Friday 18 October 2024

SPCP Newsletter: Sunday, 20 October 2024 – Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time. World Mission Day Year B

PDF version of this parish newsletter *PDF here*: 

You can also access an online -web- copy of the newsletter *Webcopy here*


Surfers Paradise Catholic Parish E-Newsletter

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility -

This is Kombumerri Country, which is the traditional custodian of this region. (see here)

Parish Office (new): (07) 5671 7388 (9 am – 2 pm Mon-Fri) 

Email:  | Website: 

Emergencies: Priest contactable via office phone (after hours, follow the menu prompts)

50 Fairway Drive, Clear Island Waters, Queensland, 4226

Safeguarding officer -(Robyn Hunt) email= 

Sunday, 20 October 2024

Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time. World Mission Day - Year B

Readings for Sunday, 20 October 2024 - Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time. World Mission DayYear B

FIRST READING- Isa 53:10-11

Ps 33:4-5, 18-19, 20+22. “Lord, let your mercy be on us, as we place our trust in you”


GOSPEL ACCLAMATION (Mark 10:45). Alleluia, alleluia! The Son of Man came to serve. And to give his life as a ransom for all.

GOSPEL- Mark 10:35-45 or 10:42-45

“Let one of us sit at your right and the other at your left in your glory.” 

(Mark 10: 37)


Image Credit- https://creator.nightcafĂ©.studio/creation/e9dOxK3yWHRdhWg7QG4L?ru=Paul-Evangelion 

We congratulate the Banks and Seinafo families whose children, Emilio and Emerson & Zya will be baptised in our Parish this week.  Please keep the Baptism families in your prayers as they begin their faith journey.


ALL SAINTS DAY  MASSES -   (Friday 1st November)



ALL SOULS DAY MASSES - (Saturday 2nd November)  




Our parish hosts the annual Catholic Mission Appeal this weekend. Please use the envelopes on the seats and give what you can. Donations are tax deductible, and receipts will be issued upon request from the head office.


We have two Mission Ambassador speakers this weekend, October 19/20, 2024, World Mission Sunday. Please support this annual appeal with your prayers and any financial support you can give. God bless. 

Mark Beiers and Maree-Elizabeth Lewis are parishioners and have spoken for us before.

In Mongolia, Chuluunbaatar suffered a life-altering injury while trying to rescue a submerged vehicle, leaving him unable to work and reliant on scarce support services for basic needs. Without shelter and food, Chuluunbaatar faces the real risk of freezing to death. Resources are limited, but the Church in Mongolia works hard to provide essential services to needy people.


We invite you to extend your generosity to help enhance these vital services this World Mission Month.


Your support can significantly change the lives of many, offering hope and tangible assistance to individuals like Chuluunbaatar.


To donate online, please click here –

 Our Mission Ambassadors for this weekend’s Mass are:

  • Mark Beiers, 19 / 20 Oct - Stella Maris Church. 254 Hedges Avenue, Broadbeach, QLD 4218. SAT 5 PM and SUN 7 AM.  

  • Maree-Elizabeth Lewis, 19 / 20 Oct. Sacred Heart Church. 50 Fairway Drive, Clear Island Waters, QLD 4226. SAT 5 PM and Sunday: 9:00 AM, Sunday: 6:00 PM.

  • Mark Beiers - 19 / 20 Oct. St Vincent's Church 40 Hamilton Avenue, Surfers Paradise, QLD 4217, 8:00 AM Sunday: 10:00 AM.

The second reading this weekend reminds us of that beautiful promise from God: that we will find grace when we need help. Think of the Catholic Mission appeal as a call for help from our brothers and sisters worldwide who are less fortunate than us. Your contribution to this appeal will bless them in so many ways. They will hear the Good News, and they will be able to share in the sacraments; they will be able to eat better, be housed more safely, be treated more effectively, and be comforted more appropriately. The Gospel also reminds us that serving others by putting their needs first and bringing them into a relationship with God is what we are called to do. That’s Mission! By embracing our Mission, we will help transform the world! During this appeal, please give as generously as possible. Thank you, in anticipation…


Fr. Paul’s thoughts:  The first reading is an all-too-real situation.  A reasonable person is like a mirror in the face of those doing wrong.   Rather than honestly face up to what is not consistent with God’s will, far too many people prefer to try and ignore or neutralise anyone whose life is a challenge or a reminder to them of what they are not doing right. So, they ‘lie in wait for the virtuous person because that person annoys us and opposes our way of life.’  Jesus invites us not to be frightened if the goodness we see in others reminds us of our weaknesses and faults. Instead, it’s an invitation to rely on God’s grace and ask God to foster in us these same values. Lord, help us to see our weaknesses, spur us on the path to holiness and inspire us to give and serve as you did.  


The Anointing of the Sick. Fr. Paul writes:

"The Anointing of the Sick is not a sacrament for those only who are at the point of death. Hence, as soon as one of the faithful begins to be in danger of death from sickness or old age, the fitting time for that person to receive this sacrament has certainly already arrived" (Vatican II. SC para. 73.).   "Those who are seriously ill need the help of God's grace in this time of anxiety, lest they be broken in spirit and, under the pressure of temptation, perhaps be weakened in their faith."   "Those of the faithful whose health is seriously impaired by sickness or old age receive this sacrament. The sacrament may be repeated if the sick person recovers after being anointed and then falls ill or if, during the same illness, the person's condition becomes more serious.


Elderly people may be anointed if they have become notably weakened even though no serious illness exists." (para. 5, 8-11. General Introduction to the Pastoral Care of the Sick, 1983).


The Gospel this weekend mentions the disciples going out into the community and anointing people who were sick with oil. So it is timely to look at the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. This sacrament is a beautiful and precious expression of a tender and loving God who reaches out to support and strengthen those suffering from illness of mind or body. It powerfully expresses the Church's concern and prayers for those who suffer. It is precisely because this sacrament is so powerful that the church makes it very clear when it is to be used and when it is not! This sacrament is not a form of private piety. Extremes must be avoided.  It would be misleading for people to think that the anointing of the sick is only for people on the point of death. People often confuse the Anointing of the Sick with the Last Rites and think that if they are offered the Anointing, it is being suggested they are about to die soon. This is absolutely not the case. 


Please spread the word; the anointing of the sick is NOT merely for the end of one’s life when a person has been anointed for their serious condition, even if they die a considerable time after the anointing.

Fr Paul 



Holy Year In Italy.

Would you like to go to Italy with Fr Dan Ryan next May for the Holy Year?

I have organised a Pilgrimage to Italy from May 9th to May 24th.

We will spend 4 nights in Assisi and 4 nights in Rome.

The Pilgrimage will go from Venice to Rome via Florence, Padua, Sienna, and San Giovanni Rotonda (Padre Pio).

There will be  a few brochures at the front of the church in the next week, or you can go to - for more information.

Or you can contact Harvest Journeys on 1800 819 156

Fr Dan Ryan.


Please keep him in your prayers as he prepares to take on this new ministry. 

Church leader: Bishop Tim Norton.

POPE Francis has appointed Brisbane auxiliary Bishop Tim Norton as the third Bishop of Broome today.

Brisbane Archbishop Mark Coleridge said the “only surprise of Pope Francis’ appointment of Bishop Tim Norton SVD as the new Bishop of Broome was its timing”.

“It came earlier than many, myself included, expected,” he said.  

“But it is good news for Broome, even if it will be a loss for Brisbane where Bishop Tim will be much missed. 

“The Diocese of Broome has been very troubled in recent times, and Bishop Tim has the gifts and experience to take the process of healing and renewal begun by the Apostolic Administrator, Bishop Michael Morrissey, into a new phase.  

“Bishop Tim is a missionary by vocation, and he will be able to draw upon the resources of the Divine Word Missionaries who are already a presence in the diocese. 

“I am deeply grateful for all that Bishop Tim has brought to the Archdiocese of Brisbane in his time among us; and I join many others in praying for him as he prepares for this new and challenging mission.”

Born in Sydney in 1958, Bishop Norton entered the Divine Word Missionaries in 1985 and was ordained a priest in 1991.

He served in Mexico for seven years before undertaking studies in spiritual direction to prepare for formation work in Melbourne, preparing men to serve the Society of the Divine Word.

Bishop Norton was then elected Provincial of the Australian Province.

In that role, he had close contact with the Archdiocese of Brisbane where the Divine Word Missionaries have an important presence in parishes at Inala and Kingston-Marsden.

From June 2020, he worked full-time with consecrated women and men promoting interculturality.

Bishop Norton was ordained auxiliary Bishop of Brisbane by Archbishop Coleridge at St Stephen’s Cathedral on February 22, 2022.  A date for his installation into Broome diocese is expected in the coming weeks.

[source: By Joe Higgins  (Catholic Leader)]


The spring edition of Brisbane Archdiocesan Liturgical Magazine “Liturgy News” is now available. Please click the link below for interesting information and articles. 

For a PDF copy of Liturgy News, please click the link below:



Queensland Catholic Bishops Election Statement

As our community approach an election, whether Federal, State or local, the Catholic Bishops of Queensland invite all to thoughtfully reflect on key issues through the lens of Catholic teachings. Grounded in gospel values, the bishops call for a society that prioritises the dignity of every person, the common good, and care for the vulnerable.

This is one of the ways we put our faith into action.

Each statement below highlights the Catholic perspective on the critical issues voters should consider.

Current Election Statements

The Catholic Bishops of Queensland are urging those seeking election to resist populism and post-truth narratives and for voters to use their votes for the common good.

Download the Queensland Catholic Bishops Election Statement.

Archbishop Mark Coleridge warns of the destabilising effect of rising polarization and calls on Queenslanders to engage with key challenges, including healthcare, education, cost of living, housing, and more.

meet your candidate gatherings across the electorate -


If our politicians do not regard the most vulnerable, who do they really regard?

Go to the Cherish Life Qld website and fill in your postcode to find your candidates’ views on this essential issue.

Qld State election is on Sat 26 Oct


The cafĂ© outside the Sacred Heart Church has been a wonderful gathering place for parishioners, school parents, staff, and the wider public. The feedback has been that the cafĂ© is a great idea, but its location in the front of the church is not ideal. The cafĂ© has now re-opened in the old Atrium building.  This will allow community building whilst giving the church the space it needs for its Masses, Weddings, Baptisms and solemn Funerals.  Please support this excellent continuation of the parish vision. Chris and his staff are delighted to welcome you. 



Very Reverend Morgan Batt (the Dean of South Coast Deanery here) and Robyn Hunt represent our deanery at the synod. Please keep the Synod and its processes, led by the Holy Spirit, in your prayers.  

You will know that the voting numbers do not always add up to the number of Synod participants in the room.  Participants can refrain from declaring their vote if they want to.  Each participant can ENDORSE or CHALLENGE the action.  A challenge doesn’t always mean that you are against the action; you just want to discuss further the wording or the actions flowing from the Plenary Council decrees.  Even after further discussion, you can see that there are still participants Challenging the outcome.

For your information, a link to the  Plenary Council Decrees that are being discussed and voted on is below:



From One Holy Couple (Creation) to One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church (Today)

WHEN: On the last Sunday of the Month. The next Session No. 3 will be held on 27 October.

WHERE: in the Parish Hospitality Room - (next to Sacred Heart Church),  50 Fairway Drive, Clear Island Waters

Queensland 4226, on Sundays from 10 am – 12 pm. 

There is no cost; however, to participate, you will need to purchase The Bible Timeline: The Story of Salvation Study Set, which can be obtained from Ascension Press or Garrett Publishing.  The Study Set will contain The Bible Timeline Study Book, Chart and Bookmark -

Around seven years ago, we looked at Unlocking the Mysteries of the Bible. This study program is the complete study version, an In-depth Exploration of Salvation History, which will require considerable pre-reading monthly of various sections of the Bible, and that is why we will do it monthly to ensure we allow ourselves sufficient time to give this Study our full participation.  This way, we will get the most from the sessions, and once we see the big picture of the Bible, we will be able to understand Scripture in a whole new way.  The Mass readings will make more sense.  You will see how our beliefs as Catholics are rooted in Scripture, your prayers will come to life, and you will know how you are part of this remarkable story. 

The Bible Timeline® study program takes you on a guided journey through salvation history. Presenter Jeff Cavins shows you how fourteen of the Bible’s narrative books tell the biblical story from beginning to end and gives you the keys to understanding the amazing story woven through Scripture. Using a unique colour-coded chart, you will learn the Bible's significant people, places, and events and discover how they all come together to reveal the remarkable story of our Faith. Bookings can be made by ringing the Parish Office (new): (07) 5671 7388 (9 am – 1 pm Mon-Fri). We’re excited to be able to present this resource, so please join us.

                        CHILDREN’S SACRAMENTAL PROGRAM  2024                                                                                                                                                               

Cathy Anderson

Please use the information in the table below to begin or continue the faith journey with your child.

Sacrament Name                         & Sacrament Dates for 2024


How to enrol, or check a child’s enrolment, or request information for Sacramental Preparation Groups in Surfers Paradise Parish, 2024

Sacrament of Penance - Reconciliation 

Celebration of Reconciliation, First Rite:                                 Thursday, November 7, 2024 at 6 pm.

The completed task for Preparation for Reconciliation is due on Thursday, October 24

(Please note that this Sacrament has no extra Parent or Child meeting dates.) 

For children in Year 4 or greater who have been baptised, Confirmed, and made their First Holy Communion.

A. If your child made their First Communion in Surfers Paradise Parish in 2024, they will be automatically included in the group to be invited to prepare for the Sacrament of Penance this year, 2024. 

The Children’s Sacramental Coordinator, Cathy Anderson, will contact you via email in Week 2, Term 3, 2024.

B. If your child made their First Communion in Surfers Paradise Parish before 2024, please express your interest in joining the 2024 Sacrament of Penance (Reconciliation) Group by emailing Cathy Anderson at  

C. If your child made their First Communion in another parish, please enroll by going to the parish website ( ), then using the top menu bar and hovering over Sacraments. Click on Reconciliation. Please read the information about Reconciliation and then scroll down to the blue-filled box (Children’s Sacramental Program Application Form). Click on the link in the box, complete the enrolment application form, and click Submit.  You should receive an automated response that the form has been received. Families who enrol online will receive an email from our Children’s Sacramental Coordinator, Cathy Anderson.
For further information, Email Cathy Anderson at

2024 Enrolments have closed for the Sacrament of Confirmation and Sacrament of Eucharist (First Holy Communion)               

2025 Dates for the Preparation and Celebration of Childhood Sacraments in Surfers Paradise Parish will be advertised in this newsletter from December 2024.                                                  


Sacred Heart 

50 Fairway Drive

Clear Island Waters, 4226

Saturday Night - 5 pm  (Note: Reconciliations from 4-4.30 pm at Sacred Heart)

  • (Maronite Mass, 6:30 pm, Saturday Night). 

*Note: First Saturday of the month, morning Mass, Adoration and Benediction:  

9 am 2nd November 2024

Sunday - 9 am and 6 pm 

  • (Polish Mass 12:30 pm Sunday)

  • (Italian Mass 4 pm Sunday at Sacred Heart Church)

Weekday Masses - Monday - Friday weekday Mass - 9 a.m. 

The last healing Mass for this year will be on the first Tuesday of the month (5th November 2024) at 10 am (5/11/2024) - 10 am on the First Tuesday of the month. (February through November).

{First Friday Night of the Month -  Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at Sacred Heart Church - First Fridays of the Month, from 7 pm to 8.30 pm.  All welcome. Enquiries: Helen 0421935678. "Could you not watch with Me for one hour?" Mt 26:40}.

St Vincent’s

36 Hamilton Avenue.

Surfers Paradise


Sunday - 8 am & 10 am 

(Hispanic Mass – 5.30 pm every Sunday) 

Extra parking is available only metres from St Vincent’s Church, King’s Car Park, and entry via Beach Road. It is also available on Remembrance Drive opposite the church, next to the new Essence Building.

Stella Maris 

254 Hedges Avenue, Broadbeach, 4218

Saturday - 5 pm

Sunday  -   7 am 

Hispanic (Latino American) Mass: Fr. Syrilus Madin. 5:30 pm Mass - Every Sunday -  St Vincent’s Catholic Church, Surfers Paradise. Gold Coast Contact: Juan Arrieta. For more information, please email: 

Polish Mass: Fr Jerzy Prucnal (Bowen Hills 3252 2200). 12:30 pm Sacred Heart Church, Clear Island Waters. Gold Coast Contact: George Syrek 0411 302 802 -


Italian Mass: Sunday, Sacred Heart Church at 4 p.m. For further information about the Italian Mass on the Gold Coast, please contact Fr Luis Antonio Diaz Lamus (Scalabrinian Missionary) at  or Giovanna at 

Maronite Mass: Fr Fadi Salame 0421 790 996. The 6.30 pm Maronite Saturday Vigil is at Sacred Heart Church, Clear Island Waters.


AVAILABLE AT THE ENTRANCES OF THREE CHURCHES - tap once to donate $10, tap and other higher denominations now available on the new devices.

Anointing Mass – Mass of Healing FIRST TUESDAY OF THE MONTH (February-November Inclusive)

10 am Sacred Heart Catholic Church. Final for the year. Tuesday the 5th of November (5/11/24) - Followed by morning tea. Please let others know who would love to come along.


Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on each First Friday, 1/11/24, at Sacred Heart Church from 7 pm to 8.30 pm.  All welcome. Enquiries: Helen 0421935678.  "Could you not watch one hour with Me" Mt 26:4



First Saturday Mass at Sacred Heart Church, Clear Island Waters.  9 am Saturday 2/11/24.   Followed by adoration and Benediction.  {This is a votive Mass for the Blessed Virgin Mary}.


(Please contact us so we can keep these names up-to-date, and let us know when to remove the name from the list).

FOR THOSE WHO ARE SICK:  Please also pray for the following who are ill. (Alphabetical) 

Lindsay Allan, Robert Andreas, Milroy Antony, Tricia Baumann, Nellie Bellinger, Graham Bousen, Tim Brown, Margaret and Tony Buckingham, Vicky and Andrew Campora, Nadia Che, Tina Conidi, Helen Cooper, Alfonso Covino, Shirley Croft, Christopher Eid, Lorraine Gallagher, Ellanie Gonzalez, Jenny Haines, Tommy Harris, Mary Hirst, Sr Elisabeth Keane, Marjorie Kennedy, Kath Kiely, Jan Kristenson, Dannielle Therese Larney, Nathan Lepp, l McGuigan, Phil and Anne McGuigan, Joanne Mooney, Maryann Moore, Michael & Leslie Murtagh, Patrick O’Hagan, Margaret Orme, Letty O’Sullivan, Kevin Owen, Carmela Parente, Lesley Petroni, Rachel Raines, Bob Rogers, Betty Taylor, Leonardo Torcaso, Denise Tracey, Paul Trad, Billy Webb. 

RECENTLY DECEASED:  (Chronological - Most recent first):

Gilda Jennings, Alexis Ann McCoy, Brenda Stewart, Peter Kane, Helen Nugent, Olympia Georgiou, Cristina Salinas, Caroline Moulden, Frank Anthony Armanasco, Ma. Cristina Cruzada Lenihan, Colleen Williams, Merle Maiden, Bill Brewer, Damian Mullins.


Fr George Ainslie, Philippe Melham Aouad, Fr Thomas Armstrong, Danielle Suzanne Marthe Marie Begaud, Florence Auburn Blacker, Fr Martin Brady, Simon Phillip John Bright, Jerry Calleja, Leonie Carey, Gaetana Cutayar, Fr Michael Donlon, Robert James Duncan, Miriam Jessy Fleming, Kurt Hillesheim, Flora Hodge, Ryan Andrew Hogan, Helen Mackintosh Davidson Kelly, John Aloysius Kelly, Carmen Kruse, Fr Patrick McGinley, Fr Michael McKeaten, Fr Tomas Mescall, William Henry Mitchell, Mary Frances (Billie) Mullahy, Jesuraya Yema Nadar, Elizabeth Neilsen, Vincent Netting, Rosario Nocal, Fr James O'Connor, Alicja Paciej, Julie Mary Ritchie, Stephen John Schreck, Sgt. Leonard (Len) Siffleet, Patricia Rae Smith, Wilhelmina Antoinette Vos, Hazel Wilkinson, Vivian Williams. 

And Also: (Alphabetical):

Jean Di Benedetto, Fr Thomas Brady, Raymond (Ray) Burton,  Fr John Dwyer, Virginia Mary Fay, Eva "Midge" Gardner, Marie Elizabeth Giles, Marta Goran, Fr Patrick Grennan, Cecil John (Digger) Hogan, Marjorie Joan Howard, Fr John Humphries, Rodney Bertram Matthews, Fr James McDermott, Christine McQuee, Norm Modral, Rita Marianne Nelson, Sue-Anne O’Reilly, Maria Antionette Orlando, Betty Putre, Bessie Rice, Julie Ritchie, John Michael Rosenlund, Fr John Rosenskjar, Keiran John Ryan,  (Pronounced Taff), Peter Lawrence Taffe, Ruben Ricardo Vico,  Cecilia Louisa Vlemmix, Carmel Mary Wilkinson. 



To efficiently and speedily deal with the pastoral needs around the Catholic parishes of the Gold Coast, the parishes within this Deanery have the practice of having the first call for emergencies go to the priests of the parish where the hospital is located.  Here is a helpful guide to the hospitals and their attendant priests. A nursing home call also follows this procedure, where the first priest to call is a priest from the parish within which the Nursing Home is located.  Please help us service the region effectively and help prevent delays in response by calling the nearest parish. 

  • Robina Hospital - Burleigh Heads Parish. 5576 6466

  • Pindara Hospital - Surfers Paradise Parish. 56717388

  • John Flynn Hospital - Coolangatta-Tugun Parish. 5598 2165

  • University & Gold Coast Private Hosp.- Southport Parish. 5510 2222

NOTICES AND MESSAGES  - Our new parish number is 5671 7388 


2025  Columban Calendars, Church Art calendars, 2025 scroll calendars and  Christmas cards -

 all available now.

ADVENT REFLECTION RESOURCE -   Arrived available in the shops now


Please join us to pray the Divine Mercy and Rosary each day at 8:15 a.m. at the Sacred Heart Church before 9 a.m. Mass, Monday through Friday, including First Saturdays. 


Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on each First Friday, 1/11/24, at Sacred Heart Church from 7 pm to 8.30 pm.  All welcome. Enquiries: Helen 0421935678.  "Could you not watch one hour with Me" Mt 26:4


First Saturday Mass at Sacred Heart Church, Clear Island Waters, 9 a.m. Saturday, 2/11/24. This will be Followed by adoration and Benediction.  

{This is a votive Mass for the Blessed Virgin Mary}.

Anointing Mass – Mass of Healing FIRST TUESDAY OF THE MONTH (February-November Inclusive)

10 am Sacred Heart Catholic Church. Tuesday the 5th of November - last for the year (5/11/24) - Followed by morning tea. Please let others know who would love to come along.


The Group meets in the Parish Hospitality Centre on Wednesdays from 9 am to 12 noon. Activities include

  • Art (watercolour, oils, acrylics, pen and ink drawing, etc.)

  • Various kinds of Craftwork (Knitting, Embroidery, Crocheting, Card making, Sewing, etc.)

  • Making Rosary Beads (later sent to the missions)

  • And any other activities that individuals may have an interest in, or you can bring in your ideas

A very relaxing and social environment - meet new friends! You are most welcome to join.

For further information, phone the Parish Office.


Meets at the Sacred Heart - Parish Hospitality Centre, Fairway Drive, Clear Island Waters. 

Playing Bridge keeps your brain active and increases your social network! So why not give us a try? Learn to play Bridge at “Our Friendly Club” - Free Lesson. “Introduction to Bridge” - It is Easy to learn the format. No previous card-playing experience is necessary. All are welcome. For more information and to enrol, please phone Cheryl at 5538 8821.


Join us for our social class in the Parish Hospitality Centre next to the Parish Office. Classes run every Tuesday at 10:45 a.m. Learn to relax yet gain greater flexibility, inner strength, body awareness and concentration while increasing your breath support and general well-being. Ruth is an IYTA-accredited instructor with wide experience and runs a caring, carefully monitored one-hour session costing $10 (new attendees, please arrive by 10:30 a.m. to prepare adequately for class). For more information, please


Praying the Rosary - Our Lady’s Statue in the Parish -

Details of the Statue of Our Lady are going around the Parish.  

If you want her in your home and say the Rosary,

Please contact Maxine or Pat. For more information, please email:  


Our Lady’s Statue details for the next several weeks are:

14/10/24  Lilly Leongue & Family     Varsity Lakes

21/10/24  Lilly Leongue & Family     Varsity Lakes

28/10/24  Lilly Leongue & Family     Varsity Lakes

4/11/24  Lilly Leongue & Family     Varsity Lakes

11/11/24       Luciana Lang & Family    Robina

18/11/24       Luciana Lang & Family    Robina 

25/11/24       Suzanne Joseph       Robina

2/12/24          Suzanne Joseph       Robina

9/12/24          Julio & Eileen Camera    Nerang

16/12/24       Julio & Eileen Camera    Nerang


Join Rochelle for a fun, functional exercise class at Casey Hall. Low-impact cardiovascular exercises for heart health, improve strength and balance- an all-around fitness class for over 65’s. Stretch and strengthen the whole body, make new friends and feel great.  Tuesday mornings @9.30 Beginners welcome. Contact Rochelle.  For more information, please email: 


The Bible Study Prayer Group meets every Wednesday from 5-6 pm at St Vincent’s Church, 

(40 Hamilton Ave, Surfers Paradise). Come along and read/study Break Open the Word 

weekly from 5 pm to 6 pm. For further enquiries, please contact the Parish Office.


The meditation group meets in the Morris prayer room on Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. It would very much like to welcome new members. For more information, please email: 


Jesus de la Misericordia. Invites you to participate every 2nd Saturday of the month from 11 am to 2 pm.   Place: Hospitality Room.  Sacred Heart Church.  “We praise, We praise, We grow spiritually from the Word of the Lord.”  For more information, please contact Grace. For more information, please  or 


Please come and join us at the Marian Valley Church 13.11.2024 Our Lady of Fatima's Feast. The bus will be picking up Sharp at 8.15 am at the Sacred Heart Church Clear Island Waters. The Cost for the bus fare $25.00 return. You can secure your seat with contact name and contact phone number with Xavier Solomon 0404 843 260, Madeleine on 0405 252 367 or 5529 1573, Chris Raynal 0451 302 674, all are welcome.

HOMILY: 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B. 


Image Credit- https://creator.nightcafĂ©.studio/creation/Tv7gd6KUmwav2vqY5j0F?ru=Paul-Evangelion 

The readings this weekend speak of God who is not aloof or uninterested, but rather, God who is right there in the midst of us, sharing our suffering and pain, taking on our human condition, and lifting us up and helping people in very practical and compassionate ways….   God who gets his hands dirty and is one of us and among us to help us… to save us….


Jesus reiterates the ways of God -  humility, service, self-sacrifice……. - "…Anyone who wants to become great among you must be your servant, and anyone who wants to be first among you must be a slave to all. For the Son of Man, himself did not come to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.'  [FHL] 


Jesus Chris loved us SO much that he gave himself up for us, completely. Jesus sacrificed himself to save us. He became like a slave for us.


As the second reading says; We have a God who is able to sympathise with us in our weaknesses, because Jesus has shared our human nature and experienced human weakness, suffering, pain, and temptation just like we all have.


Jesus DOES indeed know what it is like for us to experience difficulties of every kind, and he promises to walk with us and support us in the challenges and suffering of life.


There is a saying, "I am only human," and whilst it is good to acknowledge that we are fallible and that we can all make mistakes, that excuse can sometimes be used to justify us remaining stuck in behaviours that are destructive and in choices that are decidedly not consistent with Christs' gospel message.


Sure, we are human, we are fallible - but, we are also called to share in Christ's divine life….


So, whilst God is understanding, sympathetic and forgiving, this is even more reason why we need to dedicate ourselves to rise above the sinful and destructive behaviours that we find ourselves in.


God's forgiveness and our human weakness is never an invitation to say, 'this is all I am and this is all I can be. I will not change, and will always wallow in my weaknesses.' Rather, we are inspired by God's tender mercy and compassion so that we then take up our cross and keep travelling along the journey of conversion - persevere along the path of holiness, and constantly ask God to foster in us the virtues that will transform our weaknesses and make us more and more like Jesus and his values….


Our weaknesses are a reality that can be a big obstacle in our path to increased holiness. However, it is no excuse for stopping in our tracks! Our weaknesses are real, but are never a reason to stay 'stuck in patterns of sin.'  We need the help of God's grace to achieve this.


Jesus is the ultimate example of not only "God made flesh" but also of humanity fully alive and glorified. The saints; (those holy women and men who led lives of service, sacrifice and holiness), remind us that, despite our limitations and infirmities, it is possible and necessary to keep moving forward in the path of holiness. Settling for less is not God's call for us.


The journey we are on is one that is 'walking a fine line.' We live in a way that means we never give up because of the sins and failures we experience in our lives, and we always gratefully accept the new start that God gives us through God's compassion and mercy, but at the same time, we never allow our weaknesses to cause us to presume on God's mercy - thinking we can choose to do wrong because we know God will forgive us afterwards.


The gospel today is very fitting too…..


The disciples, (poor disciples!) have got it wrong .......again!!


Here are James and John coming up to Jesus and insisting that he give them places of honour and privilege in his Kingdom. How selfish, how proud, how indulgent!


The other disciples are angry at them, but perhaps because they too wanted those seats, (those privileges), and how dare others to ask for what they wanted! Jesus tries to show them (and us) that they have totally missed the point.


It is not even JESUS who allots everyone's place in Heaven. It is THE HEAVENLY FATHER. And the places will be allotted to people who have given themselves wholly to God's loving ways. Those who have suffered greatly to bring others to the good news of Christ; (those who have sacrificed themselves in loving and self-giving service), and certainly not to those seeking self-indulgence, privilege and prestige. How wrong these disciples are (in this matter at least)! These places cannot be earned without the CROSS, which is encountered in every disciple's life.


Jesus asks us to get rid of any kind of self-satisfaction, self-indulgence and pride. He shows us how to let go of our selfishness and give ourselves fully to others in service.


It is good for us to reflect deeply on this, (each of us individually, in our prayer can ask ourselves) ....." what motivates my actions?"  Really, what are my motives and priorities? What are the things that motivate me in what I do in the church and in my daily life?" Do I do things because I expect something back? Do I do it because I want a prestigious place of honour or a personal benefit for myself or those close to me?" The gospel today, and many more like it, challenges us:  We must know that this is not what Christ is calling us to.


Service and love, (done with Jesus' gospel values), are their own sweet reward. and with no other expectation of reward or honour. personal accolades, Personal reward, self-satisfaction – none of these are consistent with Jesus' message. Self-surrender, being servants to God and his message, compassion, self-sacrifice, loving service, mercy; this is consistent with Jesus' message.


Let us ask the Lord to lovingly show us our weaknesses, help us to trust in Gods mercy and compassion. Prevent us from ever presuming on your mercy, Lord, or boldly continuing to live wrongly and indulgently. Graciously spur us on, to keep going along the path to holiness. And. Lord, please inspire us to give selflessly and lovingly and to serve others as you did.



Homily – Fr Paul W. Kelly


To listen to the Sunday Mass each week (including homily) from Surfers Paradise Catholic Parish, please visit this link: Liturgy for you at Home (by SPCP) -      

Also found at -    


The Archdiocese of Brisbane has standards of conduct for workers to maintain a safe and healthy environment for children.  Our commitment to these standards requires conducting working with children checks and background referencing for all persons who will engage in direct and regular involvement with children and young people (0 - 18 years) or adults at risk. The organisation is fully committed to child safety and has zero tolerance for abusing children or adults at risk.


Prayer of Pope Saint John-Paul II 

Hail Mary, poor and humble Woman, Blessed by the Most High! Virgin of hope, dawn of a new era, We join in your song of praise, to celebrate the Lord’s mercy, to proclaim the coming of the Kingdom and the full liberation of humanity.

Hail Mary, lowly handmaid of the Lord, Glorious Mother of Christ! Faithful Virgin, holy dwelling-place of the Word, Teach us to persevere in listening to the Word, and to be docile to the voice of the Spirit, attentive to his promptings in the depths of our conscience and to his manifestations in the events of history.

Hail Mary, Woman of sorrows, Mother of the living! Virgin spouse beneath the Cross, the new Eve, Be our guide along the paths of the world. Teach us to experience and to spread the love of Christ, to stand with you before the innumerable crosses on which your Son is still crucified.

Hail Mary, woman of faith, First of the disciples! Virgin Mother of the Church, help us always to account for the hope in us, with trust in human goodness and the Father’s love. Teach us to build up the world beginning from within: in the depths of silence and prayer, in the joy of fraternal love, in the unique fruitfulness of the Cross.

Holy Mary, Mother of believers, Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.


A VOCATION VIEW:  Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time (10/20/24) 

Greatness in the Kingdom is found not in ruling and lordship but in service. Daily, we must put the needs of the other before our own. (Mark 10:35-45)

Life’s rewards are tied up in the spirit of service.  Just as the   Son of Man came to give His life, so too are we called to serve others through our profession of faith.  Lord, we pray, ‘Let your mercy be on us as we   trust You to do your will.’ 

To talk to someone about your vocation,  contact  Vocation Brisbane:  1300 133 544.  and     


“For the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45)

If you held a mirror to your life, would it reflect God’s love and mercy? If you are struggling with this,

try changing your attitude from “I want more” to “Thank you, God, for everything you have given me; I have enough to share”. This change in perspective will bring you joy through service to others. Pray daily to become less self-centred and to become more God-centered.

The vision of Stewardship speaks in every aspect of life, inviting everyone to be thankful, generous, and accountable for what each has been given.

TAKE FIVE FOR FAITH  - Chasing greatness

Ruins of ancient empires can be found around the globe. We are awed by these traces of grandeur even as we’re summoned to awareness of the passing of worldly power. Every nation in history that once sought to be great has the antiquities to testify to their achievement—and the ashes to witness to its elusiveness. The only greatness that matters is the kind that lays its privilege down for the sake of the lowly. Dare to be great in the way of the Kingdom. Use your personal authority to lift others up, not to promote your own gain. ​“Grant that in your glory, we may sit one at your right and the other at your left.” {Mark 10:35-45}. 


Your support is needed to help our Parish continue valuable pastoral activities and ensure ongoing sustainability. You can give here to assist you in supporting the Parish.     

If you can continue to support us, we would be most grateful. We thank all those who have been making payments via credit card and those who have donated directly to the parish account. The pay-wave or tap-and-go machines on the timber stands in our Churches are also a safe and handy way to donate to the Parish. God bless you for your support. If you want confirmation of your donation or a receipt emailed, please contact me at  

To join planned giving, please contact the Parish Office: (07) 56717388 (9 am–2 pm Mon-Fri).




  • OCTOBER 22  - Saint John Paul II, Pope

    • The future starts today, not tomorrow.

    • Freedom consists not in doing what we like, but in having the right to do what we ought.

    • As the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the whole world in which we live.

    • Science can purify religion from error and superstition. Religion can purify science from idolatry and false absolutes.

    • Love is never defeated, and I could add the history of Ireland proves it.

    • Loss leads to life

    • Pope Saint John Paul II, canonised in 2014, was revered for his many accomplishments during his long pontificate. The beloved pontiff is less well-known because he experienced tremendous loss early in life. The future pope lost his mother when he was only 9, his eldest brother when he was 12, and his father when he was 21. Perhaps this is why Saint John Paul II made the “culture of life” a focus of his pontificate: the “church counters the culture of death with the culture of life,” he said as he advocated for all life issues in statements such as this: “May the death penalty, an unworthy punishment still used in some countries, be abolished throughout the world.” Let loss lead to life.

  • October 23 - Saint John of Capistrano:

    • “Those who are called to the table of the Lord must glow with the brightness that comes from a good example of a praiseworthy and blameless life. They must completely remove from their lives the filth and uncleanness of vice. Their upright lives must make them like the salt of the earth for themselves and for the rest of mankind. The brightness of their wisdom must make them like the light of the world that brings light to others. They must learn from their eminent teacher, Jesus Christ, what he declared not only to his apostles and disciples but also to all the priests and clerics who were to succeed them when he said: You are the salt of the earth. But what if salt goes flat? How can you restore its flavour? Then it is good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.” (St. John of Capistrano, Priest; from the treatise “Mirror of the Clergy”)

    • “Prayer is the root, the fountain, the mother of a thousand blessings.” 

    • “Fasting of the body is food for the soul.”

    • “We must not mind insulting men if by respecting them we offend God.” 

    • “The rich man is not in possession of much, but one who gives much.”

    • “Remove from your lives the filth and uncleanness of vice. Your upright lives must make you the salt of the earth for yourselves and the rest of humankind…”

  • OCTOBER 24   - Saint Anthony Mary Claret, bishop

    • Christian perfection consists of three things: praying heroically, working heroically, and suffering heroically.

    • I will be kind to everybody, particularly to those whom I find troublesome.

    • A son of the Immaculate Heart of a man who unceasingly expends himself to light the fire of divine love in the world. Nothing stops him.

    • Love is the most necessary of all virtues. Love in the person who preaches the word of God is like fire in a musket. If a person were to throw a bullet with his hands, he would hardly make a dent in anything; but if the person takes the same bullet and ignites some gunpowder behind it, it can kill. It is much the same with the word of God. If it is spoken by someone who is filled with the fire of charity- the fire of love of God and neighbour- it will work wonders.

    • When people love and recite the Rosary they find it makes them better.

    • An apostolic missionary must have both heart and tongue ablaze with charity.

    • The Christian who desires to follow Jesus carrying his cross must bear in mind that the name "Christian" means "learner or imitator of Christ" and that if he wishes to bear that noble title worthily he must above all do as Christ charges us in the Gospel: We must oppose or deny ourselves, take up the cross, and follow him. 

    • Our Lord has created persons for all states in life, and in all of them we see people who who achieved sanctity by fulfilling their obligations well.

    • Lord, by the words of consecration the substance of the bread and wine is converted into the substance of your Body and Blood. All powerful Lord, say over me the word which will change me into You.

    • The faith I have when I am in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament is so strong that I find it impossible to express what I feel... When the time comes to leave I must force myself to overcome the inclination to prolong my stay with Jesus.

    • Although the sinner does not believe in Hell, he shall nevertheless go there if he has the misfortune to die in mortal sin.

    • When I see the need for Divine teaching and how hungry people are to hear it, I am atremble to be off and running throughout the world, preaching the word of God. I have no rest; my soul finds no other relief than to rush about and preach.

    • When I am before the Blessed Sacrament, I feel such a lively faith that I can't describe it. Christ in the Eucharist is almost tangible to me...When it is time for me to leave, I have to tear myself away from His sacred presence.

    • It was the consideration of the multitude of souls which fall into the depths of Hell because it is of faith that all those who die in mortal sin are condemned forever and ever. According to statistics, approximately 80,000 persons die every day. How many of these will die in mortal sin, and how many will be condemned, for, as their lives have been, so also will their end be.

    • When you see a condemned man on his way to the gallows, it moves you to pity. If you could do something to free him, you would do it. Well, brothers and sisters, when I see a person in mortal sin, I see someone drawing nearer with every step to the gallows of hell. And seeing him in this unhappy state, I happen to know the way to free him: that he be converted to God, ask God's pardon, and make a good confession. Woe betide me if he does not.

    • Once [a soul] is condemned by God, then God's friends agree in God's judgement and condemnation. For all eternity, they will not have a kind thought for this wretch. Rather they will be satisfied to see him in flames as a victim of God's justice. ("The just shall rejoice when he shall see the revenge . . ." Psalm 57:11) They will abhor him. A mother will look from paradise upon her own condemned son without being moved, as though she had never known him. 



Image Credit- https://creator.nightcafĂ©.studio/creation/a5bDxZ9lH1kf4rRXh4yq?ru=Paul-Evangelion 

Never Dialogue with Satan: 

“Never dialogue with the devil,” the Pope told visitors at his general audience.  “When he comes with temptation – ‘this would be nice, that would be nice’ – stop yourself. Lift your heart to the Lord, pray to Our Lady and send him away.”

After cancelling his scheduled appointments on Monday due to what the Vatican described as a “mild flu-like condition,” Pope Francis held his general audience outdoors as planned. 

Despite some coughing, he delivered his remarks largely without issue and included several off-the-cuff comments. He is scheduled to depart for a four-day trip to Luxembourg and Belgium this morning. 

Reflecting on the Gospel reading from St Matthew in which Jesus is led into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit to be tempted by the devil, Pope Francis noted that modern technology, in addition to its positive elements, provides “countless means to give an opportunity to the devil” to enter people’s lives, “and many fall in the trap”.

“Think of online pornography, behind which there is a flourishing market: this is a very widespread phenomenon which Christians should beware of and strongly reject,” he said. “Any cell phone has access to this brutality, to this language of the devil – online pornography.”

The Pope said contemporary society is “witnessing a strange phenomenon regarding the devil,” since “at a cultural level, it is held that he simply does not exist.”

Rather than be understood as a real agent of diabolic activity, the devil today is often viewed as a “metaphor” and enters people’s lives through “superstition”, as reflected in the secularised world “teeming with magicians, occultism, spiritualism, astrologers, sellers of spells and amulets, and unfortunately with real satanic sects”.

Yet “the strongest proof of the existence of Satan is found not in sinners or the possessed, but in the saints,” he said. “It is in the lives of the saints that the devil is forced to come out into the open, to cast himself ‘against the light’”.

FULL STORY-  Pope: ‘Never dialogue with the devil’ (By Justin McLellan, OSV News)  


Liturgy for you at Home (produced by SPP): https:-

Weekly Homily (produced by SPP): https:-

Surfers Paradise Parish Facebook: https:-

Breaking Parish News (SPP Blog):  https:-

EthicsFinder is a free, global, digital resource of immense value to interested parishioners. Try ACU’s free digital tool,

Readings for next weekend- Sunday, 27 October 2024.  (Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time.  . Year B)


Ps 126:1-2a, 2b-3, 4-5, 6 “The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy.”


GOSPEL ACCLAMATION (cf. 2 Tim 1:10) “Alleluia, alleluia! Our Saviour Jesus Christ has done away with death. And brought us life through his gospel.”

GOSPEL- Mark 10:46-52

Commitment to Child Safety and Adults at Risk.  We are committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of all members of our community. Please see the pages below for more information. ………………..

Acknowledgement of Country - 

This is Kombumerri Country, the traditional custodian of this region.

We respectfully acknowledge the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as the First People of this country. We pay our respects to the Kombumerri people, the traditional custodians of the land, waterways and seas upon which we live, work and socialise throughout this Catholic Parish of Surfers Paradise. We acknowledge Elders, past and present and emerging, as they hold our Indigenous people's memories, traditions, culture and hopes. We pay tribute to those who have contributed to the community's life in many ways. We affirm our commitment to justice, healing, and reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples. (See further: The Kombumerri People and


** The significance of the ancient Catholic Blessing Symbol. “20 C+M+B 24”

An ancient medieval practice that developed in the Catholic Church was to bless one’s home with blessed chalk at the yearly epiphany.  On the door or the lintel will be this symbol:

This means that 2000 years ago, after Christ’s birth, Wise Men visited and gave homage to the Lord and were welcomed into the hospitality of the Holy Family’s abode. We dedicate the present year of this century, ‘24, to the protection of the Lord. May the Lord bless this abode. 

The letters C+M+B represent Caspar, Bathasar and Melchior, the three Wise Men.  CMB is also the initials of the Latin phrase “Christus Mansionem Benedicat” - “May Christ Bless this dwelling place.” 


St Kevin’s Catholic School, Community business directory: 

Safeguarding Framework

“The Church loves all her children like a loving mother, but cares for all and protects with a special affection those who are smallest and defenceless. This is the duty that Christ himself entrusted to the entire Christian community.”

– Apostolic Letter issued ‘motu proprio’ by the Supreme Pontiff Francis 4 June 2016


The purpose of the Archdiocesan Safeguarding Framework is to promote a culture of safeguarding within the Archdiocese and reduce the risks of abuse and harm.


The Safeguarding Framework applies to all parishes, ministries, and agencies under the jurisdiction of the Archbishop of Brisbane.

The framework applies to all Archdiocesan workers.


National Catholic Safeguarding Standards

The Archdiocese adopts and adheres to the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards. The Standards apply to all parishes, ministries, and agencies under the jurisdiction of the Archbishop.

Commitment Statement

The Archdiocese has zero tolerance for all forms of abuse and is committed to safeguarding everyone involved in its activities, ministries, and services.

The safety and well-being of children and adults-at-risk is paramount.

Safeguarding Principles

The following principles guide safeguarding practice in the Archdiocese:

Safeguarding is a shared responsibility.

Everyone who interacts with the Archdiocese is treated with dignity and respect.

The protection and best interests of children and adults at risk are prioritised.

Safe physical and online environments are provided.

Safeguarding and abuse risks are actively identified and managed.

Compliance with safeguarding standards, policies, procedures, and guidelines is monitored.

Abuse concerns, suspicions, disclosures, allegations, reports and incidents are responded to promptly and effectively.

All statutory obligations to report suspected abuse or harm are complied with.

Safeguarding Governance    -Monitoring and Compliance

The Archdiocese of Brisbane is committed to continuous improvement of its safeguarding practice, and compliance with the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards is monitored through a program of internal and external auditing.

Non-compliance with this framework, which seriously jeopardises the safety and wellbeing of others, will be reported to the Vicar General and may be grounds for disciplinary action resulting in dismissal or termination of employment and reporting to church and/or statutory authorities.

Download a copy of the Archdiocesan Safeguarding Framework

For more information about the Archdiocesan Safeguarding Framework, contact the Office for Safeguarding Services at  

or on 07 3324 3752.  

 - Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility -    

See also this video on safeguarding - 

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility -

Safeguarding Officer (relating to child safety and adults at risk) Robyn Hunt Safeguarding officer - contact 

Safeguarding  (Children and adults-at-risk)- 

StopLine - The Archdiocese of Brisbane Whistleblower Hotline 1300 30 45 50

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility -

  • Safeguarding Officer - Surfers Parish - (relating to child safety and adults at risk) Robyn Hunt Safeguarding officer - contact  - phone - 0409 486 326 

Safeguarding Officer
Safeguarding Officer - Surfers Paradise Parish - Robyn Hunt

Each Parish in the Archdiocese of Brisbane has a Local Safeguarding Representative who is responsible for:

  1. Making sure that the whole parish is aware of the importance of safeguarding children and adults at risk.

  2. Promoting safe practices, including articulating for others what is appropriate and inappropriate behaviour, and

  3. Assisting the Parish Priest and staff in the implementation of the Archdiocesan Safeguarding Children and Adults-at-risk Policy in the Parish

The Archdiocesan Safeguarding Children & Adults-at-risk Prevention & Protection Policy can be found at:


Here is how you can report an incident or concern, or contact someone to talk about a safeguarding matter or get more information:

VOLUNTEERS - Parish Ministries, Groups etc.

The Archdiocese of Brisbane has implemented standards of conduct for voluntary church workers to maintain a safe and healthy ministry environment.  Our commitment to these standards requires that we have a record of your Blue Card and conduct background referencing for all who intend to engage in voluntary ministry, having direct and regular involvement with children, young people and adults at risk.

The Archdiocese of Brisbane has the following safeguarding training packages, Safeguarding Induction, Applied Safeguarding Training and Training for Local Safeguarding Representatives, which can be viewed here:

BLUE CARD - ‘No Card, No Start’

Individuals must have a valid blue card before starting paid work or volunteering. All cardholders must apply to renew their blue card before it expires to continue working/volunteering. If an individual lets their card expire, they must cease work until they obtain a new valid blue card.    For further information about the Blue Card Application process, please click here >>


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