Friday 10 July 2020

E-Newsletter Edition 15. Sunday July 12, 2020. The Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Year A

Parish Office: (07) 5572 5433  (9am – 12pm Mon-Fri). (Prefer  phone contact)


Emergencies: Priest contactable via office phone (after hours, follow menu prompts)


50 Fairway Drive, Clear Island Waters, Queensland, 4226

E-Newsletter  Edition 15

Sunday July 12, 2020

The Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Year A

Readings for Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Year A 

FIRST READING: Isaiah 55:10-11|

Ps: Psalm 65:10, 11, 12-13, 14 “The seed that falls on good ground will yield a fruitful harvest.”

SECOND READING: Romans 8:18-23

GOSPEL ACCLAMATION : Alleluia, alleluia! The seed is the Word of God, Christ is the sower. All who come to him will live forever.

GOSPEL: Matthew 13:1-23 or 13:1-9

A Farmer Went Out to Sow

Shutterstock licensed image  illustration ID: 50338744. Sower seeding the seeds, the Gospel parable from the Bible about the Sower. By Thoom. 


For a long time I have known I was a ‘logophile’, but was  careful not to admit it for fear of making people keep silent when in my company. The truth is, I really love ‘words’. I love reading them, speaking them, spelling them and discovering them. I read a range of words every day, in newspapers, books, online and on cereal boxes. I do crosswords and other word puzzles, I look up the meanings of words I have never heard before. I have about 5 dictionaries and Onomasticons (that is a synonym for Thesauruses), and others as well as a shortcut to Google.  I try to include them in conversations and, above all, I listen to them. I particularly enjoy mixed metaphors and secretly delight in hearing mispronunciations or malapropisms (the unintentional misuse of a word by confusion with one of a similar sound, as in under the affluence of alcohol). I try to learn about their derivation and am interested to know how and where they arrive from to eventually be included in our daily use.

One of my favourite sources for the background to words is called Mother Tongue by the travel writer Bill Bryson, who is even more obsessed than I am with words and their usage. I have five copies of this book, all presently on loan to people who may never return them. Not a problem. Bryson has done the hard work of looking into the history and country of birth of commonly used words as well as their evolution. Stephen Fry is another logophile, as is Eric Partridge, whose reference book Usage and Abusage written in 1942 is never far from my desk.

As comforting as all these words are to me, they can also be a source of enormous angst, particularly in recent times when I hear so much abusage of words and phrases. Mainly, I am sorry to say, from young people, who have taken to using precious words as fill-ins when they can’t think of the right word to say. While I think that tablets and various digital screens are to blame, the chief offender is the use of the emoji (a small digital image or icon used to express an idea or emotion), usually when you can’t think of an alphabetic word to use.

In particular I am referring to the word “LIKE”. You can also throw in similar phrases. “You know”, ‘kind of”, “sort of” and “Yeah/No”. Often they are grouped in one sentence as in: “Yeah, No, it’s kinda, sorta like ya know”. When uttered, I can only just remain silent and hope that this so-called sentence will be followed with a subject, object or even a noun that will give a vague hint of what is being asked or offered. I realise my years of distance from teenagehood may have dulled me to new-age language that is now common parlance, but even I know that ‘fully sick’, doesn’t mean a debilitating illness. I recently heard a footballer (not necessarily a good example) being interviewed, who used the word “like” 16 times in a brief commentary, at no time using the word in its comparative sense. For example, “I tried to - like - tackle - like-  the coach had instructed us during - like - training.”

I’m not just being churlish about the misuse of this word , because I genuinely believe that if we do not check this verbal laziness, then it will eventually become impossible for certain adults to have any meaningful conversation with a teenager (soon to be an adult), without asking in every second sentence “I don’t know what you are saying”. It will become an intergenerational dialect, which will only make the present stress of communicating with a teenager even harder.

Sometime ago I made an offer to my then teenage niece that I would pay her a certain amount of money if she could go for 24 hours without using the word “like” incorrectly. Her immediate reply, within seconds was, “Like, how do you sort of mean?” I rest my case.

Fr Peter Dillon PP.


Saturday 11th July 2020 – 9am Mass (attendance is now full) including Baptism and Reception into the Catholic Church

We are pleased to say that our Candidates and Catechumen who have been journeying since September last year, and were ready to be received into the Church at Easter when the COVID-19 hit us, are now able to finally be Baptised, and for those who have been Baptised into another Christian faith, they will be Received into the Catholic Church.  There are a number of Parishioners who have already put their names down for this Mass, and we do apologise, but the balance of the numbers allowed (100) have been taken up by the RCIA candidates, their families and the RCIA team of Catechists, Sponsors and Support.  We ask you, the Parish Community, to pray for our Candidates as they take this very important step in their faith journey, that they may continue to encounter Christ deeply in their hearts and minds as we welcome them into our Surfers Paradise Community. 

Elspeth Foley-Lewis is to be Baptised, Confirmed, and will receive her First Holy Communion. 

Deborah McCormack, Lenora Thomas, Dawn Wood, Shelley Montgomery, and Jamie Montgomery will be Received into the Catholic Church, Confirmed, and will receive their First Holy Communion.

John Reardon and Christopher Dickson will be Confirmed and receive their First Holy Communion.

Our babies – Poppy Montgomery and Charlie Dickson will also be Baptised.

A special thank you to the Parishioners who have journeyed with our Candidates over these many months.  Your faithful commitment has been very inspiring and very much appreciated by everyone.


Today is Sea Sunday, when the Church prays for those who live and work on the sea. Stella Maris, Apostleship of the Sea is the official maritime welfare agency of the Catholic Church. Today’s Appeal supports seafarers both practically and spiritually. During the COVID-19 pandemic, seafarers continue to bring products to sustain our population and economy, often at personal risk to their health. To support this ministry, please send your donations to:


Behind the scenes, workers have been very busy doing maintenance and upgrades at the three churches. This work was planned before the lockdown and overlapped with the time for restrictions being limited. Sacred Heart a few weeks back had scaffolding in for the installation of upgraded speakers. At the moment, the St Vincent’s Church is being fully recarpeted. This became necessary after a tragedy a year ago, which also resulted in irreparable damage to the carpet and flooring. Here is a peek at the work.  Stella Maris has had new speakers added and the sound adjusted.  God bless. 


Most of you will know Fr Warren Kinne as one of the priests who celebrates Mass in our Surfers Paradise Catholic Parish.  Fr Warren had a wide and varied life before coming to the Gold Coast – we have seen various articles on Fr Warren’s life in the Catholic Leader, or the Far East and know of his dedication and commitment to the poor, vulnerable and marginalised in China, the Philippines, Hong Kong, Singapore, Ireland… and now at the Gold Coast.

We know Fr Warren as the quietly spoken, very engaging priest who pops up every now and then to delight all Parishioners with his spirituality, conversation, energy, inspirational homilies and much, much more.  

So, we are going to celebrate with Fr Warren this incredibly special occasion of his 50th Jubilee of Priesthood.  On Sunday morning at the 9am 19th July 2020, Mass at Sacred Heart Church, Clear Island Waters, Fr Warren will celebrate Mass and then will join us at Casey Hall for a Morning Tea just after 10am.  (Attendance numbers are limited due to covid restrictions). Bookings for this event are essential so we ask that you book yourselves in on the Parish website or for those not on the computer then ring the Parish Office 55 725 433 for a booking for both the Mass and Morning Tea.  


The wonderful image of the sower and the seed, that falls on all sorts of different environments, reminds us that just as a seed has within it everything needed to produce a viable plant, it will produce nothing unless it is properly watered and nourished and finds the right soil or medium to take hold.  It is similar to the idea of a delicious meal which contains all the nutrition needed to help a person stay healthy - But the meal is useless unless it is eaten. It is also like a light bulb that has the potential to light up a room but only if it is fitted into the socket and switched on.  How important is the environment with which the Word of God is received. We need to actively protect, promote and nurture  the good treasure we have received so that it will indeed bear much fruit by keeping constantly close to the water of Life. God’s living word and sacraments.    

Fr. Paul Kelly (image: shutterstock licensed: stock illustration ID: 96205925. sower and the four kinds of soil in the field. color. By askib)



Our Religious Goods Shops have many devotional items such as statues, chaplets, rosary beads, medals, holy cards, including gift lines for  Baptism and other Sacramental gifts. For enquiries please ring 0404 805819


Access to the current and  previous digital editions available here: The flipbook is downloadable in PDF and printable. First, enter full-screen mode by clicking the ‘full-screen’ button in the centre of the pages. Using the icons above the newspaper, you can select print or download. Alternatively, you can visit the website:

Units for Matured Aged Women for Rental

St Vincent De Paul have vacancies in Units at their new Complex built at the Cnr. of Allied Drive and Byth Street, Arundel, which are available for Mature Aged Women on an Australian Pension. Rental is based on Pension Payment. The complex consists of five x one bedroom units and one x two bedroom unit and is available for permanent long term rental. Interested parties can contact Patrick Sela on 0412 519 404.

Patrick Sela, St Vincent De Paul Society



“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”- Simon Sinek. What if every Friday night you could have a massive impact on someone else’s life? We want you to be able to share your talents and abilities to impact not just yourself but the lives of young people on the Gold Coast. If you are a Young Adult (17-35 yrs old), we would love to hear how you want to serve the next generation. Our vision is to create a home and community for young people in this parish. Starting with youth nights for year 10-12’s. 

We are having a come and see event for future youth leaders in the parish. If this is something you want to be a part of, see contact details below! Keep praying for the Youth of this parish as we continue to build community in Burleigh. Peace be to you. 

When: 17th of July, 7pm- 9pm

RSVP by: 12th of July 


P 0472687071

Facebook/Insta: Burleighyouth

Burleigh Youth Team



Surfers Paradise Parish follows the guidelines outlined in the

Sacramental Policy of the Archdiocese of Brisbane – Christian Initiation for Children

We celebrate and share our faith; a gift from God that is encouraged by example and instruction. The Surfers Paradise Parish Sacramental Team provides support and resources to assist parents as they seek to nurture the faith of their children. Our Sacramental Team strives to understand and work to respond to the needs of each family and where necessary, the individual needs of children within families. If you wish to discuss your particular circumstances please email our Children’s Sacramental Coordinator, Cathy Anderson  to start the conversation. If you are a member of the Surfers Paradise Parish and you are ready to enrol your child to prepare to receive one of the sacraments, please go to the website   and use the drop down menu to find the enrolment forms or use one of the links provided below. 

Baptism in Surfers Paradise

In Baptism, God adopts us as children and makes us a new creation through water and the Holy Spirit. 

[Christian Initiation of Children]

Baptism for Children under Twelve Years: Please complete a Baptism Enrolment Form. After completing the orange and red form and click on Submit. You will then be contacted by a member of the Parish Sacramental Team to complete arrangements and explain preparation requirements.

Baptism for Children Twelve Years and older: Please email our Children’s Sacramental Coordinator, Cathy Anderson to express interest.


Confirmation in Surfers Paradise

In Confirmation, God brings us to the full stature of the Lord Jesus to continue his mission in the world. [Christian Initiation of Children]

Children who have been baptised and are in Year 3 or greater are eligible.

Please complete a Sacramental Program Application Form  After completing the orange and red form click on Submit.

You will be contacted by a member of the Parish Sacramental Team to complete arrangements; explain preparation requirements and discuss current dates and availability around the Celebration of Confirmation.

If you have already completed an online sacramental enrolment application, you should have recently received an email from Cathy Anderson explaining the work that the Sacramental Team is currently undertaking to create a program for use by families at home. If you did not receive this email please contact Cathy at  

First Communion in Surfers Paradise

 At the table of the Eucharist, we are fed on the Sacrament of Christ’s body and blood, and, with the whole Church, take part in the saving offering of Christ on the cross. [Christian Initiation of Children]

Children who have been Baptised and Confirmed, and are in Year 4 or greater are eligible.

If you previously completed a Sacramental Program Enrolment Form with us for your child’s Confirmation (probably last year), you will not need to complete another form. In the last two weeks, you should have received an email from Cathy Anderson asking you if you wish to prepare your child for First Communion using the Prepare at Home Document that our team has recently created. If you did not receive this email please contact Cathy at  

If your child was confirmed in a parish other than Surfers Paradise, please complete a Sacramental Program Application Form  After completing the orange and red enrolment form click on Submit.

You will be contacted by a member of the Parish Sacramental Team to complete arrangements; explain preparation requirements and discuss current dates and availability around the Celebration of First Communion.

First Reconciliation in Surfers Paradise

Children who have been Baptised, Confirmed and received First Communion are eligible.

Instructions associated with your child/ren being included in preparation for the Sacrament of Penance or First Reconciliation are similar to those for First Communion (above). Later this year, you will be contacted via email using information you provided in previous enrolment application/s.

If your child did not receive First Communion in Surfers Paradise Parish please complete a Sacramental Program Application Form  After completing the orange and red enrolment form click on Submit.                                                  Later this year, you will be contacted by a member of the Parish Sacramental Team to complete arrangements; explain preparation requirements and discuss current dates and availability around the Celebration of First Reconciliation.

SPP Sacramental Team


Just who is doing the praying here?

We have all heard that in Mass there is no such thing as a spectator! 

Everyone who is present at a liturgy, whether they be part of the assembly, or involved in some particular ministry like Reading or Eucharistic Ministry, are intended to be participating in what is happening fully, actively and consciously.

This participation is shown clearly in the part of the Mass when the people stand to offer the Prayer of the Faithful, this part of the Mass is also known as the “General intercessions,” or the "universal prayer." 

There is a distinct structure and pattern to these prayers. 

Unfortunately, this is one of the most misunderstood parts of the mass and too often it is not conducted properly. This is a really important time for everyone in the congregation to silently add their prayers and intentions to the offering of the Sacrament which is to immediately follow. 

People often fall into the trap of thinking that the person reading out the Prayer of the Faithful is the one who is doing the praying for everyone else. This is absolutely not correct.

The prayers ought to be worded in such a way that allows the reader to propose a particular intention, and then the assembly pauses and then actually silently prays for some moments for that proposed intention

For example, the reader may say:

"Let us pray for peace in the world. (The reader then pauses, for a few intentional moments of time, to allow everyone present to stop and pray for the intention of “peace!”).  Only then does the reader conclude the intention with the words "We pray to the Lord," or "Lord Hear us."  We all then respond: "Lord hear our prayer.” 

The following example is an incorrect form of the Prayer. You will notice it is significantly different in its structure and effect: "Lord, let there be peace in the world. Lord, Hear us".  

In this example above, there is no pause to allow the assembly to make that intention theirs.  It is absolutely confounding the number of times a reader for the Prayer of the Faithful skips over the words in red, (please pause for at least seven seconds).  Secondly, it is the reader who is doing the praying, because of the active form of the wording. 

For Example, a prayer that says: “Let us pray for peace and understanding in the world. (please pause for at least seven seconds).  Lord, hear us!”     

And, amazingly, the reader reads it like this: 

“Let us pray for peace and understanding in the worldLord, hear us!”

Please, don’t skip over this very, very important pause for silent prayer. It is not put in the order of service for nothing. 

Actually, this is what ought to be happening at each intention. But the words in red this time are just the prayer of one silent person praying  among many people offering similar, different, silent personal prayers.  IF this is happening, then the pause for silent prayer becomes not an empty pause, but one brimming with the intentions of all gathered here. These pauses for silent prayer then stop being awkward moments of silence but prayerful pauses which are hardly long enough to contain all our hopes and needs. 

“Let us pray for peace and understanding in the world. (Lord, please melt the hearts of all people so that understanding, mercy and kindness can overcome all hatred).   Lord, hear us!”    

In the earlier incorrect example, the assembly  is not really involved in the praying. The person up the front does it all. You can always tell if the Prayer of the Faithful is worded wrongly, when the reader is addressing the Lord directly. If the reader says “God, grant us,”  or “Lord, help us to…”   or  “We ask you Lord, that you…”  The reader is snatching away the rather special chance for the people to silently address their prayer to God themselves, within the structure of the Mass.  It might seem like a slight difference but it is a very important difference.   

The Priest as presider has prayers that address God directly in the name of all the people present, and this is why the priest’s prayers are called “collects,”  as they summarise and bring together the prayers of others. However, in the Prayer of the Faithful, this is an essential opportunity for all the people to address the Lord silently themselves. It is not to be taken from them.  There are actually several times within the mass where either the priest or someone else says “Let us Pray,”  and then pauses. These times should be followed by a time of silence. These pauses are for the exact purpose stated, that is, to pray (silently)!  When a priest says, “let us Pray. Almighty God, grant that…..”  It also short-circuits what is meant to be happening. It should be. “Let us pray. (He then pauses for some moments, for silent prayer by the congregation). Almighty God grant that….”  

Ideally, the Prayer of the Faithful intentions ought to be very short. 

Often there are two or more sentences in Prayers of the Faithful. However,  when we prepare these prayers, we ought to look very carefully to see if the second sentence is really necessary.  These prayers are not  mini-homilies or explanations, they are a proposed focus subject for prayer. The shorter and “punchier” they are, the better. 

This is the general order of prayers-

  • Invitation to pray silently for those who exercise leadership in the world and in the church. 

  • Invitation to pray silently for a particular world or local need; 

  • Invitation to pray silently in gratitude for gifts received, prayers answered, and blessings given. (I really don’t think we do enough of this, remembering past blessings and expressing explicit thanks for the gifts and blessings received already and prayers answered). Just as we often ask God for things, it is  equally important that we also praise God, and also thank God for what we have received and cherish it always. 

  • Invitation to pray silently for those who are sick and those who care for them. 

  • Invitation to pray silently for those who have died. 

The Prayer of the Faithful need not reinforce the readings or the homily of the day. The Prayer of the Faithful is a distinct part of the Mass like any other element, and does not need to rely on the readings of the day for its content. (Actually, neither do the Hymns for the Mass). The Music chosen for Mass relates more to the nature of what is happening in that part of the mass, rather than what was said in the reading or the homily of that day. This concept is really hard to grasp, as many liturgy groups, in many parishes, over many years have been incorrectly given the impression that one starts with the readings of the day, before writing prayers of the faithful or choosing hymns. This is really not correct.  One could write and select these options without opening up the lectionary at all. 

Instead one could write them by being aware of what church season we are in, what issues are happening in our world and community, and what section of the mass we are presently moving through: whether it be Gathering, offering prayers of special intentions, preparing the gifts, moving in procession to receive communion in Jesus who is the God of love, mercy, justice, service and grace, or quiet prayerful reflection after communion or joyful exiting of the church into the world for mission, after the celebration. 

Occasionally one will hear the question, “what is the theme of the Mass today?”  The answer to that question is always the same, whichever day it is asked. The answer is always, “the theme of the Mass today is the life, death and Resurrection of the Lord, for our salvation.”   The prayers and hymns need only give voice to the many and varied hopes and desires  of the People of God in the context of this particular place and time.

Fr. Paul.

(Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash)


For over a week now we have been able to have 100 people attend our daily Mass. This has generally been a success, although some people are still not booking in to the Mass, but instead simply arrive, hoping to be let in. This is not usually a problem, except when we reach the 100 limit.  Much gratitude to those generous people who have volunteered to be on duty at the door, as ushers and cleaners of the pews, hand rails and toilet after every Mass. There are a significant number of stipulations that must be complied with before we are able to achieve what is called an Industry COVID SAFE PLAN. (Some of which are included below). Achieving these requirements will require some organising of personnel and processes as well as working out the best way to be fair with access to all people, particularly those who have no internet access, but must rely on the telephone of information from a fellow parishioner.

At a meeting of the pastoral team, it was decided that the simplest way to begin was to celebrate mass every day at the same time in the same Church, until even more people are allowed to attend.

Presently only Sacred Heart Church has the space to accommodate 100 people distanced by 1.5m. We began these Masses on Wed 1st July. After these two weeks, we may have further restrictions lifted. The next step will be offering a Mass at each parish Church, even though the 100 limit may not be possible in each one. 

Mass will be offered every day at Sacred Heart Church at 9am including Saturday and Sunday.  Please note, because of the restrictions, it is important that not everyone goes to the Sunday Mass. The Archbishop has exempted everyone from the obligation to attend Sunday mass during restrictions, so please consider booking for ANY of the masses of the week. 

The understanding and support of so many parishioners during these demanding restrictions to the celebration of our faith has been outstanding. It is never easy to have to place such restrictions on a community that is so used to freely gathering often and in large numbers. That day will come again, but until then we should be careful and caring, so that we don’t find ourselves having to restart the restrictions again because we were too impatient to take things slowly. 

Bookings to the upcoming Masses:

Note - only people who have booked will be able to enter the church. PLEASE, if everyone attempts to book into the Sunday Mass, it will not work. It is only ONE of seven and everyone will not fit. If you are able to attend any of the other masses, that would be helpful. There are usually vacancies at most masses other than Sunday which are booked out.


We ask that people consult the parish website, to keep up to date with any changes relating to masses.


Our faith sustains us through challenging times. Now, more than ever, your support is needed to help our Parish to continue valuable pastoral activities and to provide ongoing sustainability. To assist you to support the Parish during this time of isolation, you can give via

We will continue to serve you through online resources and webcasts. If you are able to continue to support us, we would be most grateful.  For all those who have been making payments via credit card and those who have donated directly into the parish account, we thank you. The spirit of generosity is alive in our parish.  If you would like confirmation of your donation or a  receipt emailed to you please contact  me at

Yours faithfully,  Sonya Slater, Parish Manager

Have You Planned To Give To Your Parish? A Message From Fr Peter

How will COVID-19 pandemic change the way we financially contribute to the Parish? When weekend masses fully resume, will some restrictions remain? 

However, until then, due to the present restrictions, the 1st and 2nd Collections will be replaced with a collection point for cash/cheque/planned giving envelopes near the altar.  You will be reminded at Mass to place your contributions there before or after Mass. What follows are some ways for you to contribute. These options are in order of preference which relate to the administration load for each contribution option.

1. Direct Debit (The most preferred parish option). The Covid-19 pandemic has shown the Parish that the sure and certain way to give without interruption is by Direct Debit. I strongly encourage you to consider this option.  Unlike Credit Card giving, Direct Debit comes from your account directly to the Parish account.  There is no need to update details when a new card arrives or the hassle of filling in forms every couple of years.  A Direct Debit continues to roll smoothly.  It is the least amount of work for Parish administration.  The parish provides you with an annual receipt.

2. Parish Giving App This is a secure way to give by Credit Card.  It can be set up as a recurring weekly or monthly gift.  Once you have set up the app it will generate a receipt by email.

3. Planned Giving Envelopes. The Parish is about to order the annual planned giving envelopes. Can you please let the Parish know, as soon as possible, if you would prefer to change to Direct Debit?  The cost to the Parish is approximately $6 per set and we have reduced these envelopes to 160 sets.  This has been the most popular means of giving. However if you wish, you could use a regular/plain envelope and allocate an amount to first and second with your name on the envelope.  Remember, as you return to Mass, you will need to place your envelopes (before or after mass) at the collection point near the altar.

4. EFTPOS facility available. The Parish has organised EFTPOS for their piety shops and you will be able to contribute at the facility before or after mass. Upon request a receipt can be provided.

5. Cash/Cheque donations. Due to Covid-19 cash has been restricted in many locations and tap and go is the preferred option. But, the parish recognises that this continues to be the preferred way of giving for many of our parishioners.  Cash donations will still work for the Parish, however, we encourage you in faith to consider Direct Debit.

6. Direct Credit. Upon request a form will be provided by the Parish.  This function could be replaced by the Parish Giving App, where possible.  This relies on heavier Parish administration.  It is the least preferred way to give.

Thank you for your continued support and I look forward to being able to thank you personally when we are able to return to parish life as we have known it is the past.

Fr Peter Dillon, Parish Priest




The Surfers Paradise Parish congratulates the Mackintosh, Prince and Sweeting families who will have their children - Jontee, Ronald and Mia baptised at the 

Sacred Heart Church this weekend.

As these children begin their faith journey, please keep them and their families in your prayers.



Home Resources: 

You can visit the Stay Connected page on our website to find an extensive list of information and resources to help during these times of isolation. Below are quick links to help stay in touch with our Parish and celebrate Mass at home:

Liturgy for you at Home (produced by SPP):

Weekly Homily (produced by SPP):

Surfers Paradise Parish Facebook:

Breaking Parish News (SPP Blog):

Livestream Catholic Mass (from Brisbane Cathedral, usually around 10 am): St Stephen’s Cathedral live webcast

Video on Demand of Masses:

Mass for You at Home (free-to-air TV):

 Channel 10, Sundays 6:00 - 6:30 am and on-demand here also available on Foxtel 173 Aurora Channel



Current Parish Office Operating Protocol

The office is still not open for pop-in visits. The Parish has phone contact hours Monday to Friday 9 am until 12 noon, where we will endeavour to answer the phone for any inquiries. We are also contactable anytime via email In the case of emergencies, there is also the same parish office number (with a button option to press for emergency contact) for the on-call priest 24/7. The Parish phone number is 5572 5433.



**(Please note that some prayer requests are not included here, as the person requesting the intention has not indicated whether it is for someone who is ill, or who has recently died, or whose anniversary of death is at this time).**

FOR THOSE WHO ARE SICK: All suffering from the effects of Covid-19. Also, the following who are ill (not Covid-19):  Caterina (Cathy) Randazzo, Peter O’Brien, Baby Charbel Raphael, Angela Duvnjak, Judy Dempsey, Monica Bailey, Rachel Raines, Savannah Ayoub, Lisa Mangan, Colin Virtue, Ann Harris, Ann-Marie Loder, Angel Salvador, Brian Woodgate, Kate Smith, Tricia Baumann, Gus Reeves, Baby Maeve Lombard, Kathy Kiely, Ron Perry, Kim Parkes, Rosslyn Wallis, Jabour Haddad, Yvonne Lofthouse, Maureen Murphy, Peter Walsh, Arthur Haddad, Jean Di Benedetto, Damian Callinan, Rosemary Wales, Peter Allsopp, Yvonne Campesi, Louis Couch, Steve Wayt, Michael Tracey, Joanne Mooney, Joanne Parkes, Michelle MacDonald, John & Molly Robinson, Mary Kerr, Eileen McCarthy.

ANNIVERSARY:  Elizabeth Anne Fredericks, Alan Driscoll, Dave Binder (USA), Brace Cooper (UK), Lia Maher, Jill Masters, Peter Butler, John Ashby, Rita Smith, Shirley Roche, Mal Condon, Jack O’Brien,  John Schreiber, Matthew Hoare, Fr Bernard O'Shea, Natalie Kan.

RECENTLY DECEASED: Elizabeth (Betty) Taylor, Anna Felisiak, Norma Ruth Hanley, Barry Haug, Anthony McCudden, Benjamin Moore, Roza Masa, Sr. Christine Chia, James Mark Tamai

Next Weekend’s Readings

16th Sunday Ordinary Time, Year A. 

FIRST READING: Wisdom 12:13, 16-19

Psalm 86:5-6, 9-10, 15-16. “Lord, you are good and forgiving.”

SECOND READING: Romans 8:26-27

GOSPEL ACCLAMATION, (cf. Matthew 11:25).Alleluia, alleluia! Blessed are you, Father, Lord of Heaven and earth. You have revealed to little ones the mysteries of the Kingdom.

GOSPEL: Matthew 13:24-43 or 13:24-30



The Archdiocese of Brisbane holds that children and vulnerable adults are a gift from God with an intrinsic right to dignity of life, respect and security from physical and emotional harm.  They are to be treasured, nurtured and protected from any harm.” 

As a Parish Community, we pray for a change of heart, that we respond to our grief by reaching out to one another in truth and love.

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