Sunday 22 March 2020

More resources for these times

Dear Friends,

As the response to the coronavirus has escalated, public Masses have been cancelled in much, if not all, of the country. This is a very painful and unexpected state for us as Catholics. I encourage you to pray, very simply and sincerely, and trust that your hunger for the Eucharist is a truly an occasion for grace and is very pleasing to our Lord. Jesus knows that we long to be united with him in Holy Communion.

Many of you have begun to watch televised or streamed Masses from the internet and follow along with your M
AGNIFICAT. This is a very good option in these circumstances. But even if you cannot do that, I encourage you to continue to pray with your MAGNIFICAT throughout these days, for however long they last, confident that in your prayer and meditation Jesus remains close to you. Please encourage others, especially those who are struggling at this moment, to pray with MAGNIFICAT using the free access online or with the app.

Additionally, we offer, here at this link, a celebration of the Word which you could use this Sunday alone or with family. If possible, place a simple cross or crucifix prominently in the room and light one or more candles. You can also place an image of the Virgin Mary there if possible. As a family, choose the one who leads the prayer, and someone to do the readings.

Finally, remember that, apart from the Mass, the Holy Rosary is one of the most powerful and efficacious forms of prayer that we have. It is a time-tested and saint-proven way of entering deeply and intimately into the mysteries of Christ’s life, and to unite ourselves to the most powerful prayers of the Blessed Mother.

On the Solemnity of Saint Joseph, the Holy Father invited people to around the world to join him in praying the rosary for the protection of families, and many dioceses have encouraged people to pray the rosary for an end to this pandemic. Especially at this moment, the rosary can be a spiritual lifeline. We can pray it for ourselves, our families, and all those who are suffering and dying, those we do not even know. We trust that Mary is with us, as she has promised to be, now and at the hour of our death.

In Jesus and Mary,

Fr. Sebastian, O.P.

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