gandolfo, Italy. Ordained priest in 1920. Completed a doctorate in Canon Law studies in Milan and then studied at several other universities. Elected Pope and Bishop of Rome in June 1963 while the Second Vatican Council was in progress after the death of Pope John XXIII. He brought the Council to its completion. Established the Synod of Bishops as an advisory body to the papacy. Canonised in 2018 by Pope Francis.

    • All life demands struggle. Those who have everything given to them become lazy, selfish, and insensitive to the real values of life. The very striving and hard work that we so constantly try to avoid is the major building block in the person we are today.

    • In youth, the days are short and the years are long. In old age, the years are short and days long. - 

    • Every mother is like Moses. She does not enter the promised land. She prepares a world she will not see.

    • If you want peace work for justice.

    • Liturgy is like a strong tree whose beauty is derived from the continuous renewal of its leaves, but whose strength comes from the old trunk, with solid roots in the ground.

    • Think how many blameless lives are brightened by the blazing indiscretions of other people.

    • The Eucharistic mystery stands at the heart and center of the liturgy since it is the fount of life by which we are cleansed and strengthened to live not for ourselves but for God and to be united in love among ourselves.

    • Somebody should tell us, right at the start of our lives, that we are dying. Then we might live life to the limit, every minute of every day. Do it! I say. Whatever you want to do, do it now! There are only so many tomorrows.

    • The older the fiddler, the sweeter the tune.

    • Never give advice in a crowd.

    • We believe with all the strength of our spirit that mankind has a supreme, primary and irreplaceable need which can be satisfied only through Jesus Christ, the first-born among men, the head of the new humanity, in whom each individual reaches full self-realization.

    • No more war! Never again war! If you wish to be brothers, drop your weapons.

    • You must strive to multiply bread so that it suffices for the tables of mankind and not rather favour an artificial control of birth, which would be irrational, to diminish the number of guests at the banquet of life.

    • We consider Christmas as the encounter, the great encounter, the historical encounter, the decisive encounter between God and mankind. He who has faith knows this truly; let him rejoice.

    • Of all human activities, man's listening to God is the supreme act of his reasoning and will.

    • The world calls for, and expects from us, simplicity of life, the spirit of prayer, charity towards all, especially towards the lowly and the poor, obedience and humility, detachment, and self-sacrifice. Without this mark of holiness, our word will have difficulty in touching the heart of modern man.

    • Physics does not change the nature of the world it studies, and no science of behaviour can change the essential nature of man, even though both sciences yield technologies with a vast power to manipulate the subject matters.

    • Are there memories left that are safe from the clutches of phony anniversaries?

    • I met a hundred men going to Delhi, and everyone is my brother.

    • Technological society has succeeded in multiplying the opportunities for pleasure, but it has great difficulty in generating joy.

    • Never reach out your hand unless you're willing to extend an arm.

    • Nothing makes one feel so strong as a call for help.

    • Anger is like a stone cast into a wasp's nest.

    • The work of art, just like any fragment of human life considered in its deepest meaning, seems to me devoid of value if it does not offer the hardness, the rigidity, the regularity, the lustre on every interior and exterior facet of the crystal.

  • The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. 31 May. Feast

    • This feast celebrates the Virgin Mary's visit to her cousin Elizabeth, as told in the Gospel of Luke (Luke 1:39-56), and her example of faith in God's word and sensitivity to the Spirit. It was introduced into the Franciscan calendar by Saint Bonaventure (15 July) in the thirteenth century and was extended in 1389 to the entire Latin Church to heal the divisions in the Western Church of the time.

    • “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord;     my spirit rejoices in God my saviour.  For he has looked upon his handmaid’s lowliness;     behold, from now on will all ages call me blessed.  The Mighty One has done great things for me,     and holy is his name.  His mercy is from age to age to those who fear him.  He has shown might with his arm, dispersed the arrogance of mind and heart.  He has thrown down the rulers from their thrones but lifted up the lowly.  The hungry he has filled with good things; the rich he has sent away empty.  He has helped Israel his servant,     remembering his mercy,  according to his promise to our fathers,     to Abraham and to his descendants forever.”

  • Saint Justin, Martyr (D. 165)

    • St Justin, Martyr - 01 June. Memorial

    • Born about 100 years ago in Nablus (Palestine), he died about 165 years ago in Rome. After a lengthy study of Greek philosophies, he acknowledged Christ as the source of all truth. He was a lay intellectual, Christian philosopher, and apologist. He is remembered for his reasoned defence of Christian belief and practice and for the ultimate witness given by his martyrdom.

    • He was born at the beginning of the second century in Nablus, in Samaria, to a pagan Greek family. He was an earnest seeker of truth and studied many systems of philosophy before being led, through Platonism, to Christianity. While remaining a layman, he accepted the duty of making the truth known and travelled from place to place proclaiming the gospel. In 151 he travelled from Ephesus to Rome, where he opened a school of philosophy and wrote defences and expositions of Christianity, which have survived to this day and are the earliest known writings of their kind. In the persecution of 165, in the reign of the emperor Marcus Aurelius, he was denounced as a Christian, arrested and beheaded. The transcript of his trial by the prefect of Rome, Rusticus, has also survived: it can be found in today’s Office of Readings.

    •   Justin treats the Greek philosophy that he studied as mostly true, but incomplete. In contrast to the Hebrew tendency to view God as making revelations to them and to no one else, he follows the parable of the Sower and sees God as sowing the seed of wisdom throughout the world, to grow wherever the soil would receive it. When we dispute with people who disagree with us, we would do well to assume that they too are seeking wisdom and have found the truth of a kind. Since there is only one God and one Truth, it is our task not to contradict or belittle their achievement, but to show them how their strivings and searches are ultimately fulfilled in Christ. This is harder to do – not least because we have to take the trouble to understand our own faith thoroughly – but it is ultimately more worthwhile.

    •  See also the article in the Catholic Encyclopaedia.



Image Credit- Shutterstock Licensed. Stock Photo ID: 312860177 -Pope Francis -. Vatican City, Italy.

Important information. Editorial Use Only.Photo Contributor: softdelusion66

Dear Brothers and Sisters,


On this feast day, we celebrate God: the mystery of the one God. And this God is the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Three persons, but God is one! The Father is God; the Son, and the Spirit is God. But they are not three gods: it is one God in three Persons. It is a mystery that Jesus Christ revealed to us: the Holy Trinity. Today, we pause to celebrate this mystery because the Persons are not adjectives of God,no. They are real, diverse, different Persons; they are not — as that philosopher used to say — ‘emanations of God’, no, no! They are Persons. There is the Father to whom I pray with the Our Father; the Son, who gave me redemption justification; the Holy Spirit abides in us and inhabits the Church. And this speaks to our heart because we find it encompassed in that expression of Saint John which summarizes all of Revelation: “God is love” (1 Jn 4:8-16). The Father is love; the Son is love; the Holy Spirit is love. And inasmuch as he is love, God, while being one alone, is not solitude but communion, among the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Because love is essentially a gift of self, and in its original and infinite reality it is the Father who gives himself by generating his Son, who in turn gives himself to the Father, and their mutual love is the Holy Spirit, the bond of their unity. It is not easy to understand, but we can live this mystery, all of us, we can live it a great deal.

This mystery of the Trinity was revealed to us by Jesus himself. He showed us the face of God as merciful Father; he presented Himself, true man, as the Son of God and Word of the Father, the Saviour who gives his life for us; and he spoke of the Holy Spirit who proceeds from the Father and the Son, the Spirit of Truth, the Paraclete Spirit — we spoke last Sunday about this word, ‘Paraclete’ — meaning Consoler and Advocate. And when Jesus appeared to the Apostles after the Resurrection, Jesus invited them to evangelize “all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Mt 28:19). 

Today’s celebration, therefore, makes us contemplate this marvelous mystery of love and of light from which we come and toward which our earthly journey is guided. 

In the message of the Gospel and in every form of Christian mission, one cannot overlook this unity among us to which Jesus calls, following the unity of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit: one cannot overlook this unity. The beauty of the Gospel asks to be lived — unity — and witnessed in the harmony among us, who are so diverse! And this unity, I dare say, is essential to Christians: it is not an attitude, a manner of speaking, no; it is essential, because it is the unity that arises from love, from the mercy of God, from the justification of Jesus Christ and from the presence of the Holy Spirit in our hearts. 

Mary Most Holy, in her simplicity and humility, reflects the Beauty of the Triune God, because she fully welcomed Jesus into her life. May she sustain our faith; may she make us worshippers of God and servants of our brothers and sisters.

This morning I received a small group of faithful who brought me the translation of the entire Bible in their dialect. One man did it: eight years of work! Written, — there are eight volumes — entirely in dialect. And he, who was present, told me that he read, prayed and translated. I would like to express my thanks for this gesture and also once again to tell you to read the Bible, read the Word of God, so as to find there the strength of our life. And also — with this I am repeating myself — to always to carry with you the New Testament, a pocket-sized Gospel: in your purse, in your pocket, to be able to read it at any time of day. This way we will find Jesus in Sacred Scripture. Let us learn from the example of this man who worked for eight years to understand this. And he told me: “I did so praying”.

I wish everyone a happy Sunday. And please, do not forget to pray for me. Enjoy your lunch. Arrivederci! 


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Weekly Homily (produced by SPP): https:-

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Readings for next weekend- Sunday, 2 June 2024 

(The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. (Corpus Christi).)

FIRST READING- Exod 24:3-8

Ps 116:12-13, 15-16, 17-18 “I will take the cup of salvation, and call on the name of the Lord”


GOSPEL ACCLAMATION (John 6:51) “Alleluia, alleluia! I am the living Bread from heaven, says the Lord. Whoever eats this bread will live forever.”

GOSPEL- Mark 14:12-16, 22-26

Commitment To Child Safety and Vulnerable-Adult Safety 

St Kevin’s Catholic School, Community business directory: 

“The Church loves all her children like a loving mother but cares for all and protects those who are smallest and defenceless with special affection. This is the duty that Christ himself entrusted to the entire Christian community.” 

(Apostolic Letter issued ‘motu proprio’ by the Supreme Pontiff Francis, 4 June 2016) 



To promote a culture of safeguarding within the Archdiocese and reduce the risks of abuse and harm. 


This policy applies to all parishes, ministries, and agencies under the jurisdiction of the Archbishop of Brisbane and to Associations of Christ’s Faithful or Public Juridic Persons that freely opt into its application and which enter into an agreement with the Archdiocese accordingly. The policy applies to all Archdiocesan workers (clergy, religious workers, employees and volunteers). 



National Catholic Safeguarding Standards 

The Archdiocese adopts and adheres to the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards. The Standards apply to all parishes, ministries, and agencies under the jurisdiction of the Archbishop. 


Safeguarding Commitment 

The Archdiocese has zero tolerance for all forms of abuse and is committed to safeguarding everyone involved in its activities, ministries, and services. The safety and well-being of children and adults at risk are paramount. 

Safeguarding Principles 

  • Safeguarding is a shared responsibility. 

  • Treat everyone with dignity and respect. 

  • Prioritise the protection and best interests of children and adults at risk. 

  • Provide safe physical and online environments. 

  • Actively identify and manage safeguarding and abuse risks. 

  • Monitor compliance with safeguarding standards, policies, and procedures. 

  • Respond promptly and effectively to abuse concerns, suspicions, disclosures, complaints, reports, and incidents. 

  • Comply with all legal obligations to report suspected abuse and harm.  


Non-compliance with this policy which seriously jeopardises the safety and well-being of others, may be grounds for disciplinary action up to dismissal or termination of employment and reporting to authorities. 


Document No.: AD16 ST01       Document Owner: Office for Safeguarding Services            Version: November 2020              Review Date: November 2023  - Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility -    

See also this video on safeguarding - 

Acknowledgement of Country - This is Kombumerri Country - The Traditional Custodians of this region.

We respectfully acknowledge the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as the First People of this country. We pay our respects to the Kombumerri people, the traditional custodians of the land, waterways and seas upon which we live, work and socialise throughout this Catholic Parish of Surfers Paradise. We acknowledge Elders, past and present and emerging, as they hold our Indigenous people's memories, traditions, culture and hopes. We pay tribute to those who have contributed to the community's life in many ways. We affirm our commitment to justice, healing, and reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples. (See further: The Kombumerri People and

** The significance of the ancient Catholic Blessing Symbol. “20 C+M+B 24”

An ancient medieval practice that developed in the Catholic Church was to bless one’s home with blessed chalk at the yearly epiphany.  On the door or the lintel will be this symbol:

This means that 2000 years ago, after Christ’s birth, Wise Men visited and gave homage to the Lord and were welcomed into the hospitality of the Holy Family’s abode. We dedicate the present year of this century, ‘24, to the protection of the Lord. May the Lord bless this abode. 

The letters C+M+B represent Caspar, Bathasar and Melchior; the three Wise Men.  CMB is also the initials of the Latin phrase “Christus Mansionem Benedicat” - “May Christ Bless this dwelling place.” 


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