Friday 24 July 2020

SPP_E-newsletter - 17th Edition Sunday, July 26, 2020. The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Year A

All Churches, Parish Office & buildings are closed until further notice

Parish Office: (07) 5572 5433  (9am – 12pm Mon-Fri). (Prefer  phone contact)


Mass Times number:  (07) 5595 8466 

Emergencies: Priest contactable via office phone (after hours, follow menu prompts)


50 Fairway Drive, Clear Island Waters, Queensland, 4226


Sunday, July 26, 2020

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Year A

Readings for Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Year A 

FIRST READING: 1 Kings 3:5, 7-12|

Psalm: Psalm 119:57+72, 76-77, 127-28, 129-30 “Lord, I love your commands.”

SECOND READING: Romans 8:28-30

GOSPEL ACCLAMATION (cf. Matthew 11:25): Alleluia, alleluia! Blessed are you, Father, Lord of Heaven and earth. You have revealed to little ones the mysteries of the Kingdom.

GOSPEL: Matthew 13:44-52 or 13:44-46

“A Treasure Hidden in a Field”

Shutterstock licensed image stock photo ID: 8057322.  Single beam from the sun that shines into the mouth of a cave. By Berserg 


“Is there any particular reason you wish to be married in our Church”, I ask the bright and enthusiastic young couple, sitting before me at our first meeting to prepare for their wedding. The question is not merely an ice-breaker, but my first attempt to find out “why marriage” and equally importantly, “Why a Catholic sacramental ceremony?”

Their answer is a combination of nearly every response I have received to this question over the past 40 years.

“Well. It is a really nice Church, I went to the primary school here and it’s really close to the reception venue (which incidentally they had booked some two months before deciding we were to be the successful Church). When I suggested that the rotunda at the reception venue was even closer, Mr. Lucky Guy quickly let me know that they charged a fortune for the extras at these wedding places. Perhaps they noticed that I looked a little disappointed at these answers, so the young bride-to-be chimed in with what she thought would be the clincher, “Oh yes, I’m also a Catholic, but he’s not sure what he is”.

I know, I’m being a bit unfair to this young couple, and many others like them, for expecting a deeply thought-through theological understanding of the sacramentality of the marriage union and its life-long implication for them and their hoped-for offspring, but you can probably understand why so often we priests feel like we are a means to a honeymoon. Perhaps young people are just at the mercy of “the wedding industry” that has convinced them the most truly happy, successful marriages are the ones founded on stretch limos, expensive photographers and lavish receptions. Trying to introduce the concept of spiritual unity and sacramental covenant simply produces a glazed look and a vacant response from the soon to be wed romantics.  Not that I am suggesting that there aren’t some very happy and joy-filled couples who make deep and life-long commitments without any connection to Church or the sacraments. However when a couple opt to have their union blessed by the Church, they do need some idea of what “blessing” means, and that when the Church asks a substantial spiritual investment from them into the preparation for their married life, we are not doing it just to take the gloss off their otherwise exciting pre-nuptials. It is an option that should be considered carefully and without any fear of social or family pressure.

During the ceremony when the couple is asked if they are prepared to give themselves to each other freely and willingly for the rest of their lives, I’m not sure they are aware that they are also asking God to be a constant companion in that relationship. My mind goes to the seven years we priests are required to discern our priestly vocation, knowing that every minute of that formation process was necessary when I finally comprehended what it was I was undertaking. It’s just a thought.

All this concern could become a moot point in the not too distant future, as we hear that religious ceremonies, in any denomination, are fast becoming a thing of the past. For many years, our parish Churches here in Surfers Paradise were the “go to’ locations on the coast for many couples, with sometimes sixty to seventy weddings a year celebrated in our three churches. That number has plummeted to about fifteen last year as more and more couples are opting for the ‘one- stop-shop’ of a restaurant or hotel garden, which offers a quick trip from ceremony location to the reception venue. It has been suggested that the more young people are absent from regular Church attendance, the less they will see a Church as the preferred place for their nuptials.This is not just a local issue. The whole Archdiocese, even the entire Christian community of Australia is experiencing this sociological shift.

Is there a solution, indeed is this a problem that needs a solution? While our bishops can make all the statements they can about why young people should return to the sacraments, their concern will fall on deaf ears if those considering marriage do not learn about its sanctity unless they see it lived in the lives of their first and best teachers: their parents. Why would they listen to a priest or bishop if they are not first prompted to listen to those who love them the most? Not an easy task, but when was parenting ever easy?

Fr Peter Dillon PP.


The Planned Giving Envelopes are now available at the Sacred Heart Church before and after the scheduled masses. Bookings for masses are still necessary. The parish office can also give you your envelopes between 9 am and 12 noon, Monday to Friday.  We only have envelopes for those who requested them, or those who previously requested them. People who direct debit will not have envelopes unless they requested them. Receipts for anyone who direct debits will be available at the parish office between 9 am and 12 noon, Monday to Friday.


After nearly a month of carefully reintroducing Masses back into our parish after a long time of restrictions, it would now seem opportune to begin offering Sunday Masses in all three churches in our parish. To this end, commencing on Saturday August 1st the following mass schedule will operate while the present restrictions are in place. 


Sacred Heart: 

145 max capacity

Saturday Night - 5pm *NB new Mass time*

Sunday - 9am and 6pm

St Vincent’s:

100 max capacity

Sunday - 8am and 10am

Stella Maris: 

85 max capacity 

Saturday Night - 5pm

Sunday - 7am

Please note: 

Numbers allowed in each Church are based on social distancing restrictions of each church’s seating area divided by 4 square metres required per person.

Additional to these Sunday Masses we will continue to celebrate Mass at Sacred Heart each weekday at 9am. You will be informed by the parish website or E-Newsletter when this situation changes.

With the added masses you are still required to make bookings for each mass using the booking site on the parish website, maintaining a social-distance of 1.5metres, receiving Holy Communion in the hand only and refraining from physical contact when offering the Sign of Peace. Please know that Masses are now open to all age groups but certainly stay at home if you are feeling even slightly unwell.  At each Mass we need marshals at the door to record the names of attendees and ushers to show people to the designated seats. After each Mass, we are required to clean the church and toilets thoroughly. It is possible that our church facilities may be inspected by the health department to ensure that we are adhering to the strict requirements.

To assist in these requirements you are asked to let us know at the parish office if you are ready to assist. At least six people are needed to take on these duties at each Mass. Please do not leave these duties to the usual generous people who always seem ready to help. Each parishioner is asked to consider helping in this unusual time.  

Please stay informed about any changes to this schedule through the newsletter or website, particularly if any new restrictions are required by our health authorities.

The Archbishop has continued to exempt everyone from the obligation to attend Sunday mass during restrictions, so please consider booking for ANY of the masses of the week. 

We ask that people consult the parish website, to keep up to date with any changes relating to masses.

Mass Booking page:

Or, if you have no access to a computer, please ring the parish office between 9am and 12 noon Mon-Friday. Ph: 5572 5433


‘May God’s Goodness And Kindness Be With You On This Special Day And All The Days Of Your Life.’   

Psalm 23: 6

On Sunday we celebrated Mass in recognition of Fr Warren’s 50th year of Priesthood. It was a very jovial day with the parish, Fr Warren and his family recognising and celebrating this milestone. 

CONGRATULATIONS FR WARREN - 146 Parishioners of Surfers Paradise Catholic Parish, family and friends of Fr Warren Kinne gathered at Mass on Sunday 19th July 2020 at Sacred Heart Church, Clear Island Waters, to celebrate his 50th Jubilee of Priesthood.  Fr Peter Dillon pp and Fr Paul Kelly concelebrated with Fr Warren for the Mass which was a wonderfully spiritual and joyful experience for all present, very uplifting,  particularly with the old favourites being sung like “Faith of Our Fathers” and “We stand for God”.  Nice to have some of the old hymns on these special occasions to remind us of our early years in the church.  

Afterwards we celebrated with a beautiful Morning Tea (supplied by a number of ladies from the Parish) , golden balloons, sparkling bubbly, cheerful chat and laughter, entertainment by Jo Antao, and a display of videos of Fr Warren’s life and our Parish video clips of congratulations.  Everyone had such a fun time which included the cutting of the Jubilee Cake by the guest of honour and a little dancing by the young ones towards the end – even Fr Warren was getting in on the act!  You will be able to access these videos later on the Parish Website.

A very big thank you once again to the people who supplied the food and drinks, set up the tables for the celebration and then waited on the tables on the day – you know who you are and we are most grateful for your continued support.  Here are some images from the day:




We welcome and congratulate those adults who were Baptised and Received into the Catholic Church on Saturday 11th July 2020 within the Mass concelebrated by Father Peter Dillon pp and Father Paul Kelly.  It was a wonderful celebration with around 130 people, friends, family, and parishioners who witnessed this incredibly special event.  Elspeth ‘Ellie’ Foley-Smith went right down into the Baptismal waters while Fr Paul Baptised her – taking some of our parishioners and visitors by surprise as they had not seen a Baptism like this before. 

We had five adults, previously Baptised into other faith traditions, who were Received into the Catholic Church – Deborah ‘Debbie’ McCormack, Lenora ‘Lennie’ Thomas, Dawn Wood, Shelley, and Jamie Montgomery and then two others Confirmed, John Reardon and Christopher Dickson.

Another highlight for the day was when Shelley and Jamie’s daughter, Poppy Montgomery, was also Baptised into the Catholic Church on the same day her parents were received into the Catholic faith AND Chris and Stevie’s son Charlie Dickson was also Baptised on the day his father was Confirmed in his faith. 

There are some photos to come which we will share with you either in the Newsletter or on the Website or Facebook page, but in the meantime, below is one of Poppy.  She looks like she is enjoying herself.

Both Poppy and Charlie, with their parents, have been participating in the Zoom gatherings which we have been having since lockdown with COVID-19 just before Easter, so we have got to know the babies and they have got to know us.

After Mass we celebrated with all with a lovely morning tea and celebration cake welcoming our candidates into the Catholic Church and particularly welcoming them into our Surfers Paradise Parish Community.

We would like to thank all those who have walked with these people over a long time, supporting them, encouraging them, and praying with and for them to finally reach this special step in their faith journey.  You have been very faithful, and we are most grateful for your generosity of spirit and time.


First Communion celebration in Surfers Paradise Parish

 At the table of the Eucharist, we are fed on the Sacrament of Christ’s body and blood, and, with the whole Church, take part in the saving offering of Christ on the cross. [Christian Initiation of Children]

A number of our parish children have been working at home to complete their Preparation for First Communion. They have been learning and praying with their parents (or whole families where possible) to explore the information and activities provided. We have asked  that children and adults talk and research together to complete the tasks and then return the completed work to our Children’s Sacramental Coordinator, Cathy Anderson.

Those who have returned their completed activity document will be offered places at parish masses in Sacred Heart Church in the beginning of the month of September. Each first communicant may invite 6 guests on the day of their First Communion.

Notification of the offer of places at one of the First Communion masses and booking for these places will be managed through emails from and to Cathy Anderson and NOT through the online booking system available to other parishioners. First Communion families, please don’t trigger a double booking situation by making your own online booking - Thanks in anticipation of your help on this.

Sacred Heart Masses available for First Communicants:

5pm Saturday, 5th September or

9am Sunday, 6th September or

5pm Saturday, 12th September or

9am Sunday, 13th September

Congratulations and thanks to all families who have agreed to try this different approach to preparing their children to receive the sacraments. We ask all parishioners to pray for the adults and children of these families, as  each family member fulfills their amazing part in spreading the Good News and growing the family of faith here in Surfers Paradise Parish. 

The Sacramental Team


In the parable this weekend, a man discovers a treasure in a field and sells EVERYTHING else he has, in order that he would HAVE that treasure.

 The “Treasure” of infinite value, is God’s Kingdom.   Jesus’ good news is the pearl of great price. Being united forever with Jesus in God’s family is a prize worth more than all the gold and silver in the world.  

Nothing else on earth is as valuable as what God gives us. It is worth giving up everything else to attain it. It has a richness and a depth that can never be fully plumbed. As I read that parable of the treasure in the field, I am reminded of the quote from G.K. Chesterton, (the great English scholar and writer)…  (and I am paraphrasing it liberally here)….  He writes….. “It’s not that Christianity hasn’t worked, it is just that nobody’s really tried it yet !”

(Actually, the correct quote is: “The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult; and left untried.” ― (From G.K. Chesterton, In “What's Wrong with the World”).

Our faith is a treasure of incredible depth. If a person thinks that they have grasped this treasure in its fullness; - somehow enough to ‘find it wanting,’ then I am really not sure where they have been digging. Because we know that the treasure of God’s Word and God’s Kingdom is worth every effort and fulfils every good desire. The gospel continues to be priceless and precious; worthy of everything we put into it. May our generous and loving God, who has so graciously accompanied and given success to our work so often in the past, continue this good work in us and bring it to perfection.

Fr. Paul Kelly Photo by Art of Hoping on Unsplash - animals in field | Photo by Joel Holland on Unsplash - flower field


Photo: Shutterstock licensed stock photo ID: 139616924. Catholic with open arms during mass service in church. By Diego Cervo

Greetings and Dismissals at Mass 

Another thing that trips up a lot of people is the greeting at the start of Mass.

It seems a simple and standard greeting, but it still can cause confusion. 

The Greeting at Mass begins in the usual way, with the priest saying and signing himself

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.” 

(the assembly signs themselves with the sign of the cross and join-in at the end, saying “Amen”).

No problems here…  but this is, (mysteriously), where things can go awry…

The third edition of the Roman Missal gives us three standard greetings, which the priest can choose from: The Lord be with you.

Which people respond to with “And with your spirit.” 

The second option is for the priest to (instead) say…. 

  1. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. (this is from St Paul…  2 Corinthians 13:13-14).

The response is the same……

  And with your spirit.

Here is the tricky bit…   

A third option for the priest to say, is a direct quote from St Paul’s words in his letters in the Scripture….  

Eg  Romans 1:7

  1. Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

But it is no problem, because, as with all the other two greetings, the response is exactly the same….     

  And with your spirit.

For some reason, this third greeting is not used as much, although it is one of the three greetings, and so ought to be used as often as the others…

But when this third option is used, (because of its slightly different wording and structure),  it is often met with a surprising amount of confusion and silence…

The thing is, the response to these and any variations a priest might say, is always 

and with your spirit.”  Irrespective of the form the priest is using. 

So, when in doubt, when the priest greets you with a formal church greeting, 

we reply, “and with your spirit.”   

If a bishop is celebrating, he has a few options reserved to him alone…   

In the Greeting, he will usually say:   

Peace be with you.

(but no worries, the response, again, is exactly the same:  “and with your spirit”  

While we are speaking of standard Liturgical greetings…

Let us jump to the very end of Mass or the end of a liturgy…

The Dismissal: 

There are four official dismissals in the Missal, which are said by the Deacon,  (or if no deacon, the Priest or bishop)

  1.  Go forth, the Mass is ended.

                      Thanks be to God. 

  1. Go and announce the Gospel of the Lord. 

                     Thanks be to God.

  1. Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life. 

                        Thanks be to God.

[The next one is very short and often trips people over….   But, the response  is exactly the same as the others.  If I am using this next option, I make sure I hold the word GO for longer than I normally might, so as to indicate that there are only a few  short words following….   Here it is…..]

  1. Go in peace.” 

                        Thanks be to God.

In these or any other dismissals that a priest might ad lib, the response is always “Thanks be to God.”  But, it is one reason why ad libbed versions of the texts of the Mass sometimes fall flat, because they may have an irregular or unfamiliar pattern to them or a different kind of ending than what is expected, and the people do not know when to come in, or how to reply.  Certain parts of the mass have a familiar “landing point” in that people are expecting them to end with a certain form or word and if that is left out, they can get confused. Any variation should always be written so as to end in a familiar way, or else people will not join in.

For example…    if a priest were to say at the end of Mass, “Go, to be children of God,”   or “Go in peace to live God’s love in your hearts,”   There is likely to be a pause and some confusion, as people may not easily recognise the form.  If one must add variations, it should be in the middle of the sentence and not usually at the start or the end… For example,  if one wanted to use a dismissal with these two ad libbed versions, it would be best to say:

“Go, to be children of God, and to glorify the Lord by your life.”


Go in peace to live God’s love in your hearts, and to announce the gospel of the Lord.

The same principle applies for endings to prayers…    If one wants to elicit an AMEN, from the people, the sentence is best to lead into it with a familiar pattern or form.  These endings are virtually guaranteed to lead to an Amen: 

Through Christ Our Lord. 


….For ever and ever. 


… (Jesus), Who lives and reigns forever and ever.


Two examples of endings that do  not work very well, (in my experience anyway), 

Are these:

...In Jesus name. 


...We make this prayer in the name of Jesus, our hope and our peace.   


(it always feels like something more is coming afterwards, so people hesitate and the reply falls flat or is patchy). 

Changing prayers around without understanding the structure of the prayer is a bit like taking the bottom rung off a ladder - Someone using the ladder will go to step on it, to get off the ladder, (and assuming it is there), and there is nothing there;  and they stumble.

Fr Paul Kelly


Take time out of your busy schedule, to invest in your most precious asset . . . your Marriage!  This is a unique opportunity to reconnect, rekindle and refresh your relationship.

A weekend experience for married couples, daytime, going home on the Saturday evening – away from the distractions of everyday living. 

Our next COVID-SAFE live-out weekend will be held from 24-25 October 2020 at Hendra (Brisbane inner suburb) from Saturday morning until Sunday afternoon (including Mass).

Watch our video –

For bookings/details contact: 

Maria and David Murphy - Ph (07) 3342 1456 or

Information website:


“We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.” 

(Romans 8:28)

Do you really trust God? Do you really believe that God will provide all that you need? Faith is a challenge for everyone at times. Putting our trust in God, in everything we do, in good times and in bad, means that God’s plan for our lives may be quite different than what we planned. When one door closes, another one opens. Trust in God, His plan is always better.



In preparation for this coming weekend, the resources can be found on the Liturgy Brisbane website and will be updated each week. 

Sunday Readings: Read at Home

In these unique times where our Sunday Masses have been suspended, you may wish to read the Sunday readings and associated commentaries at home.

Family Prayer: Week by Week

This resource is designed for families with young children and has been a joint endeavour of Liturgy Brisbane and Evangelisation Brisbane. An extract from the Sunday gospel is provided, along with some reflection questions, family activities and a worksheet for children.


The Surfers Paradise Parish congratulates the Lenan and Laborte families who will have their daughters Amelia and Arra  baptised at the Sacred Heart Church this weekend.

As these children begin their faith journey, please keep them and their families in your prayers.



Our Religious Goods Shops have many devotional items such as statues, chaplets, rosary beads, medals, holy cards, including gift lines for  Baptism and other Sacramental gifts. For enquiries please ring 0404 805819


Access to the current and previous digital editions available here: The flipbook is downloadable in PDF and printable. First, enter full-screen mode by clicking the ‘full-screen’ button in the centre of the pages. Using the icons above the newspaper, you can select print or download. Alternatively, you can visit the website:



Our faith sustains us through challenging times. Now, more than ever, your support is needed to help our Parish to continue valuable pastoral activities and to provide ongoing sustainability. To assist you to support the Parish during this time of isolation, you can give via

We will continue to serve you through online resources and webcasts. If you are able to continue to support us, we would be most grateful.  For all those who have been making payments via credit card and those who have donated directly into the parish account, we thank you. The spirit of generosity is alive in our parish. If you would like confirmation of your donation or a  receipt emailed to you please contact  me at

Yours faithfully, Sonya Slater, Parish Manager

As in an above article, Planned Giving Envelopes are available at the Sacred Heart Church before and after Mass and from the Parish Office Monday - Friday 9 am - 12 pm. Please remember that due to administration efficiency and costs the Parish preferred order for donating is as follows; Direct Debit, Parish Giving App, Planned Giving Envelopes, Eftpos, Cash/Cheque, and finally Direct Credit.


Applications are open for a position at the Maroochydore Parish. A person with excellent receptionist and secretarial skills is required for a full-time position of Receptionist for 38 hours a week.

For additional information, please visit the Archdiocese of Brisbane website

The Archdiocese of Brisbane has standards of conduct for workers to maintain a safe and healthy environment for children. Our commitment to these standards requires that we conduct working with children checks and background referencing for all persons who will engage in direct and regular involvement with children and young people (0 - 18 years) and/or vulnerable adults. The organisation is fully committed to child safety and has a 0 tolerance to abuse of children or vulnerable adults.


Book for Mass at Surfers Paradise Parish:

Home Resources: 

You can visit the Stay Connected page on our website to find an extensive list of information and resources to help during these times of isolation. Below are quick links to help stay in touch with our Parish and celebrate Mass at home:

Liturgy for you at Home (produced by SPP):

Weekly Homily (produced by SPP):

Surfers Paradise Parish Facebook:

Breaking Parish News (SPP Blog):

Livestream Catholic Mass (from Brisbane Cathedral, usually around 10 am): St Stephen’s Cathedral live webcast

Video on Demand of Masses:

Mass for You at Home (free-to-air TV): 

Channel 10, Sundays 6:00 - 6:30 am and on-demand here also available on Foxtel 173 Aurora Channel

Current Parish Office Operating Protocol

The Parish has phone contact hours Monday to Friday 9 am until 12 noon, where we will endeavour to answer the phone for any inquiries. We are also contactable anytime via email In the case of emergencies, there is also the same parish office number (with a button option to press for emergency contact) for the on-call priest 24/7. The Parish phone number is 5572 5433.



FOR THOSE WHO ARE SICK: George, Cook,William (Bill) Wall, Caterina (Cathy) Randazzo, Peter O’Brien, Baby Charbel Raphael, Angela Duvnjak, Judy Dempsey, Monica Bailey, Rachel Raines, Savannah Ayoub, Lisa Mangan, Colin Virtue, Ann Harris, 

Ann-Marie Loder, Angel Salvador, Brian Woodgate, Kate Smith, Tricia Baumann, Gus Reeves, Baby Maeve Lombard, Kathy Kiely, 

Ron Perry, Kim Parkes, Rosslyn Wallis, Jabour Haddad, Yvonne Lofthouse, Maureen Murphy, Peter Walsh, Arthur Haddad, 

Jean Di Benedetto, Damian Callinan, Rosemary Wales, Peter Allsopp, Yvonne Campesi, Louis Couch, Steve Wayt, Michael Tracey, Joanne Mooney, Joanne Parkes, Michelle MacDonald, John & Molly Robinson, Mary Kerr, Eileen McCarthy. 

And all suffering from the effects of Covid-19. 

ANNIVERSARY:  Bill Cronin, Roger Bullen, Din and Arthur Swift, Joseph Robinson, Thomas Hirst, Ron Mooney, Tera Phillips, 

Valda Martin, Maurie Taafe, Patrick Kelly, Mal Condon, John Ashby., Mary & John Reid, Corbett McKay.

RECENTLY DECEASED: Terrence Faloon, Margaret Ann Mason, Margaret Mary Gordon, Marie Nunn, Patrick Boyle, 

Elizabeth (Betty) Taylor, Anna Felisiak, Norma Ruth Hanley, Barry Haug, Anthony McCudden, Benjamin Moore, Roza Masa, 

Sr. Christine Chia, James Mark Tamai

DECEASED: Bruck Wheeler, and the Wheeler, Westwell and Woodgate families.

Next Weekend’s Readings

Readings for Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Year A 

FIRST READING: Isaiah 55:1-3|

Ps: Psalm 145:8-9, 15-16, 17-18 “The Lord is king, the most-high over all the earth.”

SECOND READING: Romans 8:35, 37-39

GOSPEL ACCLAMATION (Matthew 4:4b): Alleluia, alleluia! No one lives on bread alone. But on every word that comes from the mouth of God.

GOSPEL: Matthew 14:13-21




The Archdiocese of Brisbane holds that children and vulnerable adults are a gift from God with an intrinsic right to dignity of life, respect and security from physical and emotional harm.  They are to be treasured, nurtured and protected from any harm.” 

As a Parish Community, we pray for a change of heart, that we respond to our grief by reaching out to one another in truth and love.



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