Thursday 30 July 2020

OPENING UP THE CHURCHES FOR MASS (pre-bookings still required)


After nearly a month of carefully reintroducing Masses back into our parish after a long time of restrictions, we are offering Sunday Masses in all three churches in our parish. Commencing Saturday August 1st the following mass schedule will operate while the present restrictions are in place. Bookings are still necessary as is social distancing and extensive sanitising conditions, to comply with COVID-safe requirements. 


Sacred Heart: 

145 max capacity

Saturday Night - 5pm *NB new Mass time*

  • (Maronite Mass 6:30 pm , Saturday Night)

Sunday - 9am and 6pm

  • (Polish mass 12 noon Sundays)

St Vincent’s:

100 max capacity

Sunday - 8am and 10am

Stella Maris: 

85 max capacity 

Saturday Night - 5pm

Sunday - 7am

Please note: 

Numbers allowed in each Church are based on social distancing restrictions of each church’s seating area divided by 4 square metres required per person.

Additional to these Sunday Masses we will continue to celebrate Mass at Sacred Heart each weekday at 9am. You will be informed by the parish website or E-Newsletter when this situation changes.

With the added masses you are still required to make bookings for each mass using the booking site on the parish website, maintaining a social-distance of 1.5metres, receiving Holy Communion in the hand only and refraining from physical contact when offering the Sign of Peace. Please know that Masses are now open to all age groups but certainly stay at home if you are feeling even slightly unwell.  At each Mass we need marshals at the door to record the names of attendees and ushers to show people to the designated seats. After each Mass, we are required to clean the church and toilets thoroughly. It is possible that our church facilities may be inspected by the health department to ensure that we are adhering to the strict requirements.

To assist in these requirements you are asked to let us know at the parish office if you are ready to assist. At least six people are needed to take on these duties at each Mass. Please do not leave these duties to the usual generous people who always seem ready to help. Each parishioner is asked to consider helping in this unusual time.  

Please stay informed about any changes to this schedule through the newsletter or website, particularly if any new restrictions are required by our health authorities.

The Archbishop has continued to exempt everyone from the obligation to attend Sunday mass during restrictions, so please consider booking for ANY of the masses of the week. 

We ask that people consult the parish website, to keep up to date with any changes relating to masses.

Mass Booking page:

Or, if you have no access to a computer, please ring the parish office between 9am and 12 noon Mon-Friday. Ph: 5572 5433

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